“King, you should probably tell me what’s going on.”

In the study.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Ying Zheng in front of him and couldn’t help but ask.

He led the Yin-Yang family to join the Great Qin, which is different from before, before the Yin-Yang family could only be an ally of the Qin State, but now, it is equivalent to the courtiers of the Qin State, the courtiers of the Zhengzheng.

What he did was not the so-called power of the Qin State.

It’s power.


and the supreme avenue he has always pursued.

The terrifying figure at that moment just now was still in Donghuang Taiyi’s mind all the time, and he couldn’t and didn’t dare to imagine what kind of existence it was.

Just that eye.

He didn’t dare to look.

At that time, even his body, no, even his soul was trembling.

Huan Zheng picked up the teacup and took a sip, today he was in a good mood, and he always had a faint smile on his face.

Looking at Donghuang Taiyi, Ying Zheng had no idea of hiding it, and said directly. “That’s a Heavenly Dao.”

“Heavenly Dao?” 12

Hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi’s eyes widened and he showed a shocked look.

The Yin-Yang family broke away from Taoism, the sword went sideways, and pursued the limits of heaven and man, and naturally knew very well what the word Heavenly Dao meant.

After all, this word originally existed in this period.

Donghuang Taiyi’s tone trembled slightly. “Is it claiming to be the Dao of Heaven, or…”

“He is the way of heaven.”

Ying Zheng said indifferently.


Donghuang Taiyi suddenly realized, and the expression in his heart was inevitably excited at this moment.

“The world has its own rules, which are for the way of heaven.”

“The way of heaven represents the rules.”

Donghuang Taiyi muttered, and then the essence in his eyes flickered, and he asked in a deep voice. “King, what can I get? Yin-Yang family, what can be obtained. ”

He was very willing to join the Qin Kingdom, but he also wanted to know what he could get after joining the Qin Kingdom.

Ying Zheng was not surprised by this question, and slowly spoke. “The Qin Kingdom will soon become a Yun Dynasty, and once it becomes a Yun Dynasty, Great Qin can prepare to conquer the heavens and realms, and you should know what this means.”

“And once the Qin Kingdom becomes the Yun Dynasty, you, as an official of the Qin State, will enjoy the Qin Kingdom’s Qi Luck protection, and it will be much easier to cultivate, and the limit of heaven and man will be easy, and even be able to transcend the limit.”


Donghuangtai was stunned, and the excitement in his eyes reappeared.

Ying Zheng raised a faint smile on his face and said. “How about this?”

“I see.”

Donghuang Taiyi threw up his hands and said in a deep voice. In the future, the Yin-Yang family will honor the king and be sent at his disposal. Hey

“Hehe, there just has a task for you

“The king please command Fang Xing

Huan Zheng laughed lightly, his eyes flickered, and said. “All the sons and sons of the family should return to Daqin.”

In a word, Donghuang Taiyi already understood the idea of Yingzheng.

He immediately nodded and signaled his understanding.

Not long after, Donghuang Taiyi left.

On this day, countless undead spirits in the territory of the Qin Kingdom were revived, and they were reborn, gathering in Xianyang to wait for the dispatch of the Zhengzheng.

Among them is the Killing God Baiqi included.

On this day, on the land of China, the news that the gods favored the Qin Kingdom soon swept the whole world.

No one questioned it, because people all over the world saw the terrifying figure, and no one doubted that the terrifying breath, the soul was trembling, and no one dared to doubt it.

“Qin Kingdom…”

“Is it really Heavenly Destiny in Qin?”

“Abominable, unwilling.”

“It seems that the Qin Kingdom is really going to be unified, forget it, pack up your things and go to the Qin Kingdom.”

The remnants of the six countries have their own feelings.

Some of them simply decided to go directly to the Qin Kingdom.

And the sons and daughters and so on…

Slime World.

At this time.

Ye Jun is still in the Great Forest of Jiula.

The gaze is constantly sweeping back and forth around the world.


The space in front of you trembles.

A crack emerged.

Immediately afterwards, a figure emerged.

It’s a genki.

The figure was illusory, and then condensed, turning into an entity, and you could see that it was a woman with long black hair, wearing a long black skirt, and a Xuanjiao pattern.

And this is the body of Qin Guo’s luck now.

Also a genki.

It was forcibly transformed by Ye Jun with the Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Qin Shi Mingyue World, and injected a trace of his own origin power, raising it to the realm of gods.

After all, Qin Shimingyue World’s Heavenly Dao consciousness was not very powerful, and it was easy for Ye Jun to transform into a protector of the country.

Although this made Ye Jun lose a Heavenly Dao consciousness, in the long run, as long as the Qin Kingdom developed well, it would be able to bring more Heavenly Dao consciousness to Ye Jun in the future.

Not to mention, the Xuan Bird’s body was implanted with Ye Jun’s Heavenly Dao Mark, and she couldn’t betray Ye Jun at all, that is, Ye Jun with a thought, she would obediently climb into Ye Jun’s mouth and be swallowed by Ye Jun. It can also be a thought to let it destroy itself, which will lead to the collapse of the Qin Kingdom.

The current state of the Xuan Bird is luck and a god.

Somewhere in between.

This allowed her to always shelter the Daqin Empire and always know every corner of the Daqin Empire.

But at the same time, she is not a 500 real Qin Guo Qi luck, strictly speaking, she is Qin Shi Mingyue World’s Qi Luck, but she is connected with Qin Guo Qi Luck.

Qin State extinguished, she extinguished.

There is still a difference between the two.

The luck of the Qin State will be fused into the body of Ying Zheng in the future and be mastered by Ying Zheng.

And she, just connected with the Qin Kingdom’s qi luck, did not need this.

At this time.

Xuan Bird stepped out of the crack, faced Ye Jun and knelt on one knee, respectfully. “Master, Ying Zheng wants to repay your gift.”


Ye Jun opened his eyes with interest and asked. “So?”

“He doesn’t know what you’re interested in, let me ask.”


Ye Jun waved his hand.

Another crack emerged.

Murphy’s figure appeared.


Murphy said respectfully.

Ye Jun slowly spoke. “Xuan Bird, come from a world, discuss it for yourselves and see if there is anything that interests you or what your god country lacks.”

As for him, he didn’t have any ideas.

In Qin Shimingyue, there was nothing worth his interest in.

Even if it is the origin of the world.

Because the origin of the Qin Shi Bright Moon World was of no use to Ye Jun except to expand the area of Valoran. _

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