Ye Jun’s gaze swept over the assimilated Valoran world.

Finally, the corners of his mouth hooked, shook his head, and said. “Go back.”

Next, just wait quietly for the development of the Valoran world.


Murphy nodded respectfully, and the two figures slowly disappeared into this unknown universe.

Qianjun Palace.

With the return of the two.

Ye Jun also had no idea of continuing to stay on Blue Star.

It’s time for him to explore the endless multiverse and see if he can discover new worlds.

After all, it was also an experience, and although with a chat dress, he could know the location of many worlds, but he was also able to explore them occasionally.

After all, you may be able to discover a powerful world.

Murphy, on the other hand, reported to Ye Jun and left, preparing for promotion to the Supreme God.

shook his head.

Ye Jun sat cross-legged, although he was ready to explore the endless multiverse, but before that, he planned to improve his strength first.

At the very least, elevate yourself to two and three forges.

Thinking of this, Ye Jun sat cross-legged, did not hesitate, and immediately cultivated.

The obscure breath suddenly floated and swept away.

A sleep in the palace.

A robot is teaching Nami and Robin.

“This is the Qianjun Palace, the Great Heavenly Dao, Lord Ye Jun’s palace.”

“This planet also belongs to the territory of Lord Heavenly Dao.”

“You are here, you can rest, enjoy, and practice.”

“There are several areas in the palace, there is a cultivation area, there is a resource area, and there is a library area.”

“The cultivation area is an area that can speed up your cultivation, there are some resources in the resource area that are of no use to Lord Ye Jun, but treasures for you, the library area has cultivation books from the lower world and even civilizations and introduction books from major civilizations, and you can move freely.”

“Every three days, you will rotate and rest for a day, and during this day, you can go to other planets through the Star Bridge, and Qianjun Palace will issue a certain amount of star coins.”

“However, your most important purpose here is to serve Lord Heavenly Dao.”

“No matter what Lord Heavenly Dao wants you to do, you will do, even if you are made to strip naked and dance and serve, you cannot refuse, because it is your honor.”

“In countless civilizations, I don’t know how many women want to serve Lord Heavenly Dao without qualifications, you must feel fortunate and grateful.”

, because the Lord of Heavenly Dao who served is satisfied, and may be in a good mood to grant you eternal life, do not doubt it, because this is a very easy thing for Lord Heavenly Dao. ”

“This is the rule of Qianjun Palace, next, you need to learn etiquette with me, please be serious, otherwise you will be punished, and please choose your favorite maid to serve.”

The cyborg carefully teaches Nami and Robin the rules.

The two girls also listened carefully.

Because of this, they can survive.

But at this time.

A terrifying aura suddenly swept through the entire palace.

The two girls’ faces turned slightly pale, and they couldn’t help but turn their heads to look in the direction of the source of the breath, a little confused.

The mechanical puppet said in an icy tone. “This is Lord Heavenly Dao cultivating, please don’t worry, there will be no danger in the Qianjun Palace, and there will be no enemies, please change your clothes as soon as possible and follow me to learn etiquette.”



Nami and Robin looked at each other, and finally nodded helplessly and quickly changed their clothes.


“Two forging, the distance from three forging, it’s still a little worse.”

Ye Jun muttered, his eyes flickering.

Originally, in his opinion, his Origin Power should have been enough for three forges, but it was not enough, and it was still worse.

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Jun felt the feedback of the Heavenly Dao Universe on himself, but he couldn’t help but hook the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly. “Not bad, with the feedback of the Valoran universe now, in just one month at the latest, I can get a million origin power.”

Of course, this month is not as short as expected.

One month of the Heavenly Dao civilization, converted into the time of other worlds, can be said to be hundreds of years, if it is a weak world, tens of thousands of years are possible.

Even in the Heavenly Dao Civilization, a month is a bit long.

shook his head.

Ye Jun stood up, stepped out, and the figure disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the Cosmic Gate.

Different from the previous few times using the Cosmic Gate.

Several times before, Ye Jun had coordinates, so he only needed to enter the coordinates to be able to be teleported to the corresponding place by the Cosmic Gate.

But this time Ye Jun did not have coordinates, but planned to explore the endless multiverse, this time using the Cosmic Gate, no need to enter coordinates.

As long as you step directly into it, then the Cosmic Gate will teleport Ye Jun to the farthest universe currently explored by the Heavenly Dao Civilization.

After taking a deep breath.

Ye Jun stepped into the gate of the universe.

The line of sight in front of you is constantly changing.

It is like a vast starry sky, and it is like a bottomless black hole vortex.

A moment later.

The surrounding scene finally changed.

Ye Jun has come to a new universe.

The mind moved.

The situation of the entire universe appeared in Ye Jun’s mind.

It is a barren universe without any civilization.

In this regard, Ye Jun was not disappointed, because he was very positive (Wang Zhao) Chang.

Not every universe will have civilizations and worlds, it all depends on luck, this barren universe is very numerous in the endless multiverse.

It’s endless and no problem.

Shaking his head, Ye Jun waved his right hand, cut a crack, and stepped into it.

On the other side of the rift is another cosmic hunger adjacent to this universe.

When Ye Jun arrived, his gaze swept over.

It’s still a barren universe.

Without wasting time, Ye Jun once again traveled to another adjacent universe.

In one universe after another, look for it.

This is an extremely boring thing.

But it is something that every Heavenly Dao will do.

Because only in this boring journey can it be possible to discover new worlds.


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