Heavenly Dao Child
35 Setting OFF
Next day Ryuu woke up early got ready and went to the dining hall, only this time no one was there yet, except the maids who were ordered to cater to his needs, after a long time his older sisters came to the dining room only to see a sleeping Ryuu, 'Did he spend the entire night here', was the collective thought of the sisters.
Sylvana went forward and shook Ryuu awake, he woke up rubbing his eyes, small drool on his cheeks, he was fully awake when he saw the grinning face of his second sister, he jumped up from his sit, grabbed his sister's hand as he bounced up and down in excitement, "Lets lets go big sister."
Sylvana stopped Ryuu from bouncing, "Brother did sleep here the entire night."
Ryuu: "Why would I sleep here I just came early."
Antariskh turned towards a maid who was standing there waiting for orders, "You over there when did our brother arrive at the dining room."
Maid: "Your Majesty, his highness arrived her at the crack of dawn."
Anarirskh, just rubbed her forehead in exasperation, her brother really gives a very good headache from time to time. "Ryuu we are not going anywhere before you have a good breakfast then we will do some last minute check and preparations before setting off. Now go and wash your face, you have drooling marks all over your face."
Ryuu blushed heavily and excused himself swiftly as he ran to wash his face, before joining his sisters for breakfast.
"Big sisters, why am I in such clothes? And why did you take my ring?", asked Ryuu as he was dressed in a old looking leather armor, his space ring was taken from him by his older sisters.
"Brother if you go dressed as a royalty you will paint a bigger target on your back while announcing that, "COME HERE I AM RICH SO LOOT ME ALL YOU WANT", on top of that this place have dangerous animal, wearing that armor will hinder you, as for the ring we are increasing your challenge."
Ryuu nodded at that, he took his sword and attached it to his hips as he spun around in front of the mirror, as he nodded satisfied, yep he looks cool.
Suddenly his eldest sister arrived with a backpack that looks like a teddy bear, she helped him carry the back pack, "Brother, unlike the ring the back pack has limited amount of space only 8 Cubic meters. The food store here will rot within a week, but you will be staying for a month there, so I filled it with dry foods, although but enough for a week, also they taste disgusting, so you have to hunt to survive.The left back pack had fasteners across his chest and waist area to hold it tightly, it also had a water bottle holder on the left side, where Antariskh attached a water bottle with extendable straw, "This bottle is special just send your Ki to it", Ryuu send his Ki suddenly it was filled with various information,
1) First Slot: Water (unlimited)
2) Second Slot: Orange juice (100 liters.)
3) Third Slot:Milk (100 litres)
"Just think of which one you want and you will be able to drink, the water is unlimited but others are not, so use it wisely, also remember to use it discreetly to us it may not be seen much but to others this is an invaluable treasure which might even cause war."
Ryuu gulped before nodding seriously. "Now let us leave, the armor you are wearing is hooded so you may cover your head with it, the armor is strong enough to withstand ten blows from an immortal before getting destroyed.", stated Shamiran as she pulled up the hood over his head, before speaking in a serious tone "Ryuu remember during the entire adventure, if someone asks you your name you will say it 'Long Yu', never mention your real name not even to your team mates, they will just know you are Grandchild of a higher up from Shangri-la, we will take you to the person who will act as your Grand Ma his name is Long Mei. So is there any question you want to ask."
Ryuu nodded before asking, "Big Sister, what is a 'Grand Ma'?"
The sister's were startled before at the question, before remembering his story; Sylvana came forward to answer, "Ryuu just as Xiao Xiao is your mother someone is also her mother, the mother of your mother is your Grand Ma."
Ryuu was stunned on hearing that, "So who is the mother of my mother or in other words my Grand Ma."
Sylvana shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry brother I do not know, you have to ask your mother."
After a few interactions and questions they all went towards the throne room, where Ryuu saw a middle aged woman already kneeling in front of the throne waiting for them, whom he remembered as one of the people who was there welcomingthem.
They took their respective seats, before Antariskh ordered, "Please raise your head."
The woman raised her head before speaking politely, "How may I be of service your majesty?", that day she missed the meeting as she was running an errand for her Majesty, thus escaping from punishment, but when she was summoned she was afraid she will be sharing the plight of her coworkers, still putting up brave face while inwardly she was shivering and sweating.
Antariskh: "We hope you remember our request to set up an expedition team to the Ruins of the school in planet Vera, is it done."
Mei: "Yes your highness, I have arranged everything as you have ordered."
Antariskh: "Good work, since you have done so splendidly we will grant you a suitable reward, but before that we would like my brother to join the team as well in order to get experience, but since we want his real identity to be hidden we wish when you personally take him to introduce him to his teammates, you will introduce him as your grandchild, hence during his stay he will be known as Long Yu, we hope there is no problem with it."
