Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1417: Rejected by his son

Ye Hao paid special attention to her son for the past two days. Although Murong Chan still showed full possessiveness, it did not prevent her from focusing on Mingxi.

How long did she ignore Mingxi? Looking at my son now, I feel that... it seems that the change is too great.

Like Mo Rongzhan, Mingxi is very clever. This kind of cleverness is not the kind of cleverness that normal children face. He is... Ye Hao can't find words to describe that feeling. She thinks that Mingxi is not like a small one. The child, especially when talking to Yan Xiaoliu, is more like a guide. He even has discussed with Mr. Murong Zhan on the side of Zhongxing.

too terrifying!

Ye Hao remembered the fire phoenix.

Mingxi is a **** with a fire phoenix. Apart from her, no one else knows that when she was a child, she did not see what was wrong. Except that Mingxi had an eye with a touch of red, she now feels wrong.

Also her child, Ming Xi is much smarter than Ming Yu.

"Mother, what are you looking at?" Ming Xi was seen by Ye Hao, scalp numb, he put down the pen in his hand, went to the front of Ye Hao, raised his hand and waved in front of her.

Ye Hao returned to God and looked down at the son who did not know when she came to her. "Oh, I am watching you, why don't you go out with Mingyu?"

"I want to practice words." Ming Xi said seriously. "This is the book and copybook that Tai Fu gave me. I went out after reading it."

This is not right! Ye Hao reached out and hugged Mingxi. "How does Tai Fu give you so much homework, how old you are, don't have to write and read in the room all day, it's important to have fun."

Ming Xi was held in his arms by Ye Hao. He twisted and pushed open Ye Hao. "I want it with Tai Fu. Mother, let's go with Ming Yu. There is a small six to accompany you."

"..." Ye Hao only felt that she would be shocked. Is this she was dismissed? "Ming Xi, don't you like mother?"

"No." Ming Xi looked up doubtfully, not understanding how she would think so.

"Then why don't you give me a hug?" How cute it was before, always like to get tired of her, soft and small body, let her feel a sense of accomplishment, now how... actually push her love Hug.

Mingxi’s face was wrinkled, his expression was vivid and cute, but he was pretending to be serious. “I am no longer a child.”

"..." Ye Hao has no sorrow, "Ming Xi, you are still a child."

"Mother, let's go and hold the jade." Ming Xi said seriously.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "If not, mother will take you out to play."

Mingxi frowned and said, "When I finish writing the copybook, my mother is too noisy."

"That... then I went out, don't write too long." Ye Hao took a wounded heart and left the room. Just went out and saw Murong Zhan holding the hand of Ming Yu from the courtyard, she Flying over the past, directly buried in the arms of Mo Rongzhan, "A Zhan, hehe."

In the long time, Murong Zhan did not see her so spoiled with him, could not help but feel a little funny, holding her waist in one hand, "What?"

Hong Ling took away the confused Mingyu.

"Sad." Ye Hao whispered in his arms, his little hand scratching his chest.

"Who made you sad?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile, and hugged her up to the yard on the other side.

Ye Hao complained that he had just been dismissed by his son. "Ming Xi does not love me, he actually does not let me hold him!"

Murong Chong did not hold back and laughed, "Oh?"

"You still laugh!" Ye Hao cried angrily. She is very sad and sad now!

"Ming Xi has never liked to be held by others. He is a boy." Murong Zhan comforted her softly. "He wanted to hold him before he refused."

Ye said, "He used to be for you."

Murong Zhan kicked the door and sat down with her. "He told you that Mingxi was growing up."

"He is just a child." Ye Hao is uncomfortable because Ming Xi is so small to learn the temptations that adults may not understand, she is distressed.

"Hey, you find it very difficult, very boring things, maybe Mingxi likes it." Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her mouth. "I believe that Mingxi did not feel unhappy."

"I am not happy." Ye Hao muttered.

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows, "Hey, you can forget you are not happy."


"Doing something can make you forget unhappy things." Murong Zhan kissed her lips and pressed her against the soft couch under her body.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao soon really couldn't remember anything.



Ye Lan spent an afternoon forgetting her son’s refusal to hug her love. The result was that her whole body seemed to be dismantled. When she got out of bed, her feet were shaking, but the more powerful, but God Clear and refreshing, I have been playing a snowman with a pair of children outside.

Unequal physical strength is really a sad thing.

However, she has already figured it out. Anyway, Mingxi could not be treated as an ordinary child. The **** of the fire phoenix is ​​still on him. He is smart. Ok, more than one. He is very smart. It is normal. Maybe Now she doesn't need her to open her wings like an old hen to protect him.

"Mother, are you awake?" Mingyu first discovered that Ye Hao had already come out of the room and immediately rushed over.

Ming Xi took her away and said seriously, "The father said, the mother is not comfortable, you should not let the mother hold you."

"Oh." Ming Yu's small mouth snorted, and soon smiled sweetly. "Mother, look, the father gave them a pile of snowmen, this is my brother, this is Mingyu, and Yan Xiaoliu. ”

Murong Zhan's black scorpion looked at her with a burning look. When she saw her walking slowly, she came over and supported her waist. The voice whispered in a low voice. "I haven't slept yet, why don't you sleep for a while?"

Ye Hao’s cheeks glared at him with a reddish look. She found that since she left the capital city, he seemed to be more unrestrained in that respect. She had to find a time to talk to him, and those who were already thirty-six, cultivated It is the most important.

"What's wrong?" Murong Chan whispered.

"I will talk to you at night." Ye Haosheng.

Murong Chan put her in her ear, and the warm breath smothered her ear. "Isn't that enough?"

Ye Hao coughed a few times, deliberately did not understand his words, but looked down at Ming Xi, "Your copybook and books are done?"

"Today's homework is done." Mingxi said with a smile, "The father said that he would teach me and Xiaoliu to practice martial arts later."

"Let's practice martial arts?" Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan with doubt.

“Strong physical fitness.” Murong Chan said, “This age is the best.”

Looking at Mingxi’s look and look forward to excitement, Ye Hao’s words that he wanted to oppose could not be said.

Will the generation gap between her and her son grow bigger and bigger? Ye Hao feels sad.

Ming Yu and Ming Xi seem to worship Murong Cham... She is really jealous.

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