Heavenly Dao Child
23 ORIGINS Part 2
Celestia cleared her throat loudly, bringing everyone's attention to her, she took a deep breath then she began, "Everyone please come down, bringing back the memories of his past life is not possible, as you Ryuu,,,"
She was again cut off but this time by Veena, why is it not possible there has been many reincarnated cultivator who had their memory intact so why is it impossible for Ryuu to remember his past life as Pangu, I do not understand, is it because he took reincarnations many time before he was born as Ryuu, you do not have to worry, we will pull every scrap of our knowledge I believe we will surely make him remember us."
At that almost everyone agreed but there joy was shattered like glass, with a utterance of a single sentence, "Pangu never reincarnated as Ryuu.", Celestia stated calmly.
Shamiran: "Mama Celestia that joke was distasteful."
Celestia: "I am not joking the only connection Ryuu has with Pangu is that they both have the same Divine body, nothing more nothing less. Ryuu is not Pangu's reincarnation."
Everyone was shocked silent at that, only to be broken by an enraged shout from Nuwa, "CELESTIA! How dare you utter such thing, we refuse to believe such nonsense."
Maheswara, "Celestia please have you checkedthe results with absolute care."
Celetia: "I triple checked the result hell I penta checked it, but all pointed to the fact that Ryuu is not Pangu. I believe the Divine body of his may carry some of the memories of previous weilder."
Maheswara let out a sigh full of pain, "That day my boy's soul was disintegrated completely, when I met Ryuu I thought maybe, maybe he came back but now ….."
Nuwa broke down where she stood, she fell on her knees a she cried out remembering the day her child passed away, how her hope of seeing her child was not to be.
Maheswara stood from his chair went and embraced Nuwa, who kept on crying on his shoulders, tears began to form in his eyes. The rest of the people also started crying, even if they knew deep down in their heart that Pangu was truly gone but Ryuu's arrival ignited the hope their hope of seeing their family, but now it was brutally crushed.
Antariskh: "What should we do about Ryuu?"
Maheswara: "What is there to do about him just treat him like you should, after all we accepted him as our disciple, that makes him your brother, so treat him as such. Please everyone leave me with Nuwa alone for the time being."
Everyone nodded and left the grief stricken mother and father alone.
Veena as she tried to wipe out the tears on her face, "Girls I have given Ryuu a few days off, when you fill well you may go and visit him, the operation might leave him a bit traumatized and may be afraid of us, so we have to ease his mind a little."
Everyone nodded at that, that day when they arrived at their dining room for dinner, everyone was sad, hence in order to divert their mood Antariskh asked Celestia,"Mama Celestia, what was Ryuu's previous life like."
That brought everyone's attention, as they all wanted to know what kind of person he was in his previous life, after seeing such huge positive karmic value that he possessed he must have done something great.
Celestia smiled at Antariskh thinking, 'clever girl trying to dispel this gloomy atmosphere, good girl', "Well how should I say it, the best way is that", replied Celestia giving a mysterious feeling as everyone was wondering what she would say, "A very big Fool", at that many face faulted.
Nuwa for the first time spoke,:"Fool", her voice seemed hoarse and broken from crying so much, it caused a pang of guilty rise in Celestia's heart, she thought, 'maybe I.. I should have lied, and left it at that, but I might have caused great harm to Ryuu, damn, I hate myself', she forced a smile on her face before replying,"Ryuu's previous life he was born as a second son to a very wealthy business man, as his older brother was the heir, he was short of like a backup to them in case something happened to his older brother, otherwise just a bargaining cheap to increase his wealth and influence. To his parents he was unappreciated, underachiever, and a leech would wasted their wealth, no matter how much he tried no matter how hard he tried he was always the eyesore them, where as his brother 4 years older than him was a complete jackass, calling him scum could be understatement, power hungry, money hungry, arrogant, idiotic, rapist who used his father's and mother's name, influence and money to even breath, they over pampered, where as he should be punished, since when he was younger he thought his brother to be his slave, and every wrong he did his brother was his scapegoat. As years went by it grew worse and worse the only solace was his uncle and aunt who saved him from the torment, they were his family, his cousin was more of his brother than his own blood brother ever was. His world was of lower realm of existence, where people cannot use ki and as such are weak. But, they tried to cover their weakness through the help of what the call science."
Celestia took a sip of the wine from the dining table,"Nice wine."
Veena smiled at her, "Thank you for the complement sister."
