Murong Cham's injury is not heavy. He used his strength to support it when he fell, but because his speed was too fast, his calf was cut open by the rock and blood was flowing.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao saw the blood on the ground, scared his face white, and his heart was sharply hurt.

"Oh, nothing!" Murong Zhan stood up and supported Ye Hao, who was running to him. "Are you okay?"

Ye Hao’s eyes floated with tears. “I’m fine, Azhan, how is your injury? I’ll take a look.”

Murong Zhan took care of her shoulders and looked at it carefully. It really didn't have any scars, except for the ******** on the face.

There was a faint smile in his eyes, nothing to do.

"His injury is very heavy. If you don't wrap the wound, maybe... bloodshed is dying." The ghost stood at not far away and looked at them. He wouldn't kill Murong Cham, although he could not wait to bring this big enemy. Unloading eight blocks to vent your heart and hate.

However, he wants to avenge the Emperor of the Xuantian continent more than the murder of Modi, which is what he hates most.

What would a person who has never had a weakness, if it has a soft underbelly?

Ye Hao glanced at the hatred, "A Zhan, you sit down, I will look at you."

"The emperor, are you okay?" Shen Yi and Xue Lin came down from the mountain wall and hurriedly came over. They looked at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, and thought that... Fortunately, nothing happened.

"It’s just a little skin trauma, hey, it’s okay.” Murong Zhan said with a smile.

So heavy **** smell, and the pants on his feet have been soaked with blood, how could it be just a skin injury.

"Sit down." Ye Hao added a tone. "You have already done this. Even if I am saved, how can I take me to the cliff?"

Murong Zhan looked at the hatred with vigilance. He did not quite understand the attitude toward the hatred. If the enemy wanted to kill them, they should have already killed them. Now it seems that they are trying to test.

"He didn't dare to kill us." Ye Hao whispered, tearing open the trousers on the calf's calf and seeing the wound that was taken, her tears almost fell out, so deep and so long wounds, he Actually, I can still change my face and say that it is a skin injury.

Xue Lin and Shen Yi were facing them, and they guarded against the sudden attack.

Ye Hao didn't care so much at this time. The palm of her palm was constantly coming up. Lingquan cleaned the wounds of Murong Cham. The calf that had already been numb was not so painful.

"What?" The hateful eyes looked at Ye Xie's palm, and Lingquan actually came out of her palm? Is it... This woman has a sacred space that can be united with the human body. Even the space and the beast can be raised to become their own spiritual pet. The entire Xuantian continent cannot find three such spaces.

There is still a spring in the space of this woman! This is simply a sacred item in the holy product!

The eyes of the hate are bright, if this sacred thing can be his...

He will be able to restore the original exercises in a very fast time!

"Okay." Ye Hao didn't go to see the hatred. She quickly wrapped up the drug for Murong Zhan. "How come you down? Such a steep cliff, if you are not careful..."

"I am going to come to you." Murong Chan touched her face, looking at the coldness with a gaze, and seeing his greedy greed in his eyes, his face was more gloomy.

The hatred laughed out loudly. "Mu Di, I didn't expect your avatar to fall in love with a woman on the mainland. Even the sacred space is willing to give it to her. It seems that she is really extraordinary for you."

In the first time, Murong Zhan did not hear the hatefulness calling him Modi. If he said that he was separated, Murong Zhan did not pay attention to it. Now he heard the meaning of his words. It seems to be directed at Ye Hao. He has to go. I want to know who the Emperor is.

Evil seems to hate this person, and is still very scared.

"I want to send you back to Xuantian mainland, hahaha." Hate smiled. "I want your avatar to return to Xuantian mainland. Your feelings must affect Modi. When I see you, Not fearless."

"Are you crazy? If it is so easy to go back to the Xuantian continent you said, do you need to be here?" Ye Hao yelled in anger.

"With my current cultivation as a natural thing, I can't open the gap of the Xuantian continent, but as long as there is a real dragon and your space, I can leave at any time." Hate smiled, his present It is still not possible to forcibly take away the space of the sacred goods. However, as long as he has the spiritual spring cultivation, he may be able to achieve spiritual cultivation.

Ye Hao looked at her palm, and she still wanted to hide her space in the palm of her hand. Now she can't help but regret it.

"Hey, come behind you." Murong Chan's calf has a spiritual spring and a potion, and the wound heals quickly. He no longer bleeds. He protects Ye Hao behind him and looks cold at the enemy." If you want to be a real dragon, then try it."

"You are now repaired as nothing, but a mortal who has a little martial arts. Do you think it will be my opponent?" The eyes of the hatred are ridiculous and contemptuous. He still disdains to kill Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan is cold and cold, "Is it? Then why don't you dare to shoot again?"

"Then give me your true dragon's gas." The face of the hateful showful and beautiful beauty flashed a slap, and he quickly flew over to Murong.

The former Shen and Xue Lin want to stop him, and he is easily opened dozens of meters away.

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly, “Azhan!”

"Bring the Queen to leave first." Murong Zhan ordered that the unprotected dark guards take Ye Zi.

"No..." Ye Hao shook her head, how could she leave at this time?

Evil, drink, "Nobody wants to leave here."

He took a hand to go to Murong Chong.

When he was at the top of the mountain, Mo Rongzhan felt that there was a force in his body that could stop the hatred. He was lucky enough to force out the fiery power and fully greet the palm of the heart.


Murong’s mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, and he slammed back a dozen steps and slammed into the cliff behind him.

The hate had originally thought that it would be easy to seriously hurt Murong Cham, but did not expect that it would be beaten by a fire.

Damn it! This is the body of a mortal, and it cannot withstand the power of fire.

Although this fire is not as good as the power of the Emperor...

"Today and let go of you, I will come back to you after I break the border." The cold eyes looked at Murong Zhan, and he flew up and flew in the direction that Ye Hao had just left.

Seeing his direction of departure, Murong’s face changed.

"Hey, be careful!" Murong quickly chased him up.

Ye Hao heard the voice of ink-filled Zhan, and was about to turn back. He was suddenly slammed away from the ground.

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