Mei: "No Your Highness, I will surely escort His Highness to meet his teammates, and I would be honored to introduce him as my grandchild."
Soon Ryuu was ready to leave his older sisters just hugged and encouraged him before he left.
Antariskh as he waved his brother goodbye, "So is the array working properly."
Sylvana gave a smug grin, "Of course who do you take me for, I created it so it will work without any problem, I just hope he will be alright."
Shamiran: "Do not worry, he is cunning, thus he will be able to survive, as long as he does not get to curious."
They laughed at that, suddenly Antariskh," Oops I forgot to give him the 'Charm amulet', the Divine body will cause some unwanted attraction to occur, I hope those mongrels do not take it too far."
Sylvana in a serious tone, "Relax sister, there is no need for regret, we can easily teleport and give him the locket before leaving but I propose to let it be it will be another experience for Ryuu."
Shamiran giggled, "It will be fun, I have already notified our parents it will be funny to see."
Meanwhile Ryuu and his fake grandmother, arrived in front of a room, Mei pushed the door opened, as she led Ryuu inside the room, all the talks and shouting stopped as Ryuu entered the room with Mei.
Mei clearing her throat, "Welcome brave adventurers, I personally selected your team seven among others in order to form a team with my grandchild here for an excursion in the ancient ruins of the Nine Headed Dragon Sect, you will treat him like your fellow member as he is young and this is the first time for such an excursion I hope you will be patient and kind enough to help him out but at the same time do not I repeat do not coddle him, I will give you generous rewards for your hard work but also know this someone deliberately puts him in mortal danger I will personally kill you and your entire kin", she send a potent amount of killing intent towards those present to make them her threats are real," I chose you because you people are hardworking, honest, reliable and most important trustworthy. Now child please introduce yourself to them."
Ryuu stepped forward and removed the hood from his head, the people were not only mesmerized but also blushed heavily at what they saw in front of them stood a red haired girl with her hair in pony tail, her eyes no two jewels sparkled one cerulean blue, the other amethyst in color, not only that she had finest white jade like skin then they heard a voice of the girl, it was melodious like that of a siren, "Hello everyone, a very Good Morning to you all, My name is Long Yu, I am the youngest Grandson of Vice-Head of the eastern branch of Shangri-la, I am 7 years old and currently I am a level 4 Zifu disciple, I am not only inexperiencedbut I am also very young as well as my cultivation level is lower than all of you, I know I may cause you people a lot of problem, so I apologize in advance for any inconvenience from our part, and I hope we have a safe and pleasant time during the excursion.", Ryuu finished with a bow.
The people were startled, whereas Mei was thinking 'His Majesty is really polite for his age, the rumors that he is kind, and very polite was true.', meanwhile the blushing audience startled when they heard these word, 'Grandson', 7 years', 'Level 4 Zifu Disciple', the women suddenly had a bout of jealousy before it was squished as their thoughts ran wild, whereas the men felt sick as they thought how they felt attraction towards a male child of seven, but still he is so cute, that skin of his...
Suddenly they went ramrod, as a thick killing intent hit them, a voice echoed in their mind, 'If you people touch him or make any inappropriate gestures towards my Grand Child, no Gods, Devils or Immortal, will save you from my torturing you and your entire kin to death and completely destroying your soul. Now instead of staring like an idiot and wasting my time introduce yourselves, but just so you remember the array surrounding the ruins are not invincible so someone like me can easily keep an eye on you.', while thinking, 'Prince must have something special, because of their low cultivation this people are getting affected badly by it, even I myself want to take a glance at him, I hope something bad does not happen to him during his stay in those ruins.'
The people had cold sweat dripping from their forehead, as a black haired spear wielding middle aged man step forward, "It is nice to meet you 'Long Yu', my name is Bashista, I am the captain of team Shadow Wolves, the woman to my right is my Wife, Tina", the aforementioned brunette carrying a bow gave simple nod to Ryuu, "the man behind me is Ruth", as a blonde haired man waved, "the green haired man is Jack", Jack gave a curt nod, "the other green haired woman is Jessie, jack's twin", the woman smiled at him, "the other black haired man is Han", a serious fierce looking man gave a short bow cupping his hand, "the silver haired and the last member of our team is Veronica.", the serious looking woman just gave a short bow.
Long Yu: "Well since we have all introduced ourselves shall we make way towards the entrance of the ruins captain."
Bashista: "Yes let us leave." ,with that team Shadow Wolves left the room, with Ryuu being the last to leave not before giving a small bow to Mei, "Well then I will take my leave Granny, Good Bye."