Celestia: "Ryuu, grew up to be a nice man, a leader to be precise, he could naturally charm anyone and no matter how corrupted a person may be he could get him back to light, but he made a big mistake, he still cared for his bastard family, still tried for their affection, as he grew he became a very famous scientist, his parents tried their best to exploit but his uncle put a stop to it, he always believed everyone should get a second chance, even after his own family tried to kill because he was useless to them, as he was out of their hands owing to his uncle and aunt, the best the assassin one of the most wanted criminal in love with him and later got married. The mongrel of a father and harlot of mother one day came up with a few people a method to increase much greater wealth and influence, they created a very deadly virus, then conveniently it landed on some terrorist's hands, they planned to let the virus run rampant before selling the cure at sky high price, but they underestimated the so called 'illiterate plebeians', as he re-engineered those virus to the point that cure would aggravate the virus. It was so hilarious to watch, instead of 60% mortality rate it rose to 100% as well as incubation period was reduced to a third, everyone was outraged, billions died, world became total anarchy, then like a hero Ryuu created an antidote and gave it away for nothing, he saving the peoples life and began regarded as hero. The piglet of a brother whined to his parents how Ryuu got famous, who were also frustrated and angry at how Ryuu took away their rightful honor and place in history. The conspired with the president of his country, who was afraid at Ryuu's popularity, the people began calling him messiah, he feared he would lose his position. Ryuu got arrested in a trumped up charge, and in a faux mockery of a court, the proved him to be the one who created the virus, and was sentenced to death. His beloved wife did not give up, she fought and bled, and proved his innocence, but was to let to save him, he was murdered in prison by the warden and his guards."
Sylvana:"Poor Ryuu, those mongrel how dare they do it."
Celestia laughed at that, "Oh I too was pissed at that I personally took a peak at that world with a plan for taking revenge for Ryuu, but his wife beat me to it, she caused the biggest revolution in the entire world, all those politicians and people involved in his death including his so called parents, were caught, most of the people and their family members got lynched, but those few who devised the plan were kept alive and now spending the rest of their days as lab rat in some remote corner of their world. Though they became famous, as bogey man and the most notorious villain in their world history, as Ryuu was heralded as the greatest hero, he was survived by his wife and two children, whom Ryuu never saw as he was taken into custody and killed before their birth. His wife never married again and later committed suicide owing to depression, but not before raising their children into great people like their father, who loves helping people around. "
Maheswara smiled at the story, "I hope our apprentice can be as great as he was in his previous life."
Celestia: "Ryuu has taken multiple births before and each had a few things in common, he is kind, selfless, a natural born charismatic leader, and always like a messiah to his people. I hope he becomes the same as his previous birth."
Everyone smiled at that, except Nuwa who frowned, "No we will never let him become like that", she declared.
Everyone startled at hearing that.
She was again cut off but this time by Veena, why is it not possible there has been many reincarnated cultivator who had their memory intact so why is it impossible for Ryuu to remember his past life as Pangu, I do not understand, is it because he took reincarnations many time before he was born as Ryuu, you do not have to worry, we will pull every scrap of our knowledge I believe we will surely make him remember us."
At that almost everyone agreed but there joy was shattered like glass, with a utterance of a single sentence, "Pangu never reincarnated as Ryuu.", Celestia stated calmly.
Shamiran: "Mama Celestia that joke was distasteful."
Celestia: "I am not joking the only connection Ryuu has with Pangu is that they both have the same Divine body, nothing more nothing less. Ryuu is not Pangu's reincarnation."
Everyone was shocked silent at that, only to be broken by an enraged shout from Nuwa, "CELESTIA! How dare you utter such thing, we refuse to believe such nonsense."
Maheswara, "Celestia please have you checkedthe results with absolute care."
Celetia: "I triple checked the result hell I penta checked it, but all pointed to the fact that Ryuu is not Pangu. I believe the Divine body of his may carry some of the memories of previous weilder."
Maheswara let out a sigh full of pain, "That day my boy's soul was disintegrated completely, when I met Ryuu I thought maybe, maybe he came back but now ….."
Nuwa broke down where she stood, she fell on her knees a she cried out remembering the day her child passed away, how her hope of seeing her child was not to be.
Maheswara stood from his chair went and embraced Nuwa, who kept on crying on his shoulders, tears began to form in his eyes. The rest of the people also started crying, even if they knew deep down in their heart that Pangu was truly gone but Ryuu's arrival ignited the hope their hope of seeing their family, but now it was brutally crushed.
Antariskh: "What should we do about Ryuu?"
Maheswara: "What is there to do about him just treat him like you should, after all we accepted him as our disciple, that makes him your brother, so treat him as such. Please everyone leave me with Nuwa alone for the time being."
Everyone nodded and left the grief stricken mother and father alone.
Veena as she tried to wipe out the tears on her face, "Girls I have given Ryuu a few days off, when you fill well you may go and visit him, the operation might leave him a bit traumatized and may be afraid of us, so we have to ease his mind a little."
