Cheng Hao hopes that Zhao Wei can put down the hatred of Zhao Wei, but he found that this is not a day or two. Zhao’s hatred has been suppressed for too long, and it is not two or three sentences that can solve her heart. .

"Well, don't check it anymore, let's go back." Cheng Wei said to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei was still full of fire, he heard that he would go to Chad, and also said that she was closer to him than Deyi, she felt that the anger was extinguished a lot, but still a bit unruly, twisting his head and not talking .

"Do you deal with the two emperors, is it because he has framed your fiancé?" Cheng Hao asked faintly, he was still fighting in Xiliang. He had heard that she was going to be a relative. Who knows that it was not long before she heard about her. The fiancé was dead, and this incident was obviously embarrassing. When he came back, he knew that it was related to the second emperor.

However, it is impossible to blame the two emperors. It is that her fiancé is too stupid, and she will be used by the second emperor. Even if the emperor wants to be her, it is not good.

Zhao Wei almost forgot what she used to be like the fiancé. "Although I am stupid, but if it is not the second emperor, he will not die. You look at it, no matter how many Hummers I have, as long as I am undefeated. Down, the two emperors will not make me better."

Cheng Hao said, "What kind of Hummer do you want to find?"

"How? The father wants to make me out. Do you want me to help me find a Hummer?" Zhao said sarcastically.

"I just asked casually." Cheng Wei said faintly, even if the emperor asked him to go to Zhao Wei to find Hummer, he certainly could not find it. Who else deserves her?

He didn't know when he started to get closer to this little girl. The first time she met, she went to Chengjia to find him. He thought she was the woman who sent him, watching young, But he looked like a good one. He liked it very much. He didn't touch the woman for a long time. He had a feeling at that time. If she didn't call him, he might have pressed her under her body.

Later, he went to the expedition. Although he occasionally heard her news, he didn't pay attention to it. After he came back, she wanted to stop him from being dragged by the two emperors. He always came to Chengjia as a prostitute and let everyone Thought that he is helping her, over time, he is used to her side.

His identity is her jealousy, no matter what he thinks in his heart, it can't come true.

However, she could not marry someone before he did not think of a solution.

The carriage was far from the Ye family. They didn't know how long it took to leave the carriage. After Ye Jiamen's door, he walked out of a person and quickly went back to Ye Yinan.

"The father is sick, and Dumumu is not good at him, right?"

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Wei whispered to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao looked at her, and it really was already in the heart, just didn't want to say it. "I don't know. If you want to know, then ask the emperor yourself."

Zhao Wei, he must know everything, just don't want to tell her.

"You don't use me, I don't know much." Cheng Hao rarely smiled.

"I remember that before I came to Wangdu City, my grandfather went to the palace to find the father. Did you ask the father to give you a marriage?" Zhao said with a smile in her eyes. She was very curious about what kind of woman Cheng Hao would end up with. Although his fate was not well transmitted, his status is high and there are still many people who want to marry him.

Cheng Hao said faintly, "No."

"What is not, must be." Zhao said with a smile. "How good is Ninger to marry you, it is the ink-filled Zhan, Ninger will not go to Jinguo..."

"Shut up." Cheng Hao interrupted her coldly. He had never seen Zhao Ning, and he didn't want to marry the princess she said. The little girl looked smart and sometimes he was too slow to let him have nothing to say.

"What's the mouth... Ah..." Zhao Yucai wants to refute, the carriage doesn't know what happened, and the whole person leans forward.

Cheng Hao reached for her waist and held her in her arms before she let her go outside.

"Princess, Hou Ye, there are children running in front, small..." There was a nervous voice outside.

"Continue to go." Cheng Wei said to Xiao Yan.

Zhao Wei was shackled in his arms. His breath was full of a sense of sturdy temperament. She had never been so close to a man, and she could not help but blush her heart. "Hey, I am fine."

The fragrant scent of the girl was in his senses, and the body in his arms was incredibly soft, different from the ones he held in the military camp. No, they couldn’t even compare with a baby. Can't match.

"Oh..." Cheng Hao said nothing, leaving Zhao Wei nervous.

Cheng Hao looked at her lowly, her pretty white face was slightly red, and she looked at him nervously and nervously. Cheng Hao felt that something seemed to be disconnected in his heart. He suddenly lowered his head and contained the kind of matte. It is like the lips of a petal.

Zhao Wei took a sigh of relief and his body was stiff and did not dare to move.

How... what happened?

Cheng Hao tightened his arms and held her tighter in his arms. He couldn't help but aggravate the kiss. He wanted more.

"..." Zhao stunned, until the tip of his tongue was hurt by him, she only returned to God, she struggled, "Hey, hehe..."

"Well?" Cheng Hao gasped, and the big hand did not know when it had slipped into her placket.

Zhao Wei has never experienced such a thing. She has not even touched the man's hand. What's more, this person is still shouting by her, and she is scared at once.

"Pain..." Zhao Wei was hurt by him, and he whimpered.

Cheng Hao’s reason finally pulled back, and the dark and deep scorpion stared at Zhao Wei, she was obviously scared by him.

"Hey." Cheng Hao still held her in her arms. He didn't want to scare her too much, but she didn't allow her to know how to escape.

" are my jealousy, how can I do this..." Zhao Wei sat on his lap and glared at Cheng Hao in horror.

Cheng Hao smiled and rubbed her lips. "I am not your relative, you know."

Even if he is not her relative, but she also wants to call her a sigh, is he not against her ethics?

"I don't want to be your embarrassment either." Cheng Hao said with a strong arrogance, "I will not tell me anything about marriage in the future."

The fear in Zhao Xin’s heart has not been suppressed. She stared at Cheng Hao and could not understand how he suddenly made such a thing to him.

"Princess, Hou Ye, Hongjun Temple is here." There was a small rumor coming in outside.

"Come on." Cheng Yan said with a smile, reaching out to finish her clothes for him, he found out that his self-control is good today, but also because he didn't want to scare her at the beginning, this girl looked proud and bold, but actually needed Others protect, even if there is more hatred in her heart, she is just a little girl. "When I am no longer surnamed, I will leave you with me."

Zhao Wei pushed him away and panicked the carriage.

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