In the square outside the Meridian Gate, the entire square is full of people. The foremost is the family of the family of the family who wear the robes, the young people of their family, and the people who have been detained, just to be able to Labuan, but did not know the other benefits of the new law, they all came here to follow up.

"Please come out to see us." Standing at the forefront is a middle-aged man. He is standing behind him with a few white-haired old people. It seems that the sects are really going out this time.

Some of these people even have revenge on weekdays, but now they stand together with the enemy, and it seems that they are quite afraid of the new law.

A glimpse of water and other people left the hall, standing in the high place and looking at the crowd blocked by the guards, his deep blue eyes revealed a chill.

"The generals, it seems that the safety of the palace still needs you to work hard for a few days. The family is now afraid of being a priest." Liu Zhanhu whispered to the water.

"I am waiting for their soldiers." Water said coldly, these families think that Tianzhu will be checked and balanced by Li Wei like them? Although it takes a little time to solve them, it is not enough to fear.

Liu Zhanhu said, "The generals, you don't understand these families. They have a foundation of more than 100 years in the Yuan Dynasty. Their families don't know much. Every corner of every industry has their people entangled. Although they can't compromise with them, they also need to find a more suitable way to negotiate with them."

"This depends on Liu Daren and Lei Daren." Water did not understand the influence of the family on the entire court. The family of the Chinese nation never dared to threaten the emperor.

"Lei Daren, the former students of adults, you still need to find them." Liu Zhanhu said to Lei Yingchun.

"This is handed over to me." Lei Yingchun nodded and said to Jiang Dachuan, "Let's go together."

Some of them immediately split up and left, and the water stayed. He was the general, and the security of the entire capital city was in his hands. At this time, he could not leave. If the sects were still ignorant, they would not know the people. Are they rushing in?


When the water was heard, the people behind him were saluting. Needless to say, it was definitely Murong Zhan.

He looked back and saw that Murong Zhan took Mingxi over. His twilight was cold and he still took the child.

Murong Zhan also saw a glimpse of water, and his eyes were calmly removed when he found that the other's eyes were still a little bruised.

"Father, what are those people doing?" Ming Xi is short, can not see the real situation in front, but can hear the sound vaguely, so his heart is very curious, there seems to be no one here, how many people today?

"They want to bully your mother." Murong Zhan will hold Ming Xi up and point at the people in front. They are too far away to see their appearance. "They want to force your mother to listen to them." What do you think should be done?"

Ming Xi’s little face is very awkward. He and Ye Hao came back from the Atlantic. They witnessed how Ye Hao conquered the Yuan Dynasty. He couldn’t figure out, and who would dare to bully his mother?

When the water frowned, I felt that Murong Zhan was too much for Mingxi. "Ming Xi is just a child and should not see this scene."

"Nothing can't be seen." Murong Zhan said faintly, he knows that Mingxi is smarter than Mingyu. This is a child of early wisdom, let him understand his responsibilities earlier, he will know how much he needs to pay than others. Work hard.

"What do you want to do?" Water angered. He thought that Murong Cham would definitely ridicule him when he saw him. After all, he was a defeated man, but he said nothing, it was round his face. I feel that Murong Zhan is actually quite broad-minded, and then he heard what he said to Ming Xi, and his heart was angry again.

Murong Zhan glanced at him faintly, "Teach his son."

"Ming Xi is so small, what does he know?" Water asked with anger, feeling that Murong Zhan was not teaching his son, but was abusing his son.

"Do you know what to do?" Murong Zhan looked down at Ming Xi. "So many people are there, is it easier to drive them away, or to break them one by one?"

Mingxi did not understand, but he used to say a word to the mother in the military camp. When the other person is crowded, he should not be too sharp, so as not to hurt himself. "Father, they are too many people, they It’s just calling there, it’s not hurting, so we have to find a way to drive them away.”

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. Although Ming Xi answered some questions from him, he was very smart when he was able to answer such words.

"There must be leaders among these people, and there are even more dissidents. They can't be sent out by the whole family, find out who is provoking this, and how many people are lobbying organizations." Speaking loudly to the Tang Yan around.

He had already told him to go to the royal family, and now he sees so many people in the family, and thinks about the way to break them down.

"Yes, the emperor." Tang Yan whispered.

I heard this when I saw it next to the water. He looked at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan seriously. It seems that this ink-filled Zhan also has a bit of a brain. It is not that he thought it was just a coward.

"Father, they want to bully the mother, why not drive them away?" Mingxi listened to the voices growing louder and louder, and a pair of distinctive eyes became more obvious.

"Some people can solve the problem without killing him." Murong Zhan said, "These people are all a hundred-year-old family. If you want to deal with them, you need to use a more sophisticated method. You are still small, and you will naturally grow up." Understand, you have to remember that this life must be remembered, no one can bully your mother and sister, so you are more powerful than any of them."

When the water was cold in his heart, he was not dying. He wanted a child who was three years old to protect them. Even if he died, Scorpio and Princess still have their protection. How can it be? Let Ming Xi take on such a heavy responsibility.

However, is it true that Murong Chan is dying? If this is a very happy thing, it would be fine if it is true.

Where there is so much water in Mingxi, he only thinks that the father is right. He will protect the mother and sister in the future. "Father, I will be as good as you in the future, so that I can protect my mother and My sister."

"You will." Murong Zhan licked his head. "Father and Emperor now needs you to go to the side of the mother, you must accompany her, so she will not worry about fear." Murong Zhan whispered Ming Xi said.

"Good!" Ming Xi nodded seriously. In a few words, he felt as if he had become more powerful. Just like his father, he wanted to protect his mother and sister.

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