Ashes city-state.

It is located to the west of the Valoran continent.

It was founded a hundred years ago, because it used to be a forest, and at some point there was a fire, which burned everything and turned the entire forest into ashes.

The city-state was built on ashes, hence the name Ashes City-State.

The city has a large population, with more than 300,000.

A hundred years of development, so that this city-state is ruled by nobles, although there are magicians and warriors, but under the deformed development, whether there is strength or not, there is only one dream.

Become a nobleman.

By becoming the nobles of the ashy city-state, they were able to become one of the high-ranking people in the city-state, have power, enjoy delicious soft bread, and sleep in the arms of soft beauties at night, enjoying all the good.

Another day has arrived.

Outside the city-state, in a large mountain mine.

A middle-aged miner is waving a hoe and sweating.

When noon came, a rough man came and brought him food, a kind of black bread made by pressing mixed with other things, very hard, not good in taste, with a peculiar smell, but very resistant to hunger. Other than that, it’s the worst beer.

Eating black bread and drinking beer, the strong man let out a hearty laugh. “When I have saved enough gold coins, Lao Tzu will go and buy a small aristocratic seat, live a good life, eat soft bread every day, drink delicious red wine, and play with those sexy.”

“Hahaha, old Jock, the cheapest nobleman costs a thousand gold coins, how long do you have to save to buy it.” The rough man next to him said with a smile.

“Hmph, I’m still young, and I can save enough after working hard for more than ten years at most.” Old Jock swore that although his hair was gray, he felt young.

The rough man next to him didn’t speak, so he ate quietly.

Because his dreams are the same as old Jock.

But he clearly knew that he was old, and under his dream, he set himself a goal, choose a mother-in-law, give birth to a big fat son, and then help his son become a nobleman.

Thinking of the mother-in-law he was thinking about, the rough man had a knowing smile on his face, as if he had thought of something happy, and his smile was sweet.

Eat and drink.

The two rough men continued to mine together.


Hoe after hoe waved, sweat spilled.



“What’s going on?”

Old Jock looked puzzled, and just now he seemed to have dug up something hard, which shook his hand, sour and numb.

“What kind of hard rock should be, dig and dig again.” The rough man next to him said.

Old Jock nodded and dug up again.

As the rough man said, it is a hard rock.

But when Old Jock dug up this rock, behind the rock, there was a deep purple, black swimming, inexplicable frightening crack.

“Ho ho~”

In the crack, the terrifying voice of an unknown creature sounded.

Old Jock and the rough man were so frightened that they took several steps back, and their faces turned pale.

“This, this should not dig into the devil’s lair, right?” The rough man said in horror.

“Demon? No, it won’t, right? ”

Old Jock was pale and his lips trembled.

“Yes, or let’s go and report to the guards first, right?” No matter what it is, it is what those noble lords should worry about. ”

“Yes, yes, let’s go quickly and report to the guards.”

The two rough men quickly grabbed their hoes and left the mine.

And shortly after they left.

In the cracks.

A hideous creature crawled out of it, covered in purple armor, looking like a python, but born with limbs, and in many places there were sharp spikes, exuding a cold glow.

Its cold eyes swam around in the mine, and finally, it crawled out of the crack completely and swam around in the mine.

And behind this monster, there is also a head of monster crawling out.

Soon after.

Old Jock and the rough man entered the mine with a few guards.


The harsh screams rang out, which suddenly alarmed the nearby miners and scared them into leaving in panic.

Day 2.

The city-state sent a team of warriors.

I want to find out what happened in the mine.

But in the end, only one warrior with a broken arm escaped, and when he returned, he had already fallen into madness, became a madman, and kept whispering monsters in his mouth.

Day 3.

Another team has arrived, and this time there are many powerful magicians in the team.

They entered the mine cave and found the void monsters in the cave, and only a few people escaped under the separation battle, and reported the situation clearly.

Just as they were trying to find a way to solve it, the void creatures took the initiative to leave the mine cave and attacked the city-state.



None of this can stop the claws of the void creatures.

Under the devouring of the void creatures, the entire city turned into a ruins in just half a month, and a large number of residents fled.

All this seems to be extremely normal.

Some miners dug through the nests of monsters in the mine, making people think that this was where the monsters lived.

The monsters break away from their nests and destroy the city, making people think it’s the monster’s revenge.

But no one will know that all this is just the manipulation of the Heavenly Dao.

In the eyes of Heavenly Dao, everything must appear natural and normal.

Ye Jun saw all this in his eyes.

He didn’t even need a void shot, and he could easily solve it himself.

But letting the Void Monster strike will make the fleeing people more aware of the importance of strength and the importance of progress.

Ye Jun’s gaze passed through the void and stared at Valoran.

He saw it.

After the Void Monsters left the city-state, a group of people greeted on the ruins after a long time.

It was one of the nobles of the city-state who had fled, and he had returned, seemingly reluctant to bear this homeland.

“We want to rebuild the Ashes city-state, those abominable monsters can’t stop us, this time, we have stronger power, and powerful magicians.”

“We can kill them or seal them.”

“Our roots are here, so we’re back here today.”

“Rebuild the city-state, gentlemen.”

The nobles seemed to have more strength, gained self-confidence, and returned here.

Ye Jun’s gaze was calm and he no longer paid attention.

It doesn’t matter what happens to the city-state, but if there is no progress.

One day, it will be destroyed again.

The previous chapter was a review vote plus change, and this chapter was a comment plus change.

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