And the academy explores the mission.

It is a task that every student who joins the school will do.

The goal of the mission is to find a new universe and report it to the school, which will be determined and rewarded.

Of course, the universe you find, the academy will not occupy, but will exchange resources with you for some life planets in the universe.

Ye Jun will also have exploration tasks, but they have not yet been released.

Knock knock.

The voice sounded.

Ye Jun opened his eyes and his voice was calm. “Come in.”

The door of the dormitory was pushed open, and slender silhouettes walked in.

It is slaves from the world of ‘One Piece’.

Compared with before, they don’t seem to have much panic and nervousness now.

Maybe it’s getting used to it, or maybe it’s knowing who you are and being extraordinary.

You know, in the past, they were ordinary people at most, but now, they have become Ye Jun’s servants.

And Ye Jun is the Dao of Heaven, even if it is just Ye Jun’s servant, in any world, they have a lofty status, they themselves also have freedom, can go back and forth in the universe of the Heavenly Dao civilization, after all, there are many life planets in the universe of the Heavenly Dao civilization, and there are many places to go, plus the ability of various formations and civilizations, it is also very convenient to go back and forth.

Here, in fact, there is not much difference from their previous world, but it is more magnificent and shocking.

Coupled with the fact that their mission is to serve Ye Jun, Ye Jun is not an existence that will kill innocents indiscriminately.

They also relaxed and were no longer afraid.

Even enjoying it all.

Whether it is food, scenery, etc., they dare not imagine before.

Not to mention, serving Ye Jun and becoming Ye Jun’s servant means that they will not die in the future, and their faces will not age.

Because the servants of the Heavenly Dao will almost only be more, not less.

As long as you follow the Heavenly Dao, in addition to being killed, then you will always follow the Heavenly Dao.

Because the Heavenly Dao can give them near-eternal life at will, depending on whether they are willing or unwilling.

Under such circumstances, they naturally would no longer worry and fear, but instead looked forward to being able to get the favor of Heavenly Dao.

“Master, I, Mr. One, asked us to ask you if you need to serve?”

The first woman asked with a slightly red face.

The Mr. One in her mouth is the mechanical puppet butler in the palace.

Ye Jun pondered for a moment, opened his eyes and looked, this girl, he had some impressions in his memory.

It seems to be a more familiar character in One Piece.

It seems to be called Ain.

Originally a disciple of former Admiral Zefa, but after Zefa’s death, he has been in the navy hunt, and finally was captured by Doflamingo, sacrificed to Murphy, and handed over to Ye Jun by Murphy.

Here, she has no ability to resist.

Even did not dare to resist at all.

In the original world, she still thinks of revenge.

But during this time here, she has become accustomed to a new life, at least she doesn’t have to worry about anything, she cares about anything, she just needs to live her own every day, and serve the master of the Heavenly Dao.

Ponder for a moment.

Ye Jun closed his eyes and said calmly. “Hmm.”

The voice fell.

A group of graceful women all blushed slightly and crawled towards Ye Jun.

The night is long.

On the planet of life, a new day has arrived.

Ye Jun opened his eyes calmly, and as soon as his mind moved, he disappeared in place.

Ain opened his eyes with a complicated face, but then he was relieved, and a blush flashed on his face.

“Master of the Heavenly Dao…”

“I didn’t expect that I would also become a woman who actively serves others.”

On the planet of life.

Ye Jun’s figure appeared in the universe, searching in his mind for the location of some things he wanted to buy, and after making sure, the figure disappeared again.

When he appeared, Ye Jun had already arrived on a living planet in the Heavenly Dao Universe.

This is a living planet that once inhabited the avenue, and now belongs to the territory of the avenue, but its own palace has been moved elsewhere and used here for commerce.

The commerce on the entire living planet belongs to that avenue.

Ye Jun came here to buy some suitable race life cards.

The Valoran universe is still too monotonous.

In the huge Valoran universe, there is only one life planet in Valoran.

He intends to create a few more.

But life, there is no need to create.

Just buy it directly.

Although the price is not low, it is actually more time-saving and cheaper than creating it yourself.

That is why Valoran is his first life planet, Ye Jun will take the initiative to create life by himself.

Stepping into a mechanical building like a Ferris wheel, he was greeted by a pseudo-heavenly Dao woman, and the woman’s voice said respectfully. “Lord Tiandao, welcome to your arrival, I wonder what you want to buy?”

“Ten million units of orc life hybrid card.”

“Ten million units of mermaid life hybrid card.”

“There are also 10 million units of Terran life cards.”

“Finally, three civilization inheritance cards that match the three races are required.”

The woman nodded respectfully and asked. “I wonder what kind of civilization inheritance card you need?”

“The most basic, you can.”

Ye Jun replied.

Too advanced, he can’t afford it.

For example, the kind that can cultivate to become a saint, without hundreds of millions of origin points, can not be obtained, basically only some supreme heavenly paths, or avenues can afford.

After understanding Ye Jun’s needs, the woman quickly brought what Ye Jun needed.

At the same time, the price was quoted.

“Sincerity, a total of twelve million rules are needed.”


The corner of Ye Jun’s mouth twitched slightly, shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, a large amount of the power of the rules of the Heavenly Dao suddenly floated out and entered a card in the woman’s hand.

After shopping, Ye Jun immediately came to the Valoran universe.

At present, there are two planets that can accommodate life in the entire Valoran universe.

One is Valoran.

One was created by Ye Jun before, and there are some living cells on it that are slowly evolving.

Ye Jun’s mind moved.

In the universe, three new life planets were created.

One full of sea and islands.

Two are mostly terrestrial.

Then, Ye Jun waved his hand again.

Three cards emerged, floated towards the three planets, turned into a large number of life, and appeared on their respective planets.

Orc cards, which contain a variety of orcs, including dog-headed orcs, elephant orcs, rat orcs, and rarer dragon orcs.

Mermaid cards, which are also full of mermaids.

Terran cards are all human.

Civilization cards also flew away one by one, turning into basic civilization information and pouring into the mind of every life.

“Reproduce to your heart’s content, in the future, these three planets will serve as the source of faith for the gods under my command.”

Ye Jun said in his heart.

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