When I taught Lu Hao, I knew that I wanted to find Lu Xin’s revenge. When I saw Lu Hao’s like Ye Hao, she began to suspect Lu’s identity. Later, she knew Lu Hao’s identity. Ye Hao’s relationship, she always wanted to use Lu Hao to avenge, who thought that Murong Chan would eventually fall in love with Lu Hao.

What is Ye Hao's point than the woman who grew up in the border town? So beautiful Ye Hao, but can only be killed in the Qin Wangfu, but Lu Hao can get all the favor of Mo Rongzhan, she is very sad for Ye Hao.

"Very good, there are labors to hang." The acquaintance replied faintly, and Ye Hao did not have the enthusiasm after a long absence.

Ye Hao knew where her indifference came from, and she did not complain in her heart. "Mr. Shan can be a teacher of nephews. It is a blessing to be a child."

Single smile is alienated from indifference. It seems as if she has forgotten that Lu Hao used to be her student. "The goddess forgive me, and the nephew is still waiting for the women to go to class."

"You..." I saw that she still didn't let go of the past, and couldn't help but say a few words.

"Mother, then I will go back first." Lu Hao whispered to interrupt the words that Yanshi would say.

He gently nodded and watched Ye Hao leave the garden.

I didn’t even have a look at it. I turned to go to the water to find Lu Yier.

"That is your student, isn't it? Your heart is also going to heaven." When he was a child, he knew it and he didn't have to talk politely.

"I don't understand what you mean by this." The acquaintance said, turned and walked toward the water.

He followed her behind, and did not read with a good spirit. "How can you not know what I am talking about? I understand your sympathy for Qin Wangxi. What can you have to do with you? You need to confront this. Indifferent, she is still a queen."

"The death of Qin Wangxi does have nothing to do with Lu Hao." The sneer sneer sneered at the corner of the mouth, and looked at the distance with a faint look. "But she is the sister of Ye Hao, who died because of the emperor." ""

"The emperor has already sealed the leaves as the first queen..." There is some guilty conscience, she is sympathetic to Ye Hao, but people are already dead, what is the solution?

The gaze of the single-minded person became deep. "You have never seen the little girl... It was raised by Mrs. Ye and her father in the palm of her hand. The chess and paintings are all proficient, and grew up in such a family, she Even a little arrogant and arrogant, kind and lovely, to everyone who laughs and smiles, such a good girl, fell in love with people who should not love, regardless of the family's opposition to marry Qin Wang, what is the end of the game? Oh, yes, What did Ye Hao do wrong again? The person who killed her is Lu Yizhi. Isn’t it because of the connivance and coldness of the emperor? You are not Ye Hao, you have never seen her, naturally you can easily forget, I It is impossible."

He imagined the appearance of Ye Hao, and unconsciously put his daughter into it. He felt sad in his heart, but he had to say, "Even if it is, it is also a past, and it was not in Kyoto at the beginning."

"Yeah, it has nothing to do with her." Single sigh, "After all, not a sister who grew up together, how can I understand the bitterness that my sister suffered at Qin Wangfu."

"You don't think so, Ye Daren also forgives the emperor." He had to carry Ye Yiqing.

Referring to Ye Yiqing, the eyes of single-mindedness went dark. She thought that Ye Yiqing did not really want to forgive Murong Cham, but his method of petting his daughter was really... probably lost a daughter and didn’t want to lose another daughter, so Only chose forgiveness.

"What other people think about me, no matter what." The acquaintance said, "You should stop talking, or I will not come later."

裴氏气结, "You are the same, just like before."

I am a sneer, she is such a person.



Ye Hao returned to the palace and was a little unhappy. Thinking of Mr. Shan’s indifference to her, she thought that she would marry Murong Zhan regardless of the hatred of her sister’s death. In her opinion, this is probably a kind of betrayal.

She can't always tell her, she is Ye Hao.

Therefore, I can only let the single-intelligence always misunderstand her.

Murong Zhan walked into the dormitory, and at a glance he saw that Ye Hao, who was holding the book but was absent-minded, was in a bad mood.

He sat down beside her and habitually licking her thin waist. "What? Isn't it going to the house today, not happy?"

"Today, I met Mr. Shan in Lujia." Ye Hao turned his head and leaned in his arms for comfort. "She doesn't like me."

When Murong Zhan didn't think about who Mr. Shan was, his voice went cold. "Who dares to look at you?"

Ye Hao turned back and hated him with hate. "It was my original teacher. You were forced to leave Mr. Shan, who had left Kyoto, and had previously married the obedient son of Enbohou."

is her! Murong Zhan lightly coughed. "She doesn't treat you as a daughter, but she doesn't like you?"

"She likes Ye Hao!" Ye Hao scratched his chest. She is now in the status of Lu Hao.

Murong Zhan remembered the secrets of the people in his arms. He held her in his lap. "It’s been so long, she is still worried, even if she hates to kill... Qin Wang, I have it with you. What is the relationship?"

"I should not betray Qin Wangxi to marry you. I should treat you as an enemy like Mr. Shan." Lu Hao said with no anger. "Forget it, I can't tell her that I am Ye Hao, or wait for a long time. She will always let go."

"Let's go to see her later." Every time he mentions the things of Qin Wangfu, he always feels distressed. He doesn't want Ye Hao to think about it before.

Ye Hao sighed. "It can only be like this. I feel very embarrassed to her. You forced her to leave Kyoto."

Murong Zhan remembered that because of this incident, Ye Hao had a trouble with him. He didn't know her identity at that time, and did not take single-mindedness as one thing.

"Well, you will compensate." Murong Zhan said, whispering for a long time, finally let the people in his arms laugh again.

"Today, I told the mother about Lu Tingzhi. When I arranged two people in Lujia, I would like to be a nursing home. When I was a younger sister, I must stare at their mother and child." Ye Hao said.

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "I will listen to you."

On the second day, Murong Zhan gave an official position to the single family without leaving any traces. The precious medicinal materials were also rewarded by the single lady who had been sick by the old lady. This solved the dilemma of the single family being suppressed for many years.

At the beginning, he did not like single-mindedness, forced him to leave Kyoto, and someone in the middle of the country pressed someone to suppress him. Today, he rewards him, which is a signal to warn these people.

At the Yongshou Palace, Ye Hao learned about the reward of Mo Rongzhan, but it was a slight smile, and it was a bit of compensation.

"Mother, Mr. Huangfu went to Kyoto." Hung Hom came in from the outside and said good news with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s face was happy, “Go and ask him to enter the palace.”

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