Zhaoyang will abort because of the powerful potion medicine. Although it relies on drugs to solve the drug, even if it is a kind of potion in the ordinary people, it will definitely hurt the roots of the body, let alone Zhaoyang. Pregnant women.

If there are Lingquan and elixir to Zhaoyang to raise the body, it will be able to raise her body in less than half a year. It is no problem to regenerate how many children, otherwise it is impossible to have such a situation in Zhaoyang. children's.

"Hey, isn't it... what's the problem?" Zhao Yang saw Ye Hao's face heavy, and her heart was raised. Is there any problem?

Ye Hao returned to God. She looked at Zhaoyang. "When you were aborted, did you eat the pills I left?"

"I heard that fortunately, there are your pills, or I am afraid that I will not even have a life." Zhaoyang said.

Yes, fortunately, I have eaten a pill with Lingquan. Otherwise, Zhaoyang really can't really keep his life. "You don't eat the medicine you are eating now, so I will give you medicine again tomorrow."

Zhaoyang is a little nervous. "Hey, is there any problem with my body?"

"The problem is not very big." Ye Yan said with a smile, "It is just some palace cold, it is good to make up one."

When I heard Ye Hao say this, Zhaoyang finally breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

"I am here, even if there is any problem, it will become no problem." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Zhaoyang gave her a look. "You are still sitting on the moon, go back to rest, let Mingyu and Mingxi be here."

Ye Hao still thought about going into the space to look at it. She looked at the two children and said, "Then I will go back first. If they wake up, they will hug me."

"Go ahead." Zhaoyang nodded with a smile.

Back to the room, Ye Hao didn't let Hong Ling serve with her. She was half lying on the bed and hesitated whether she would enter the space. In fact, she still doesn't know that the space is still there. The most fear is that she will not go in after going in. Come.

Ye Xun hesitated, and consciousness suddenly entered the space.

here is……

She looked at this vibrant place with a sly look. She thought it was the wrong place. The space seemed to be a little bigger than before, and the medicine field of the original herb seemed to be more lively, and the well next to it became different. The original complicated lines have changed. However, Lingquan has begun to appear again. It turned out that only half of the well water was left, and now it is almost full.

Ye Hao’s eyes are full of joy, is it because of the rebirth of the fire phoenix, so the space is also different because of it?

She opened her palm and looked at the shallow phoenix print on it. She didn't know that it would return to the space when the fire phoenix was above. Perhaps it was Mingxi.

"These herbs grow really good." Ye Hao fell down next to the medicine field. It seems that she can have more herbs. This road does not know how many places to go at sea. It is really convenient to have this space. .

Ye Hao took some medicines needed by Zhao Yang, then closed her eyes and retreated from the space.

She opened her eyes and found that she had come out of the space. She finally breathed a sigh of relief and it seemed to be back to normal.



Xiliang, the military camp of the Jinguo army.

Ye Yinan held a secret letter in his hand. After reading it, he slammed it on the table. "Li Wei! It used to be white for him!"

"General, what happened?" Ge Kuan hurriedly asked, "Is it an adult..."

"Li Wei wants to return to the north of the country, becoming their country." Ye Xiaonan said with a grin.

Ge Kuanyu rounded his eyes, and the next Tuoyuan Xuanyuan stood up and listened. "What? Is Li Hao crazy?"

"He is not crazy, he is afraid!" Ye Xiaonan snorted. "He couldn't leave me in Dongqing, so he simply went to Shunbei, he thought he would save his Dongqing country." ?"

"Is that adult now safely leaving?" Ge Kuan hurriedly asked.

Ye Lannan nodded. "In any case, you can't let Dongqing State send troops, otherwise we will be enemies on both sides."

Tuoba Xuanyuan and his deputy will look at each other. They have heard about Ye Yiqing and Li Wei’s grievances. However, because Ye Yiqing once won two cities in Xiliang, they still have some knots on Ye Yiqing. However, It was learned that Li Wei actually went to Shunbei Mingguo, and they really hoped that Ye Yiqing would simply kill Li Wei.

"I don't know if Jinguo and Qi can be alliances." Ge Kuan whispered that the two great powers, the North Ming State and Dong Qingguo are not threats.

Ye Xiaonan calmed his face and said, "I have to wait for the news of Kyoto."

Tuoba Xuanyuan said, "General Ye, I will send this news back to our king, and we will wait for our king to decide what to do next."

"Good." Ye Xiaonan nodded his head and sent Tuoba Xuanyuan to leave the military camp. When he was about to turn back to the camp, the voice of Ge Kuan came from behind.

"General, you see, isn't it a vice-general? Oh, no, it's a little lady." Ge Kuan pointed to the horses running in the distance, as if the person in front was Jin Shanshan.

Ye Yinan hurriedly turned back and saw that his newlywed wife was riding a horse.

"Good?" He smiled in his eyes. Since the goodness came to him, the father left the Dongqing country.

Jin Shanshan saw Ye Xiaonan, and smiled and waved at him.

Ye Xiaonan ran over in a big step and jumped directly onto the horseback that Jin Shanshan was still running. "How come to Xiliang?"

"Come to you." Jin Shanshan said with a smile, "How come you are like this, and you are not afraid of hurting."

"Don't you ask me to come up?" Ye Xiaonan glared at her waist and asked, but her heart was thinking depressedly. He thought about her every day. Others were married to a married wife, and he was not married. It will be separated from goodness and goodness in a few days, and it will be hard to see her, and it will be calm.

The reins in Jin Shanshan’s hand were caught by him. She found someone around watching it. Her cheeks were reddish. “Everyone is watching.”

"Let them see." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "What?"

Jin Shanshan said, "I went to Kyoto. However, on the way to Xiliang, I heard that there was an accident in Kyoto. I also met people who were sent by us. Let's talk about it advanced."

What happened in Kyoto? Ye Lannan’s twilight sinks slightly. “Don’t you go to Kyoto with your wife to see you?”

Jin Shanshan did not speak. She was held down by Ye Xiaonan, and the two entered the camp together. Ge Kuan and others evaded.

"I heard that I lost my favor on the road, and I was left in the Chengde Villa by the emperor." Jin Shanshan whispered.

Ye Lannan didn't want to shake his head. "Impossible, the emperor must have his reasons."

"I heard that the emperor wanted to marry the princess of Qi... I was anxious to see you. I didn't go to find out what was going on. The outside called Jiang Erniu came from Jinkou City. I think it might be necessary. Take the cockroach away." Jin Shanshan whispered, "You still call in the **** two cows, let him tell you carefully."

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