Mei with small smile, "Good Bye child be safe.", while inwardly she was crying,' please come back safe, please come back safe or your sisters will have my hide.' She does not want to imagine the punishment she will face if something happened to young prince, 'Ah maybe I should spent the remaining days of my life with my family.'
Sylvana went forward and shook Ryuu awake, he woke up rubbing his eyes, small drool on his cheeks, he was fully awake when he saw the grinning face of his second sister, he jumped up from his sit, grabbed his sister's hand as he bounced up and down in excitement, "Lets lets go big sister."
Sylvana stopped Ryuu from bouncing, "Brother did sleep here the entire night."
Ryuu: "Why would I sleep here I just came early."
Antariskh turned towards a maid who was standing there waiting for orders, "You over there when did our brother arrive at the dining room."
Maid: "Your Majesty, his highness arrived her at the crack of dawn."
Anarirskh, just rubbed her forehead in exasperation, her brother really gives a very good headache from time to time. "Ryuu we are not going anywhere before you have a good breakfast then we will do some last minute check and preparations before setting off. Now go and wash your face, you have drooling marks all over your face."
Ryuu blushed heavily and excused himself swiftly as he ran to wash his face, before joining his sisters for breakfast.
"Big sisters, why am I in such clothes? And why did you take my ring?", asked Ryuu as he was dressed in a old looking leather armor, his space ring was taken from him by his older sisters.
"Brother if you go dressed as a royalty you will paint a bigger target on your back while announcing that, "COME HERE I AM RICH SO LOOT ME ALL YOU WANT", on top of that this place have dangerous animal, wearing that armor will hinder you, as for the ring we are increasing your challenge."
Ryuu nodded at that, he took his sword and attached it to his hips as he spun around in front of the mirror, as he nodded satisfied, yep he looks cool.
Suddenly his eldest sister arrived with a backpack that looks like a teddy bear, she helped him carry the back pack, "Brother, unlike the ring the back pack has limited amount of space only 8 Cubic meters. The food store here will rot within a week, but you will be staying for a month there, so I filled it with dry foods, although but enough for a week, also they taste disgusting, so you have to hunt to survive.The left back pack had fasteners across his chest and waist area to hold it tightly, it also had a water bottle holder on the left side, where Antariskh attached a water bottle with extendable straw, "This bottle is special just send your Ki to it", Ryuu send his Ki suddenly it was filled with various information,
1) First Slot: Water (unlimited)
2) Second Slot: Orange juice (100 liters.)
3) Third Slot:Milk (100 litres)
"Just think of which one you want and you will be able to drink, the water is unlimited but others are not, so use it wisely, also remember to use it discreetly to us it may not be seen much but to others this is an invaluable treasure which might even cause war."
Ryuu gulped before nodding seriously. "Now let us leave, the armor you are wearing is hooded so you may cover your head with it, the armor is strong enough to withstand ten blows from an immortal before getting destroyed.", stated Shamiran as she pulled up the hood over his head, before speaking in a serious tone "Ryuu remember during the entire adventure, if someone asks you your name you will say it 'Long Yu', never mention your real name not even to your team mates, they will just know you are Grandchild of a higher up from Shangri-la, we will take you to the person who will act as your Grand Ma his name is Long Mei. So is there any question you want to ask."
Ryuu nodded before asking, "Big Sister, what is a 'Grand Ma'?"
The sister's were startled before at the question, before remembering his story; Sylvana came forward to answer, "Ryuu just as Xiao Xiao is your mother someone is also her mother, the mother of your mother is your Grand Ma."
Ryuu was stunned on hearing that, "So who is the mother of my mother or in other words my Grand Ma."
Sylvana shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry brother I do not know, you have to ask your mother."
After a few interactions and questions they all went towards the throne room, where Ryuu saw a middle aged woman already kneeling in front of the throne waiting for them, whom he remembered as one of the people who was there welcomingthem.
They took their respective seats, before Antariskh ordered, "Please raise your head."
The woman raised her head before speaking politely, "How may I be of service your majesty?", that day she missed the meeting as she was running an errand for her Majesty, thus escaping from punishment, but when she was summoned she was afraid she will be sharing the plight of her coworkers, still putting up brave face while inwardly she was shivering and sweating.
Antariskh: "We hope you remember our request to set up an expedition team to the Ruins of the school in planet Vera, is it done."
Mei: "Yes your highness, I have arranged everything as you have ordered."
Antariskh: "Good work, since you have done so splendidly we will grant you a suitable reward, but before that we would like my brother to join the team as well in order to get experience, but since we want his real identity to be hidden we wish when you personally take him to introduce him to his teammates, you will introduce him as your grandchild, hence during his stay he will be known as Long Yu, we hope there is no problem with it."
Mei: "No Your Highness, I will surely escort His Highness to meet his teammates, and I would be honored to introduce him as my grandchild."
