Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1478: He is a chess piece

Yan Xiaoliu spent all his savings to buy a pair of exquisite bracelets. He carefully earned his arms. In fact, the jade color of this opponent's bracelet is not the best. If he changed it before, he would not look at it more. Now because it is To give it to Mingyu, he felt precious.

"His Royal Highness, Zhong Rong is gone." Shen Xiao whispered to Ming Xi.

"Where is it?" Yan Xiaoliu hurriedly asked.

Shen said, "It seems that someone is following him. He should have taken those people away."

Yan Xiaoliu went out and frowned and looked around.

"Go to the tea house over there and wait," Ming Xi said.

If Zhong Rong is going to lead people who follow him, he should look for an opportunity to see Yan Xiaoliu.

They walked to the opposite tea house, and they did not notice that their every move was seen by the people in the room above the tea house.

"Master, it seems to be awesome, who is the person he protects?"

Standing at the window of the wing is not someone else, it is the master servant of Lu Hao.

"The prince of Jinguo." This is the son of Ye Hao and Murong Cham. It looks like Murong Zhan, and Shen Yi and Xue Lin protect it. Besides who is the emperor Ming Xi, who else?

"The prince?" Luo Cheng flashed his eyes in the eyes, "Master, do you want to catch her?"

Lu Yan looked at him coldly. "You thought that Murong Chong had his son out of the palace. He was only with a few people around him? People didn't catch it, you have been killed."

Luo Cheng didn't think so much, just wanted to catch the child and be able to breathe a sigh of relief for the master.

"Zhong Wei?" Lu Yanzhi's eyes have been watching Ming Xi, I heard that she gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes, and her son looks like Murong Cham, who is her daughter like?

"Go, our people follow." Luo Cheng said.

Lu Yanzhi's fingers gently groped the edge of the window. "Zhong Wei followed our people to Kyoto, don't let him check it again, lest you find the palace."

Letting Zhong Hao live is to find out the Yan family's embers. If he continues to check in Kyoto, he will be alerted to Murong Cham in the palace sooner or later, and he may find his eyeliner in Kyoto.

"Yes, the master." Luo Cheng whispered.

Luo Cheng quit his head and quit, and he will return soon.

"The master, the palace, said to see Lu Hao." Luo Cheng will just tell the news of Lu Haozhi.

Lu Yizhi’s hand stopped, and Murong Hui still did not believe that Lu Hao was Ye Hao.

"Then let him see." Lu Yizhi said, "Return to him, wait for the news, let Lu Yan appear to let him see."

Let Mo Ronghui see Lu Hao, as long as he sees Lu Hao, who looks exactly the same as Ye Hao, he will definitely be heart-felt. Once Murong Hui believes that Lu Hao is Ye Hao, he will definitely not stay. I died in the palace.

Such a good piece of chess...only useful if it is moving.

"Check it out, who is the boy who is next to the emperor." Lu Yan's eyes looked at Yan Xiaoliu behind Ming Xi, who made him look familiar.

"A child, it should be a slave." Luo Cheng glanced at it and thought that the boy was too beautiful, and should be chosen to serve the emperor.

Lu Yan looked at him coldly and coldly. "Check it out."

Luo Cheng silently forehead, "Yes, the master."

It was not until Mingxi that their figure entered the tea house that Lu Haozhi took back his sight and picked up the secret letter from the table and looked up.

The big princess of Qi State and Cheng Hao are going to Kyoto...

"Zhao Wei probably lived soon." Lu Yanzhi showed a slight smile, and there were countless pieces in his hands. However, he is now a **** in the hands of Zhao Wei in the future, and it is hidden by Zhao Wei. A sharp blade.

It is a pity that Zhao Wei does not know that he is indeed a knife and a double-edged sword. He will deal with him in the same way.

"He is the only person who knows your identity. It is a good thing to die," Luo Cheng said.

"Lu Tingzhi...coming back." Lu Yuzhi saw the last letter, he stunned and then frowned.

Luo Cheng bowed his head. "I didn't have time to tell you before I entered the city yesterday."

It’s too late to tell him, or dare not tell him.

"Mrs. also come back together?" Lu Yuzhi's voice is colder.

Luo Cheng sighed in his heart, Lu Yizhi will have today's encounter, all are Liu's mother and daughter, and now Liu is back, I hope the master should not be soft, "Mrs. come back together, now live in the land Home, Lu Shiming's home."

"Yeah." Lu Yizhi faintly said that since he decided to change his appearance and left, he never thought about recognizing anyone else in Lujia.

Even Lu Shuanger is missing.

Others do not know how Lu Shuanger will disappear in the Yuan Dynasty. He is clear.

Lu Shuanger is in the hands of Ye Hao.

"Don't worry about them." His second brother was not the younger brother who needed to protect him in the past. He probably didn't want to see himself.

Let him go out in Kyoto to find a piece of heaven and earth.



At this time, Lu Tingzhi was talking to Lu Shiming in Lu’s study.

"Three uncle, are you looking for me?" Lu Tingzhi walked into the study and looked at Lu Shiming respectfully.

"Sit down, I have something to tell you." Lu Shiming said.

"Yes." Lu Tingzhi did not know what San Shu had to say to him. It was unreasonable to see the mother today, and finally did not want to endure them?

Lu Shiming glanced at the blind man. "I heard that you inquired about the original Lujia Mansion. Do you want to buy it?"

"Does the uncle know?" Lu Tingzhi looked up strangely. He had already inquired before he returned to Kyoto, and he secretly inquired, how could he let the three uncles know?

"The person who bought the big house with your second uncle was me." Lu Shiming whispered, "You want to buy with me, I naturally know."

Lu Tingzhi was even more surprised, "Three Uncles..."

"That is the mansion left by my grandfather. Naturally, you can't let your second uncle sell it. I am afraid that when I get out of the festival, I will buy it. The second uncle doesn't know that the mansion is in my hands. You bought the big house. Is it going to move in and live?" Lu Shiming asked.

"Our big room is sorry for the ancestors of Lujia, I want to buy a big house, it is... it is a little compensation."

Lu Shiming nodded gently. This nephew is still filial. "What do you think when your mother said in the house?"

"Three uncles!" Lu Tingzhi hurriedly stood up. "If you say what your mother said, don't worry about it. We always owe you, you don't need to do anything, I will work hard."

"How do you want to work hard?" Lu Shiming asked in a deep voice, "When you are in the Hanlin Academy in Qi State, do you still have to take another examination in Jinguo?"

Lu Tingzhi was silent. "If you can take another test, you can enter the DPRK as a good official... I am afraid..."

"I am afraid that both the emperor and the empress must believe you?" Lu Shiming whispered.

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