Qianjun Palace.

Ye Jun returned and came to the main hall.

Not long after, the maids in the hall immediately took action, preparing a large amount of fine wine and food for Ye Jun, and then stood in two rows, ready to serve Ye Jun at any time.

Sitting on the throne, Ye Jun took an unknown fruit from an unknown civilization and took a bite, it tasted good, but nothing more.

“Within my Heavenly Dao Universe, I can assimilate another Yun Chao World, not to assimilate into a part of Valoran, but to make it one of the worlds within the Heavenly Dao Universe.”

Ye Jun murmured in his heart.

The Yun Dynasty belongs to a special civilization.

In general, there is only one force in this civilization, and that is the dynastic state.

And there is only one country.

Because in this way, we can bear the fortune of the world and become the fortune of the dynasty.

One of the best things about this civilization for Ye Jun is that when it starts a world war, it can have very terrifying power.

So Ye Jun intends to cultivate a Yun dynasty, and now, there is also a very good goal, that is, Qin Shi Huang.

However, he didn’t know which one this Qin Shi Huang was.

After all, the heavens and realms, the title of Qin Shi Huang is not unique, but there are many.

But soon.

The administrator in the skirt was to solve Ye Jun’s confusion.

[Only administrator]: “If my guess is correct, the oldest king should be Gilgamesh, right?” The oldest hero king, and judging by the word treasure you just said, you should be from the world of ‘Fate’. ”

[Only administrator]: “Imperial General, you should be Estes from the world of ‘Crimson Eyes’, the strongest female general of the empire.” ”

[Only administrator]: “As for the First Emperor, cough, I don’t know if the First Emperor knows the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?” ”

[First Emperor]: “The leader of the Yin-Yang family? Naturally, I know. ”

[The only administrator]: “Then I probably know where you come from, not surprisingly, it is Qin Shimingyue World.” ”

“Ding! The sole administrator uploaded a memory copy of ‘Fate’. ”

“Ding! The sole administrator uploaded a memory copy of ‘Crimson Eyes’. ”

‘Ding! The only administrator uploaded a memory copy of ‘Qin Shi Mingyue’. ’

[I really don’t know Hideri Kashiwagi]: “I can follow the drama again, it’s really a happy day, hee-hee, downloaded.” ”

[The Oldest King]: “What is this?” ”

[Sole administrator]: “You can understand it as the future of the world you live in. ”

[Imperial General]: “The future? ”

Ye Jun touched his chin, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he thought in his heart.

The first emperor of the ‘Qin Shi Mingyue’ world surprised him a little, in fact, he thought it was the one in history.

But that’s fine.

Qin Shi Mingyue World originally had a foundation in martial arts, if it was cultivated as a Yun Dynasty, it would not take too much time, not to mention that the Qin Kingdom already had the foundation to become a Yun Dynasty, but it was a poor method.

“The First Emperor…”

Ye Jun’s eyes flickered, and he already had a plan in his heart.

In the arms, a soft touch came.

Ain entered Ye Jun’s arms and asked with a blushing face. “Sir, do you need me to pour wine for you?”

Seeing this, Ye Jun smiled. “Well, pour it full.”

After that, he just put his arm around Ain’s delicate body and enjoyed it.

Even if he was interested in Qin Guo, he would not take the initiative to look for the other party, because he was sure that the other party would come to find him on his own initiative.

Whether it is the first emperor in history or the ‘Qin Shi Ming Yue’, they will eventually seek immortality, and in the entire chat skirt, the only one who can help the other party achieve this goal is himself.

Qin Shi Ming Yue World.

Ying Zheng had been waiting quietly in the study.

“Lord, the national master has arrived.”

A feminine voice sounded, and the one who spoke was a feminine-looking man with long burgundy hair and an official uniform who had been standing in the shadows behind Ying Zheng.

He was Zhao Gao, the existence in charge of Luo Net, and the most loyal servant of the First Emperor.

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Zhao Gao immediately left the study.

Not long after, Zhao Gao returned, followed by two robed women, with a special temperament and extremely eye-catching.

One of the women was noble and cold, with long purple hair, a strand of hair hanging from each side after coiling, and a sky-blue crystal hairpin hair ornament on her forehead, embellished with silver branches and leaves carved and embellished with silver beads.

The woman wore a navy blue wide-sleeved long skirt and walked slowly.

This woman is the national master of the Qin State and the moon god of the Yin-Yang family.

The status in the Yin-Yang family is exalted.

Next to him is a woman in a dark blue long skirt, with long hair and low bunches, pinned a hairpin, and dark blue gemstone jewelry, and the skirt is even more showing off a three-legged golden crow, which is very noble.

The woman is the Dongjun of the Yin and Yang family, and her status is even higher than that of the moon god.

If Ye Jun was here, he might be surprised, because after all, according to the plot, Dongjun had already betrayed the Yin-Yang family, but this was not the case in this real world.

Even the plot in many aspects has changed.

Of course, Ye Jun was just surprised when he knew.

There are no other emotions.

After all, the world where the members who joined the Heavens Chat Dress are in fact has mostly changed the plot.

It seems that Ying Lili is no longer interested in Lun.

Doflamingo or something, there is no need to say more.

“Luna / Dongjun, I have seen the king.”

Dongjun bent slightly and bowed his head. “I don’t know why the king called me to wait?”

Ying Zheng’s eyes were calm, and he slowly turned to look at the two, even though Ying Zheng’s strength was low, whether it was Dongjun or the Moon God, they both lowered their heads and felt a great majesty.

“The yin-yang family is good at yin-yang art, knows astrology, can observe the stars, and can divinate fate.”

Ying Zheng said calmly. “Now I want to know if the fate of my Qin Kingdom can change now? Can the fate of Xun change? ”


The moon god froze and lowered his head. “King, there has indeed been a change.”

Ying Zheng’s gaze was indifferent. “Say.”

Luna hesitated a little, but in the end, he slowly spoke.

“Daqin, it seems that all eternal lives will endure?!”

There was a hint of disbelief in her tone.

However, when he heard these words, Ying Zheng’s eyes were shining.

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