Boyahan Cook.


Light Moon Day and.

It can be said that in addition to Yamato, plus the white star currently in the deep sea world, almost all of the three beauties of the One Piece world were presented to his eyes in this way, making Ye Jun couldn’t help shaking his head and secretly laughing. Although he was very interested in these women before the crossing, now, to be honest, it cannot be said that he is not interested, but it is not so big.

“If the master needs it, they will henceforth be the servants of the master, and in this sacrifice, they are the women Murphy thinks are the best, and they can be the servants of the master.”

Murphy said respectfully.

After all, she also chose it herself.

As for why offer servants to the master?

It’s simple.

Now although she is also one of the master’s servants, but she is different from other servants, she has the qualifications to become a heavenly dao, and when she becomes a heavenly dao, she is qualified to become the master’s partner, and once she becomes the master’s partner, aren’t these servants also her servants? And you can also let these servants 25 inquire about the master’s hobbies for themselves in advance, and when the time comes, when they become the master’s partner, can’t they be directly appropriated?

Murphy thought in his heart, inexplicably there were some small expectations.


Ye Jun nodded, but did not refuse, but slowly spoke, and said. “Over there in the Valoran world, you can’t meddle, let your followers develop freely.”


Murphy nodded, there was no objection, she knew this very well.

After all, that is the master’s original world.

But now her followers are enough, at least until she reaches the Supreme God level.

And when he reaches the Supreme God level and is promoted to the Heavenly Dao, he can completely find a new world and provide himself with a believer, without having to trouble the master.

“Well, go down.”

Ye Jun waved his hand, without saying any more thoughts.

Murphy nodded respectfully, got up and turned away, and when he stepped out, the figure disappeared.


Ye Jun’s gaze fell on the three women below.

Of the three women, two had their heads bowed.

It is Hancock and Higetsu Hiyo.

Yamato, however, was staring at himself without fear at the moment, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

Ye Jun said amusedly. “What are you looking at?”

“Look at you.”

Yamato opened his mouth and said. “Are you God”. No.. I guess too. ”

Yamato can’t see Ye Jun’s true face, but he doesn’t know why, he always feels that his face is very attractive, compared to the light moon imperial power in his impression.” Can you send me back? Yamato asked.

Ye Jun shook his head, and with a move with his right hand, before Yamato could react, he appeared in Ye Jun’s arms.

Raising his hand, Ye Jun grabbed the two horns on Yamato’s forehead and said indifferently. “From the moment you step into this palace, you are my possession, understand? For the rest of your life, you need to be based on me. ”

“But, but I want to go on an adventure…”

Yamato twisted his body and whispered a little uncomfortably.

“Adventure?” Ye Jun shook his head. “Outside this palace is a world, a new world for you, although it is not too dangerous, but occasionally you can also go around, it is also an adventure for you, but now, you can do your duty as a servant.”

“Servant obligation?”

Yamato’s face showed a puzzled look.


The corners of Ye Jun’s mouth raised, gently provoked Yamato’s delicate chin, the clothes from the country of peace on his body faded, under Ye Jun’s gaze, Yamato seemed to be a little uneasy, wanting to resist, but felt a coercive pressure fall on his body, unable to move, can only subconsciously tremble.


Soon, Yamato’s mind suddenly went blank.

The next moment.

The figures of the two disappeared directly into the hall.

Not often.

A puppet robot came over, looked at the two women of Han Cook who were kneeling on the ground, and said coldly. “You two please come with me, you can understand me as the steward of this palace, and I will take you to learn the etiquette you should master.”

The two women heard this.

Biting his lip, he got up and followed the butler away.

And in Ye Jun’s dormitory.

It was a battle launched from the suppression of the Heavenly Dao.

It’s just that Yamato seems to have turned into a brave person at this moment, but she is not facing an evil dragon, but a heavenly dao, even if she fights to the death, sweat like rain, and finally loses, without any possibility of victory.


Hokage World.

In the middle of the mountains.

Datumu Kaguya opened his eyes from the temple, looked at the black in front of him, and said calmly. “Hei Jue, I need more manpower.”

“You mean?”

A puzzled look appeared in Hei Jue’s eyes.

“My descendants.”

Datuki Kaguya said calmly.

Although the Six Dao Immortals and even Hei Jue are the product of her will, but also because of this, the descendants of the Six Dao Immortals can also be regarded as her descendants.

“Your descendants… Yu 277 wave and … Is the Hyuga family? Hei Jue’s face suddenly showed a sudden look, but soon, his expression became embarrassed. The master, the Uchiha clan in Konoha, only one seedling that has not yet grown up, and the Hinata clan, I’m afraid it’s not so easy…”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Datuki Kaguya shook his head and looked indifferent.

She had learned about the entire ninja world from Kuro before, and she also knew some of the information of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha’s seedlings were not mentioned, and the Hyuga clan was not so easy to defect from Konoha.

“The seedlings of the Uchiha clan, bring it, should become my disciples, although they have not grown, but I can let them grow.”

“As for the Hyuga clan…”

The third eye on Kaguya’s forehead bloomed and fell on Hei Jue’s body.

The crazy consumption of divine power.

When the light dissipated.

In Hei Jue’s eyes, a new pair of pupils had already emerged.

It was a pair of purple rays, like sunspot-like pupils.

This is… Reincarnation Eye!

The ultimate evolution of the white eye.

“With these eyes, I think you should be able to bring the white-eyed family to me.”

Datuki Kaguya said calmly. _

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