Ye Hao lay down and went to sleep after Mo Rongzhan left. She thought that she would still be unable to sleep tonight. She just fell asleep on the bed and didn't take long to sleep. She had no dreams overnight, and she was already dawn when she woke up.

Looking at the other side of the bed, Ye Hao turned to look at the red diamond that was preparing to change her clothes.

Hong Ling said with a smile, "The emperor let Fu Gonggong come yesterday. I heard that the goddess has fallen asleep, and she has not returned. She stayed in the Qing Palace."

Ye Hao’s lips smiled. “Is it raining outside?”

"Yeah, Niangniang." Emei came in and had a food box in his hand. "The weather was good last night. It suddenly rained this morning."

"It’s raining, it won’t be so hot,” said Hong Ling.

When Ye Hao washed and changed clothes on their waiters, and prepared to sit down for breakfast, Murong Chan came.

"So early today?" Ye Hao looked at him differently. He was wearing a bright yellow robes and looked more majestic and cold than usual.

Murong Chan reached out and touched her ruddy cheek. "Is it a good night last night?"

Ye Hao got up and untied his belt, and Fu Gonggong helped him to change his robes.

"After dawn, naturally, I slept very well." Ye Hao smiled. "I am going to have a breakfast, will you accompany me to eat?"

"Good." Murong Zhan nodded. After the screen, he changed a relaxed scorpion and sat down next to Ye Hao. "It is raining today, the road is not good, and the weather will go to Chengde Villa."

Ye Hao looked out the window and fed him a small meat buns. "This is the wind and rain, maybe it will be fine until noon."

Murong Zhan smacked her nose. "You can't give up on you, are you not sure?"

"Then I will not go to Chengde Villa and stay with you in the palace." Ye Hao hooked his finger. "You must believe me, I can protect myself."

"Hey knows that you can protect yourself." Murong Chan clenched her hand and said in the eyes that Ye Hao looked forward to, "but wait until you solve the evil dogs hidden in the dark."

Ye Xie sighed in his heart and tried to ask, "Who are the people you said? I have never heard you say it before."

"If it weren't for the books of the state treasury, I didn't find it." Murong Chong grabbed his hand and kissed him a few times. "Hey, you will protect you and won't hurt you."

This is not the first time he has said this.

Why does he always say that she will protect her, fearing that she is hurt? He didn't do this before amnesia... nervous about her.

"Azhan, I will not be so vulnerable." Ye Hao whispered that she had even been a ghost, and experienced so many things, if it is so easy to be calculated, she will re-live again soon. .

Murong Chan clenched her hand. "Hey, I will send you to Chengde Villa today and come back tomorrow morning."

It still doesn't seem to make sense. He just wants to keep her in a world of enlightenment.

"Okay." Ye Hao had to agree, just listen to him first. He wanted to do what he wanted to do. When she went to Chengde Villa, she also tried her best to let him recover his memory, perhaps waiting for him to remember. He will not be so cautious.

Murong Zhan feeds her to eat red jujube cakes. "If you are in the mountain, you are so boring, let Mrs. Lu go with you, as long as you are happy."

Ye Hao squinted and smiled at him. "I am happy? Can you do anything?"

"Jun Xiaogang, you don't want to think about it." Murong said with a calm face.

"..." She was joking, he actually took it seriously, Ye Hao couldn't help but sneer, laughing and pulling his shoulders.

Murong Chan reluctantly hugged her. "Well, don't laugh, what to do with a stomachache."

Ye Hao smiled for a while before stopping. She was fed a few buns and a bowl of porridge by Mo Rongzhan. She had already been unable to eat it. "I am full, I don't want to eat any more."

"That’s a look at the book." Murong Chan said, pulling her to the side of the book, she had to wait for him to write next to him.

At this time, he still has time to practice words here?

"Azhan, even if you don't take the time to accompany me, I won't be sad." Ye Hao leaned back on his back and stretched his sleeve to prevent him from writing. "It's better to tell me. How many things do you think of?"

When Murong Chong was pulled by her, she couldn't write the words at all. She had to put down the pen and turned and held her in front of her. "I just like to talk about it?"

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. She had hoped that he didn't have to think about it. When he returned to the palace, he felt his strangeness.

She used to worry that he would not love her because of amnesia. Now she knows that she doesn't have to worry about this at all. He is too nervous for her, and she feels a little depressed.

Murong’s rough fingertips were placed beside her earlobe. “I remember most of the things...”

Ye Hao’s cheeks groaned in his palm. “I just didn’t think of me, right?”

He didn't think about her, but when he was sleeping in the dry house, he dreamed that she would become a soul wandering around him. No matter how he talked to her, she didn't hear it. It felt like... ... his heart was taken away, and the empty man was so painless.

So he wants to use everything to protect her, no matter what method.

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her mouth. "I always think of it."

"Is nothing last night?" Ye Hao shifted the subject. He couldn't remember her because the memory was confusing in the past. If there is a little bird, it must know how to help her.

"It’s Wenjun Wang and Luo Houye..." Murong Zhan chuckled and told her about the matter in the Qing Palace last night. "It seems that Lu Xiangzhi and Auntie are open."

Ye took a look at him. "Don't you just want them to do this?"

Murong Zhan laughed, "Let them practice and practice."

"The people in the it so easy to deal with?" Ye Hao whispered, and Murong Zhan was wary of protecting her as a golden bird. As you can imagine, there must be a tricky thing in the clan. People.

"Auntie is smart, knowing to pick soft persimmons first." Murong Chan smiled faintly. "As for the rest, you will let Aunt look at it."

Ye Hao turned his head and looked out the window. "The rain stopped."

Murong Zhan did not speak, just held her in her arms, he was even more reluctant to send her to Chengde Mountain Villa, which means that he will not see her for many days.

"I am going to let the red dragons prepare them. When the sun comes out, they will go out of the palace." Ye Hao whispered.

"You called the singer to the hospital again?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao looked up and smiled. "Yes, although there are Hou Peidong in the medical clinic, I feel relieved if I feel guilty."

"Hey, let me arrange a few more people." Murong Zhan remembered that Qi Ruoshui easily took her out of Kyoto. Only Xue Lin and Wu Chong were obviously not enough.

"It's better to be a copper wall and shut me up." Ye Hao squinted at him and rolled his eyes.

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