The young man was surprised, his eyes flashed a strange, his hand on the hilt, this man blocking him is a trainer, can be seen at a glance, but how can Xiaoliu be with this person together?

"Who are you?" Ming Xi stood behind him and looked at the young man.

"Get out." The young man said coldly to the sinking.

Slightly faintly open, "It is you who let you go."

"Do you know Yan Xiaoliu?" Ming Xi did not seem to notice the arrogance between the man and the Shen, he was just curious, this person seems to know Yan Xiaoliu.

The young man turned his eyes to Mingxi and looked at Yan Xiaoliu. "Small six, did they catch you?"

"Do you know him?" Ming Xi asked Xiang Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu shook his head gently. He looked at the young man with a sigh of relief. It seemed to be a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

The young man was amazed. " don't know me? Xiaoliu, I am you!"

“Hey?” Yan Xiaoliu’s eyes rounded.

I don’t know when Murong Cham and Ye Hao, who are in the corridor, are looking at this young man.

"Hey, mother." Mingxi saw them, a beautiful and delicate face with a smile.

When the young man saw the couple of Murong Cham, his face was even more inconceivable. He was seen in the rivers and lakes, and he knew a lot of people. There were many people who knew him, but these people, He didn't have any impression at all.

Will it be related to the Yan family being destroyed? However, if they killed their brother-in-law, how could P6 be in their hands?

"In the next bell, I don't know who you are famous for?" After measuring the strength of the other party and himself, Zhong Rong decided to first figure out the identity of the other party.

Hearing his self-reported name, Murong Chong looked at him with a slight blink of an eye. Yan Jintang’s wife was indeed from the clock.

"It's better to go to the room first." Ye Hao whispered to Murong Zhan, and many people in Zhongxing House are now for the Yan family. If you let those people know the existence of Yan Xiaoliu, it is definitely a trouble.

Zhong Rong glanced at Ye Hao, and his eyes flashed a stunned look. The couple were so dazzling and excellent. If they were people on the rivers and lakes, they could not have no fame. He did not know who they were.

Isn't it the people on the rivers and lakes?

"Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Yu broke away from Ye Hao's hand, and the short short legs ran down the stairs. He walked over and held Yan Xiaoliu's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that he was taken away.

"Okay." Zhong Rong looked at his nephew and agreed with Ye Hao. At this time, it is true that other people cannot know the identity of Xiaoliu.

Ye Hao let people take three children to go next door. Yan Xiaoliu hasn't thought of it yet, and naturally he won't recognize Zhong Rong.

"Do you have any evidence to prove that Yan Xiaoliu's embarrassment?" Ye Hao asked Zhong Rong.

Zhong Rong looked at them. "This lady, this should be what I asked you, how can Xiaoliu be in your hands? Yan family is killed, you..."

"Do you think we are related to Yan's business?" Murong Cham's voice was cold and indifferent, and he sat in the chair of the Taishi, keeping his arrogance and coldness as always.

"No..." Zhong Rong did have such doubts at the beginning. Now calm down and look at a few of them. I don’t think they will be related to Yan’s death. "In the past two months, I have been looking for who is The murderer, you will not be the murderer."

Ye Hao looked at him. "Are you sure who the murderer is?"

Zhong Rong gently shook his head. "My brother-in-law and my sister are both masters of martial arts. The people who can kill them must be martial arts. On the rivers and lakes... not many people can kill the Yan family overnight. After this happened, I went to Yanjia to see that Yanjia was not only destroyed, but also burned beyond recognition. I can’t see who started.”

"Poisonous?" Ye Hao’s bright eyes sank. She once saw her own fire devour. If no one is Yan Jintang’s opponent, would it be poisoned and then set fire to the whole Yan family?

Murong Chan's dull and cold scorpion flashed a touch of distress, and he looked at Ye Xie sideways, and his eyes were filled with deep distress and tenderness.

There was anger and pain in Zhong Rong’s face. "I really guessed it..."

"Yan Xiaoliu is really your nephew?" Ye Hao knew that Murong Chan was looking at her. She looked back at him and smiled to appease him.

She is fine, at least remembering the scene of Qin Wangfu, her mood has calmed down.

"In the lower bell, it is the Shaozhuang owner of Zhongjiashanzhuang. This is the jade underneath. Only the talents of Zhongjia will have this jade." Zhong Yu handed the jade on the waist, his attitude is not humble, although he is anxious to want I know the situation of Yan Xiaoliu, but in order to let the other party believe in him, he is still patient and explained here.

When Murong Zhan saw the sabre he saw at his waist, he knew who he was, and he did not doubt his identity with Yan Xiaoliu.

When Ye Hao saw that Murong Zhan did not speak, he knew that he did not doubt the identity of Zhong Rong. "Yan Xiaoliu lost his memory. When we found him, he had been seriously injured."

"Amnesia?" Zhong Yi took a moment, the meaning of amnesia, can't think of anything?

Murong’s cold eyes fell on Zhong Rong’s body. “When you go to Zhongxing, is it to Chaluo Water Court?”

"Impossible!" Zhong Rong shook his head. "I think someone is hiding in Luoshuige. I am going to Zhongxing House. I want to know who is behind this and maybe it is related to the real murderer."

This point is the same as that of Murong Zhan. Ye Hao did not speak. He always felt that the case of Yan Family's extinction had developed to this day. It is becoming more and more complicated. She can't understand it.

"Being in the lower eyelids, I didn't recognize you and my wife..." Zhong Rong felt that the man looked strong and strong, although he was silent, but standing there gave him a pressure that could not be seen directly.

Murong Zhan glanced at him and did not seem to intend to answer.

Ye Hao has become accustomed to his indifference. She smiled and said to Zhong Wei, "We are not a river and a lake, just an ordinary merchant. I am a public surname."

Merchant? Where do they look like a merchant? In his heart, Zhong Rong did not believe what Ye Hao said. Since they are not willing to reveal their identity, he naturally does not insist.

"Would you like to see Xiaoliu at the bottom?" Zhong Rong asked.

Murong Zhan nodded to the sinking and agreed to let Zhong Rong go to see Yan Xiaoliu.

"Zhong Shaozhuang, please." Shen Yi said faintly to Zhong Rong.

When Zhong Rong left, Ye Hao took the sleeve of Mo Rong Chan. "Do you believe his words?"

"There is no place." Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "He is indeed Zhong Rong."

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