Murong Yu did not tell Murong Zhan about the decapitation. He wanted to determine whether he or she guessed it. If Zhao Ning is really a princess of Qi, perhaps he should think about what to do.

"The owner, what's wrong?" Song Yu passed through the two doors and saw Murong Yan standing in a gazebo not far away, then he came over and asked curiously.

Murong Yu looked back at God and looked at him. "You are just right, I have something for you to do."

Song Hao immediately stepped forward. "The owner, what is it? Is it for me to call the vines back?"

"When did I mention him?" Murong asked faintly.

"The owner, you still don't want to forgive him. You have already passed you for a long time, so don't blame him again." Song Wei pleaded for Fujiwara. He knew that Fujisawa was doing something wrong and touched the bottom line of the owner. But he must have known it wrong at this time.

Murong Yan glanced at Song Yu. "He still doesn't know where he is wrong. You don't have to talk to him anymore. When should I let him back? I have my own claim."

Song Hao had no longer spoken for Fujisawa. "Yes, the owner."

"I need you to go to Qiguo in person." Murong said with a low voice, "Go and ask me for something."

"Qiguo?" Song smashed, "The owner, what do you want me to do in Qiguo?"

Murong whispered, "You come with me."

He took Song Song back to the house, painted Zhao Ning’s dagger, and the ancient Chinese character above. “Go to Qiguo to inquire, who has seen this dagger, and there is this word on the dagger, and then inquire. Fifteen years ago, the Qi State emperor went to Huajia Village."

Song Yi suddenly understood that Murong wanted him to do something. "The owner, do you suspect that the Zhao girl is... Princess Qi?"

"That depends on what you can go to Qiguo." Murong whispered, "I will let you go to Qiguo, not to be like a second person."

"Okay, I understand." Song Hao nodded immediately. He believed that everything the owner had done had his reason. Since he said that he could not let others know, he must be tight-lipped.

"Go, the sooner you find it, the better." Murong said.

Song Wei whispered, taking the portrait out of the room.

Murong squinted and looked at the window and meditated. He thought about everything he had seen in his dreams, and he was a little heavy.

"Six princes, the emperor invited you to drink in the past." I don't know how long it took, Fu Gonggong's voice came from outside.

"This king will come." Murong took his mind and wiped his face hard, putting all the doubts down.

The backyard seemed a bit quieter than the excitement of the front yard.

Anhe City was not originally a place of Jin Guo, so the number of women who could be invited was not much, but Ye Hao still made people banquets in the backyard, which was a lively event for Jin Shanshan.

Hung Hom came to Ye Hao's side. "The niece has already handed Zhao Ning to the six princes."

"What can the six kings say?" Ye Hao whispered.

"No, just the emperor is also, but the emperor seems to have forgotten Zhao Ning." Hung Ho said.

Ye Hao nodded faintly. "Since it has been handed over to the six princes, then you don't have to pay attention to it. You will also go to have a glass of wine and go to Mrs. Ye Shao to discuss it."

Such a big day, there is no need to affect the mood for Zhao Ning.



Jinguo, Kyoto, Cining Palace.

The Queen Mother sent the people around him to the outside, leaving only his brother Qiu Yaozong to talk.

"You said that the emperor has disappeared? Is this a bit true?" The Queen Mother asked him with a low voice, but she was not worried about the tension on her face. There was still a slight expectation.

"The Queen Mother, this thing is absolutely true. The emperor fell on the cliff. The missing ones have not been found for a few days. I am afraid that it is fierce and sorrowful. This matter is still heard from a population of surname Lu. I heard that the emperor is for To kill Lu Yuzhi, the two fell together on the Anhe River. Hey, the Anhe River is now raining, the water is very rushing, even if the water-soluble people fall, it will not survive." Qiu Yaozong has a good voice. He said that he did not dare to say that someone actually secretly went to his house to tell this matter. Now Qiu Yaozu was ordered to kill his son. The emperor did not regard him as a mother, and he did not have to worry too much.

"If this is true... I am afraid that the church will be in chaos." The Queen Mother said thoughtfully.

"The Queen Mother, now I still have to think about what to do, there is no child in the emperor, the succession of this throne is a big event." Qiu Yaozong said anxiously.

"You are right, this is a big event. Although there is no child in the emperor, but fortunately there are also aunts. They are brothers of a mother compatriot. No one is more suitable than the aunt." The queen gently nodded, in my heart. I have forgotten that there is Ye Hao.

Qiu Yaozong thought that although Xiao Wangye was not so polite to him, but how could he be better than Murong Zhan, if he could really support him to climb the throne, he might be grateful to him. "The Queen Mother, it is not too late. I still have to find a way to let Xiao Wangye first ascend the throne, lest the news will come back and cause other people in the ancestral hall to swear."

Since the emperor and the emperor have repeatedly dissipated because of Lu’s affairs, the Queen Mother’s heart has always had an unknown idea. She thought that if she was an emperor, she would definitely listen to her, and she would not Be right with her. For Azhan... Probably because she was not very close to her since she was a child, she always felt that she did not know more about this son. She had no such idea before.

It was Lu Hao who changed him.

"Is the town's original things solved?" The Queen Mother suddenly shifted the topic. Although she used Qiu Yaozong to do things for her, it did not mean that she would let him intervene in helping the Aunt to ascend to the throne.

In her heart, the greatest use of this Qiu Yaozong is to ask her for information outside. As for the others, he does not have the ability.

Referring to his son, Qiu Yaozong said with dissatisfaction, "The Queen Mother, that Qiu Yaozu is not a thing, and with the handcuffs of the emperor, it is necessary to shut the town to the prison. Zhenyuan is your only nephew, Qiujia Just like this one, you must keep the town before the Queen Mother."

"What are you worried about? After a few more days, the news that the emperor has already died is officially spread. How dare he have to deal with Zhenyuan?" The Queen Mother gave him a glance.

Qiu Yaozong was very happy, yes, how did he forget that if the emperor changed someone, would Qiu Yaozu continue to hold the handcuffs and grab the town? At that time, Qiu Yaozong may have been hiding in Kyoto.

Don't think that he doesn't know what the Queen Mother is thinking, wait, and in the end she can only rely on him.

"It’s still too late to think about it." Qiu Yaozong said with a smile, "That... the Queen Mother, what should we do next?"

"You go back first, and the mourner will arrange it."

If you want to let the aunt go to the throne, then you must first draw the cabinet minister.

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