(ps: Chapter 74 found an editor, although it has not been reviewed, but I can read it, but you should know that I really didn’t write anything, and I don’t know why it was banned.) )

Hard shell tower.

It’s a huge building.

Neptune came to the outside of the monocoque tower, asked the guards to open the door and walked in, then closed the door of the hard-shell tower and looked inside.

The arrangement is very warm and cute, in the huge building there is a huge soft bed, and on the bed, a huge female mermaid lies asleep on it, the mermaid has a cute pink long hair and pink tail, the face is innocent and cute, people can’t afford to blasphemy.

This is the white star.

The princess of Mermaid Island is huge and can be called a small giant.

As the princess of Mermaid Island, because she was targeted by Van der Deiken IX since she was a child, she has been staying in the hard shell tower and has never left, so her heart is very simple and kind, and there is no problem in describing it as naïve. But it is such an innocent mermaid princess who inherits the ability of the sea king and is the king of all sea kings.

In this world full of seas, there are an unknown number of sea kings on the seabed.

Among them, the largest is even more than five kilometers, as huge as an island, and this sea 527 king is not many in the deep sea.

Unfortunately, the girl did not realize her ability.

You must know that the status of Fishman Island in the world is very low, if the girl masters her own ability and is in the deep sea, almost even the world government has nothing to do.

Looking at his daughter, a gentle look flashed in Neptune ‘s eyes, and he immediately called softly. “White star, white star.”


“Father… What are you doing here? ”

Bai Xing opened his confused eyes and rubbed them, and asked curiously.

“Bai Xing, Father came this time to discuss something with you.”

Neptune said with some hesitation.

“What’s going on?”


Neptune was a little entangled for a while, and it was difficult to speak, after all, he was sending his daughter out, and as a father, it was difficult for him to speak.

But thinking of the people of Fishman Island, Neptune had to speak in his heart.

“Van der Dekken IX is dead, you can leave the monocoque tower later.”


Hearing this, Bai Xing’s face showed a happy look.


Neptune nodded ?? Head, after exhaling deeply, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he still spoke. “But… Charlotte Lingling is coming to take you away, saying that she is offering you to the gods, otherwise she will destroy Fishman Island, you… Would you like to? Don’t worry if you don’t want to, your father will send you away. “Water” deities? @

Bai Xing asked innocently. “Are there really gods? If it’s a god, it doesn’t matter if the white star is, the god must be a good person, right? Many books say that the gods are very kind.” Kind? “Whoops

Neptune muttered, he didn’t think so, if the gods were kind, he wouldn’t choose a pirate like Charlotte Lingling as a believer.

However, looking at the real expression of his girl, he still did not say it.

In fact, he hopes that Bai Xing will reject him, so that he can also do what a father should do to protect his daughter.

It’s a pity that White Star didn’t.


After taking another deep breath, Neptune made a decision, a painful look flashing in his eyes, and said. “In that case, then Bai Xing, you come with me.”


Bai Xing nodded happily, already looking forward to the outside.


White Star left the Monocoque Tower with Neptune and came to the port of Fishman Island.

As soon as he saw the huge Charlotte Lingling, the violent breath made Bai Xing shrink his neck and show a scared look.

As if sensing this, Charlotte Lingling couldn’t help but grin, barely showing a self-righteous expression, and laughed. “It’s worthy of being a mermaid princess, really beautiful, hahahahaha, my god will definitely like it, as long as my god loves it, then Neptune you don’t have to worry about the problem of Fishman Island in the future, with the protection of the gods, Fishman Island will no longer be dangerous.”

“I hope so.”

Neptune showed a bitter expression on his face, hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the white star to Charlotte Lingling.

Grabbing Bai Xing’s hand, Charlotte grinned. “Hahaha, don’t worry, the people under the old lady will come to garrison Fishman Island next.”

Saying that, Charlotte Lingling turned around directly, pulled Bai Xing and left Fishman Island and headed towards the New World.

Bai Xing looked at a loss.

It seems that he didn’t understand what happened, and he could only be taken away by Charlotte Lingling…

New world.


It seems calm, but it is a harbinger of the storm.

Blackbeard died, causing an uproar in the New World, because no one expected that Blackbeard would die in his base camp not long after becoming the Four Emperors.

I can’t help but die myself, not even a single member of my own crew is alive, all died there.

This made many pirates in the New World tremble, who had such fearful strength to let a Four Emperors die in their own base camp?

After all, it was the base camp of an emperor.

And at the same time.

On some island in the New World.

A group of people gathered here.

If there are some pirates here, I’m afraid they will be scared stupid in an instant, right?

Because none of these people are ordinary existences, almost everyone is a person with great fame and strength on the sea.

One is draped in a cloak and has a weird tattoo on his face.

One had red hair, wore a black cape, and looked solemn.

A man with white hair and glasses, looks old, but the breath he emits is terrifying.

Of the three, one is the leader of the revolutionaries, Monchi D-Dragon, father of the Straw Hat Kid.

One is one of the Four Emperors of the New World, the red-haired Shanks, the one who will lead Luffy to the path of the sea thief.

One is Hades Rayleigh, once the deputy captain of One Piece Roger, a powerful man and the master of Straw Hat Kid.

It’s just that not long after becoming a master, he was forcibly taken away by Kaido.

The three gathered here, as if waiting for something.

Not often.

The three men turned their heads and looked in one direction.

There a small boat slowly approached.

Behind the small boat, there was also a large ship.

On the small boat, there is a man with a huge black knife on his back, Hawkeye, the world’s strongest swordsman, the master of Solon, a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, but not long after becoming Solon’s master, he was forcibly taken away by someone.

On the big ship behind him, Karp, a naval hero, stood at the bow of the ship with his hands on his shoulders, his expression solemn, but exuding unparalleled pressure. _

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