Soon Ryuu was ready to leave his older sisters just hugged and encouraged him before he left.
Antariskh as he waved his brother goodbye, "So is the array working properly."
Sylvana gave a smug grin, "Of course who do you take me for, I created it so it will work without any problem, I just hope he will be alright."
Shamiran: "Do not worry, he is cunning, thus he will be able to survive, as long as he does not get to curious."
They laughed at that, suddenly Antariskh," Oops I forgot to give him the 'Charm amulet', the Divine body will cause some unwanted attraction to occur, I hope those mongrels do not take it too far."
Sylvana in a serious tone, "Relax sister, there is no need for regret, we can easily teleport and give him the locket before leaving but I propose to let it be it will be another experience for Ryuu."
Shamiran giggled, "It will be fun, I have already notified our parents it will be funny to see."
Meanwhile Ryuu and his fake grandmother, arrived in front of a room, Mei pushed the door opened, as she led Ryuu inside the room, all the talks and shouting stopped as Ryuu entered the room with Mei.
Mei clearing her throat, "Welcome brave adventurers, I personally selected your team seven among others in order to form a team with my grandchild here for an excursion in the ancient ruins of the Nine Headed Dragon Sect, you will treat him like your fellow member as he is young and this is the first time for such an excursion I hope you will be patient and kind enough to help him out but at the same time do not I repeat do not coddle him, I will give you generous rewards for your hard work but also know this someone deliberately puts him in mortal danger I will personally kill you and your entire kin", she send a potent amount of killing intent towards those present to make them her threats are real," I chose you because you people are hardworking, honest, reliable and most important trustworthy. Now child please introduce yourself to them."
Ryuu stepped forward and removed the hood from his head, the people were not only mesmerized but also blushed heavily at what they saw in front of them stood a red haired girl with her hair in pony tail, her eyes no two jewels sparkled one cerulean blue, the other amethyst in color, not only that she had finest white jade like skin then they heard a voice of the girl, it was melodious like that of a siren, "Hello everyone, a very Good Morning to you all, My name is Long Yu, I am the youngest Grandson of Vice-Head of the eastern branch of Shangri-la, I am 7 years old and currently I am a level 4 Zifu disciple, I am not only inexperiencedbut I am also very young as well as my cultivation level is lower than all of you, I know I may cause you people a lot of problem, so I apologize in advance for any inconvenience from our part, and I hope we have a safe and pleasant time during the excursion.", Ryuu finished with a bow.
The people were startled, whereas Mei was thinking 'His Majesty is really polite for his age, the rumors that he is kind, and very polite was true.', meanwhile the blushing audience startled when they heard these word, 'Grandson', 7 years', 'Level 4 Zifu Disciple', the women suddenly had a bout of jealousy before it was squished as their thoughts ran wild, whereas the men felt sick as they thought how they felt attraction towards a male child of seven, but still he is so cute, that skin of his...
Suddenly they went ramrod, as a thick killing intent hit them, a voice echoed in their mind, 'If you people touch him or make any inappropriate gestures towards my Grand Child, no Gods, Devils or Immortal, will save you from my torturing you and your entire kin to death and completely destroying your soul. Now instead of staring like an idiot and wasting my time introduce yourselves, but just so you remember the array surrounding the ruins are not invincible so someone like me can easily keep an eye on you.', while thinking, 'Prince must have something special, because of their low cultivation this people are getting affected badly by it, even I myself want to take a glance at him, I hope something bad does not happen to him during his stay in those ruins.'
The people had cold sweat dripping from their forehead, as a black haired spear wielding middle aged man step forward, "It is nice to meet you 'Long Yu', my name is Bashista, I am the captain of team Shadow Wolves, the woman to my right is my Wife, Tina", the aforementioned brunette carrying a bow gave simple nod to Ryuu, "the man behind me is Ruth", as a blonde haired man waved, "the green haired man is Jack", Jack gave a curt nod, "the other green haired woman is Jessie, jack's twin", the woman smiled at him, "the other black haired man is Han", a serious fierce looking man gave a short bow cupping his hand, "the silver haired and the last member of our team is Veronica.", the serious looking woman just gave a short bow.
Long Yu: "Well since we have all introduced ourselves shall we make way towards the entrance of the ruins captain."
Bashista: "Yes let us leave." ,with that team Shadow Wolves left the room, with Ryuu being the last to leave not before giving a small bow to Mei, "Well then I will take my leave Granny, Good Bye."
Mei with small smile, "Good Bye child be safe.", while inwardly she was crying,' please come back safe, please come back safe or your sisters will have my hide.' She does not want to imagine the punishment she will face if something happened to young prince, 'Ah maybe I should spent the remaining days of my life with my family.'
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