Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1068: Entering the city

Although he encountered a killer in the inn, Murong Chan stayed overnight. The two killers were unloaded from the chin and took out the poison hidden in the gums before they began to force them to confess. After they recruited Qiu Yaozong, the two The killer was also brought back to Qianluo by Murong.

Murong Yu had long known the existence of a thousand hand spiders. It was only after a different camp. He had already let Qian Luoshu not accept the murder business, but he couldn’t care about other people’s affairs, so he didn’t care much about these poisonous spiders. Since they dare to slap on their hands, don't blame them for not being able to accommodate them.

"The order is sent back, and the thousand hand spiders will be destroyed, and one will not stay." Murong said to Song Yu faintly.

Song Yu’s heart was shocked. He hadn’t seen the time when the owner was so embarrassed for many years. I couldn’t think of the owner’s cultivation for so many years. Every exception was made for the same woman, but it was someone else’s wife.

If Lu Yan is not a Queen Empress, how good.

"Yes, the owner." Song Yi bowed his head and felt sorry for the owner in his heart.

When Murong Yu finished speaking, he walked out of the room. In the hallway, he saw Ye Hao, who was downstairs. He flashed a gentle smile on his eyes and went down. He said, "Hey, got up so early?"

Ye Hao had a rare time today, let Red Dragons accompany them downstairs. With yesterday's business, Wu Chong and other guards did not dare to be too far away from her, and kept following closely.

"I plan to go out and go." Ye Yan said with a smile, looked at Murong Yu, "How come out from there?"

"Ask the two killers, just asked from their mouths, the emperor?" Murong whispered.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Outside, don't let me go out, I will start in the city soon."

Murong nodded gently. "The more dangerous it is to approach Kyoto, the more the emperor is for you."

"Know it." Ye Hao smiled.

At this time, Zhao Ning came out with a bowl of fish porridge and a bright smile on his face. "The goddess, this is the fish I went to Xiaoxi personally this morning, very fresh."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Thank you Zhao girl, this palace is trying to drink porridge."

Murong looked deep and quietly at Zhao Ning, and looked at Ye Hao, not talking to the thin lips.

When I heard Ye Hao, Zhao Ning was overjoyed, and the young and tender face immediately smirked with a cheerful smile. She immediately handed the fish porridge to the red dragonfly.

"It’s almost time to start, and you will go back and pack up." Hung Hom glanced at her and said.

"Okay." Zhao Ning smiled with a smile. "The goddess, the woman first went to pack things up."

When Zhao Ning left, Murong Yu sat down opposite Ye Hao and looked at her straight.

"What happened to me?" Ye Hao was seen in his heart, thinking that it was a long thing on his face.

"Can't you see that the fisherwoman's mind is too heavy? Didn't she still guard her before, how can she eat her porridge today?" Murong squinted at the fish porridge in front of her, and he felt that Zhao Ning was pitiful. so what? She is not an important person at all. In the future, she will be sent back to Qi State for compensation. It is absolutely impossible for her to have a chance to hurt her.

Ye Hao heard a smile. "If it wasn't for her yesterday, I might have died."

Murong said, "Because of this, you are close to her?"

"Not close, just fair to her." Ye Hao said faintly, "She has more eyes, but she has not done anything bad."

"It’s too late to wait for her to do good things." Murong said quietly.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Yu, she heard Murong Zhan said, Murong also did not like Zhao Ning, probably also related to the memory of the last life.

"Do you think Zhao Ning will do bad things?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice. "You said that you have had a long dream, shouldn't you dream of her?"

"Oh, actually..." Murong smiled and tried to remind her.

At this time, Murong Chong came in from the outside. "Hey, you can leave."

Ye Hao whispered to Murong, "Six princes, don't worry, I will know in my heart."

"Auntie, have you interrogated?" Murong Zhan did not ask Murong what they were saying, just asked the two killers.

"Yes, they have already confessed." Murong whispered.

Murong Zhan snorted, "The time is almost, advanced city."

Murong did not go to see Ye Hao again. He knew that she was a kind person. Before Zhao Ning did not do anything to hurt her, she would not take the initiative to hurt the fisherwoman. It seems that he still has to pay more attention to it. .

If it is not because Zhao Ning is the princess of Qi State, he has already wanted to start her first.


He should have started when he was in Huajia Village!

Murong Chan came to Ye Hao's side and saw that she was eating fish porridge. She smiled and asked, "Isn't it just to eat noodles in the morning, how are you hungry?"

"Zhao Ning caught the fish in the creek in the morning, it was quite fresh, and he ate a few mouthfuls." Ye Yan said with a smile.

“Is it?” Murong Zhan asked, and she ate a few mouthfuls of her hand. “Well, let's go.”

Ye Hao holds his hand. "There will be a lot of dangers when I go back. It’s better for me to stay here. You and the six kings will go back first, and wait for Kyoto to come and pick me up."

"Don't say stupid things." Murong Zhan took her hand. "You are the queen of you, your child is a skeleton, and you can't let someone say a humiliating word, take you back."

He wants to go back with Ye Hao, that is, everyone in the world knows that she is his woman, not everyone can be filthy and humiliating.

The Queen’s deliberate insult to Ye Hao, he already knew.

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at him. "Good."

This way back is calm, when there are more than a dozen people blocking their way, but there is no need for Murong Zhan to take the shot, Tang Yan has brought people out to open the way for them.

“When did Tang Hao return to Kyoto?” Ye Hao asked in confusion, Tang Yan was the confidant of Murong Zhan, and the Queen Mother still insisted on the establishment of Xinjun when he knew that Tang Hao’s return. What did she think?

"He came back a few days ago and hasn't entered the city yet." Murong Zhan said faintly. Although he did not remember Tang Yan, she had been explaining it to him for him. He still knew that Tang Yan was his former confidant.

Ye Hao looked up at him. "You have already been in contact with Tang Yan?"

Murong Zhan looked down at her and smiled. "Well."

"Hate!" Ye Hao shot his arm. "I have been worried about you for so long."

"You have no confidence in me?" Murong Zhanhaha laughed.

Ye Hao glanced at him, they were sure to be able to enter the palace unimpeded all the way, and they did not know what was going on in the palace.

The Queen Mother... will you get lost?

Although she does not like the Queen Mother very much now, she still hopes that she can change her mind, at least let Murong Zhan feel that she is still her son.

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