Everyone nodded at that, that day when they arrived at their dining room for dinner, everyone was sad, hence in order to divert their mood Antariskh asked Celestia,"Mama Celestia, what was Ryuu's previous life like."
That brought everyone's attention, as they all wanted to know what kind of person he was in his previous life, after seeing such huge positive karmic value that he possessed he must have done something great.
Celestia smiled at Antariskh thinking, 'clever girl trying to dispel this gloomy atmosphere, good girl', "Well how should I say it, the best way is that", replied Celestia giving a mysterious feeling as everyone was wondering what she would say, "A very big Fool", at that many face faulted.
Nuwa for the first time spoke,:"Fool", her voice seemed hoarse and broken from crying so much, it caused a pang of guilty rise in Celestia's heart, she thought, 'maybe I.. I should have lied, and left it at that, but I might have caused great harm to Ryuu, damn, I hate myself', she forced a smile on her face before replying,"Ryuu's previous life he was born as a second son to a very wealthy business man, as his older brother was the heir, he was short of like a backup to them in case something happened to his older brother, otherwise just a bargaining cheap to increase his wealth and influence. To his parents he was unappreciated, underachiever, and a leech would wasted their wealth, no matter how much he tried no matter how hard he tried he was always the eyesore them, where as his brother 4 years older than him was a complete jackass, calling him scum could be understatement, power hungry, money hungry, arrogant, idiotic, rapist who used his father's and mother's name, influence and money to even breath, they over pampered, where as he should be punished, since when he was younger he thought his brother to be his slave, and every wrong he did his brother was his scapegoat. As years went by it grew worse and worse the only solace was his uncle and aunt who saved him from the torment, they were his family, his cousin was more of his brother than his own blood brother ever was. His world was of lower realm of existence, where people cannot use ki and as such are weak. But, they tried to cover their weakness through the help of what the call science."
Celestia took a sip of the wine from the dining table,"Nice wine."
Veena smiled at her, "Thank you for the complement sister."
Celestia: "Ryuu, grew up to be a nice man, a leader to be precise, he could naturally charm anyone and no matter how corrupted a person may be he could get him back to light, but he made a big mistake, he still cared for his bastard family, still tried for their affection, as he grew he became a very famous scientist, his parents tried their best to exploit but his uncle put a stop to it, he always believed everyone should get a second chance, even after his own family tried to kill because he was useless to them, as he was out of their hands owing to his uncle and aunt, the best the assassin one of the most wanted criminal in love with him and later got married. The mongrel of a father and harlot of mother one day came up with a few people a method to increase much greater wealth and influence, they created a very deadly virus, then conveniently it landed on some terrorist's hands, they planned to let the virus run rampant before selling the cure at sky high price, but they underestimated the so called 'illiterate plebeians', as he re-engineered those virus to the point that cure would aggravate the virus. It was so hilarious to watch, instead of 60% mortality rate it rose to 100% as well as incubation period was reduced to a third, everyone was outraged, billions died, world became total anarchy, then like a hero Ryuu created an antidote and gave it away for nothing, he saving the peoples life and began regarded as hero. The piglet of a brother whined to his parents how Ryuu got famous, who were also frustrated and angry at how Ryuu took away their rightful honor and place in history. The conspired with the president of his country, who was afraid at Ryuu's popularity, the people began calling him messiah, he feared he would lose his position. Ryuu got arrested in a trumped up charge, and in a faux mockery of a court, the proved him to be the one who created the virus, and was sentenced to death. His beloved wife did not give up, she fought and bled, and proved his innocence, but was to let to save him, he was murdered in prison by the warden and his guards."
Sylvana:"Poor Ryuu, those mongrel how dare they do it."
Celestia laughed at that, "Oh I too was pissed at that I personally took a peak at that world with a plan for taking revenge for Ryuu, but his wife beat me to it, she caused the biggest revolution in the entire world, all those politicians and people involved in his death including his so called parents, were caught, most of the people and their family members got lynched, but those few who devised the plan were kept alive and now spending the rest of their days as lab rat in some remote corner of their world. Though they became famous, as bogey man and the most notorious villain in their world history, as Ryuu was heralded as the greatest hero, he was survived by his wife and two children, whom Ryuu never saw as he was taken into custody and killed before their birth. His wife never married again and later committed suicide owing to depression, but not before raising their children into great people like their father, who loves helping people around. "
Maheswara smiled at the story, "I hope our apprentice can be as great as he was in his previous life."
Celestia: "Ryuu has taken multiple births before and each had a few things in common, he is kind, selfless, a natural born charismatic leader, and always like a messiah to his people. I hope he becomes the same as his previous birth."
Everyone smiled at that, except Nuwa who frowned, "No we will never let him become like that", she declared.
Everyone startled at hearing that.
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