Murong Zhan’s choice of Mingxi’s choice of reading has already been made, and Ye Hao will let the House of Representatives arrange it. When Meilin, who is taking a hundred gardens, is in full bloom, three days later, he will be in the garden. Let the ladies bring the children at home to the Bai Garden to attend the banquet.

Prior to this, she chose two big palace ladies for Ming Yu.

There were two palace ladies around the Mingyu, and they were chosen in the Yuan Dynasty. They were called Xianger and Zaoer. Only two of them had already lost their Mingyu. Ye Hao also came to the fragrance and dew. By her side.

As for Ming Xi's side, Murong Chan has arranged for him to follow a few eunuchs, and he does not need Ye Hao to worry about it.

"The next step is to be busy." Ye Hao sighed. "Hey and the red dragonfly are waiting to be married. The palace is going to prepare the dowry. When the time comes, people will marry and marry in Qingzhou, and there will be red dragonfly... ”

The red dragonfly, who heard the red cheeks next to him, immediately said, "The goddess, the slaves are not in a hurry."

"You are not in a hurry, and you are dying and dying." Ye Hao said with a smile. "Don't worry that you can't help the palace after you get married. This palace wants you to follow Hongling in the hospital."

Red stunned, went to the hospital?

"That is good, there are red dragonflies and slaves." Hong Ling blinked at Red.

"In the past few days, let the green shoots go to the dormitory to serve." Ye Hao said, she actually reluctant to red-yell them, but these rings are loyal to her, if staying with her, it is destined to be alone in this life. Lonely, she is not willing to do this to them.

Hong Ling smiled and responded, and told the story about the green buds and the red buds.

Those who can enter the dormitory are all Omiya women, and they will definitely become the empress of the Queen's Empress. In the future, this is a bright future. The young ladies of Yongshou Palace know that they are all envious of green shoots and red buds. .

"Green bud sister, you are going to move to a single room today." There are two small palace ladies looking at the green buds in the envy of their own things, the tone is difficult to cover up.

"It's just convenient to be a bad person. In fact, it's the same everywhere." Green shoots bowed his head and packed up things. The words he said to the little palace girl were not taken care of.

"How is that the same, waiting for the red sister to marry, you and the red bud sister will be the most important palace girl around the maiden, maybe..." Xiaogong squinted and blinked. "Maybe it will fly on the branch." The head turned into a phoenix."

When she had just finished talking, she walked into a beautiful woman outside the door. She looked at the little palace girl coldly. "What is flying on the branches and turning into a phoenix?"

The little palace woman spit out her tongue and ran out with her head down.

Green Bud said with a smile, "Children are nonsense, don't need to take it seriously."

"These little women are used to the peace days in the palace, and they don't know the human suffering." The red bud snorted and used to clean up the green shoots. "Now the maiden is willing to let his mother enter the dormitory, but not completely believe us." We are so hard to survive. If it weren't for the goddess, we might have become the playthings of the old eunuchs. We can serve the goddess and it is our blessing."

"What are you talking about?" Green buds asked with a smile, and she lowered her head. "I certainly know that we were saved by the niece, and I have always been grateful to the goddess."

When Scorpio first entered the palace, there was still chaos everywhere in the palace. She and the red buds were seen by an old eunuch. The old **** squatted in the palace for many years, and thought that Scorpio would be important to him, so he bullied unscrupulously. The little palace girl, once he wanted to play with them, was seen by the palace ladies of Scorpio, and they had the opportunity to survive in the palace.

Red Bud said, "You know it, don't worry about what to fly on."

"How can I think about this." Green bud sighed, the emperor is tall and beautiful, but no one in this world can be as beautiful as the sissy? Besides, the emperor is so fond of the goddess, how can she look at other women, she just wants to wait for the goddess, like Hong Ling and Hung Hom, she is satisfied, "serve the maids, whether it is going out in the future or staying There is always no difference in where to go."

"Yeah." Red buds nodded.



Wu Wangye asked his emperor son to see the emperor. He wanted to come to the sin in person. Murong Chan had already heard about the hunting ground. Because they were all children, he did not want to intervene to ask. Although Mingxi was not very old, however, I should already know how to deal with it. He asked the five kings to take the children back. Now he is too busy to return to Yongshou Palace. How can I have time to pay attention to the children?

"The emperor, the five princes are coming again." Fu Gonggong lowered his head and came in.

Murong Chan slightly frowned, he let the five princes do not have to come again yesterday, how to enter the palace today.

"What's the matter with him?" Murong Chong put down the memorial in his hand, and his eyes swept to Mingxi, who was reading the book. The child was still focused on the book, and even Yan Xiaoliu, who was next to him, was not affected.

"Five princes are coming with children." Fu Gonggong said.

That was for the hunting ground, and Murong Cum said softly, "Let him go back."

"Yes." Fu Gonggong should.

Murong Zhan got up and walked to Mingxi, "Ming Xi."

"Well..." Ming Xi looked at the book with full concentration and heard that someone called him. He just faintly did not know who was calling him behind.

"What are you looking at?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Ming Xi did not respond for a long time. When he finished reading this page, he looked up and saw that Murong Chan stood by him. He stood up, "Father."

Yan Xiaoliu also hurriedly stood up.

"Five princes bring ink to the state to ask for sin, you go to see them." Murong Zhan licked his head.

"Who is Mo Libang?" Ming Xi frowned in confusion, he could not remember who it was.

Yan Xiaoliu whispered aside, "They were on the hunting ground, they called him Banger."

Ming Xi remembered the name, but he didn't quite remember what the man looked like. "Father, do you want to see him?"

"You five kings uncle worried that Bang Geer offended you, let's talk to him." Murong Zhan said, he was too lazy to see the five princes, and then he was crying. Two years ago, he also wanted to seal the scorpion for the world. He was beaten back by the game, and he cried and screamed for two days, and he was scorned for a while.

"That's okay." Mingxi's tone was obviously reluctant, and he wanted to stay here to read.

In the eyes of Murong Zhan flashed a smile, the more the son's temper grows up, the more he likes him, and he doesn't want to be disturbed when he concentrates on doing one thing.

"Small six, let's go together." Ming Xi also called Yan Xiaoliu together.

Yan Xiao nodded at six o'clock, "Okay."

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