Ye Hao didn't know how long she lost consciousness. When she woke up, she found herself lying on a simple bed. It looked like a farmhouse. She sat up and looked at it carefully. She was ... Is she in Jinguo or in Xuantian mainland?

"Ming Xi, Ming Xi." Ye Hao remembered the son who disappeared in the dark fog and hurried out of bed and shouted loudly.

When she walked out of the house, she knew that she was in a forest. She was in a straw house. There was a vegetable garden next to it. Looking at the green vegetables, the owner should take good care of her, but she, except her. Did not see other figures.

“Is there anyone?” Ye Hao cried, and she found that her clothes had been replaced, not a teenager’s dress, but... she looked down at the bucket of water at her feet, and the water reflected her appearance. She is now a girl's dress, looks like a 17-year-old girl.

Who changed her clothes for her? Ye Hao plays drums in her heart. She is clearly in the mountains of Yunyun. This place doesn't look like it is in the mountains of Yunyun. Is it... Was she saved, or has she arrived at Xuantian?

The possibility behind her made her feel scared.

If this is a strange world, according to the hate, they seem to learn what everyone is doing. She is just an ordinary mortal. She only wants to find her son, but she doesn’t even know how to leave now. She should How to find Mingxi?

Ye Hao feels helpless. She misses Murong Zhan. If he is by her side at this time, he will know how to find Mingxi.

A Zhan...Thinking that Murong Zhan is still in Jin Guo, she has a sharp heart in her heart. He must be very worried about her and Ming Xi.

Right, space!

Ye Hao remembered her space, she opened her palms, and the gods moved, and the palms overflowed with a crystal spring.

The space is still on her body! She can't wait to enter the space. Since she came to Xuantian from the space, she should be able to go back to Xu Rongtian from the Xuantian mainland. With him around, she is more confident to find Mingxi.

She came to the space again, but was surprised to find that the space became completely different.

Lingtian, which was able to grow medicine, became bigger. The pattern on the edge of Lingjing seemed to be different. She couldn’t say where it was different. It looked more complicated. What shocked her was that the edge that could lead to Jinguo was gone. She couldn't see the darkness of the group. Now the space is bright and bright, and there are strange black fog, here... even breathing is more comfortable than before.

"No, no, I want to go back, black fog?" Ye Hao's face turned white. She didn't want to stay in Xuantian forever. When she found Ming Xi, she would go back to find Murong Cham and Ming Yu.

Ye Hao looked for a long time in the space, not to mention the darkness, even a dark cloud could not be found.

She fell to the ground desperately, how could this be? How could this be?


A subtle voice sounded.

The space was too quiet, so the sound was particularly awkward. Ye took a moment and stood up and headed for Lingjing.

There was a group of white things in Lingjing. Although it looked like an egg before, Ye Hao felt that it was still different. Today, I saw that it has become a real egg.

Is it... is it a firebird?

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a ecstasy. If it was really a fire phoenix, it must be known as an ancient beast.

She carefully took the white giant egg from the well and there were two cracks on it. It seems that it should be coming out soon. I don't know how long it will take.

The white eggshell is white as jade, shiny and lustrous, and there is a comfortable temperature in his arms. She is more and more sure that this must be reborn.

However, since the fire and the phoenix are reborn... Is it the **** of the gods that has left Mingxi?

"Firebird, Firebird, you will come out quickly and tell me where Mingxi is, I must find him." Ye Hao whispered, she was afraid that Mingxi would still fall into the hands of hatred, and the must Will not let go of Mingxi.

The giant egg arched in the arms of Ye Hao, but there was no intention to crack it again.

If she was not afraid of danger, she really wanted to break the egg.

She put the white egg in the well water again, and she felt that the well water seemed to be bred.

I was planning to find a gap to return to the country. She suddenly heard a few slight footsteps approaching and rushed out of the space.

Back in the straw house, Ye Hao still did not find anyone here.

Strange, is she getting it wrong.

"Someone?" Suddenly, there was a cry outside.

"Come." Ye Hao’s face was happy, and hurriedly ran over. Was it the person who saved her, would they help her find Mingxi? Her heart is full of expectation.

She ran out of the hut with joy, and when she stood outside, she stood three brightly dressed men. Her look froze. Obviously, these three people are not the original owners of the grass house. They look at the clothes on them and are incompatible with the grass houses of this forest. They should be passing by.

"You...who?" Ye Hao looked at them with vigilance. Without knowing the identity of the other party, she did not dare to expose herself to someone from a different continent.

The three men were dressed brightly, but they could see that one of them was higher. He took a step forward and looked at Ye Hao carefully. "It looks like you have been living here?"

like what? Ye Hao looked at them sideways. "It seems that I asked you first."

"We are the people from Ye Family." The man looked at Ye Hao with a faint look, faintly showing a proud attitude.

Yeh's home? what is that?

"I haven't heard of it." Ye Hao didn't want to say, these three people should be looking for the owner of the hut, but the owner has never appeared, I don't know where to go.

"So, your milkmaid didn't tell you, are you the three girls of your family?" The man looked at Ye Hao, "What about your mother?"

Is this the girl who regards her as their family?

"I am not the person you are looking for." Ye Hao said, "The owner of the cottage is not there."

The man chuckled. "My name is Ye Wei. It’s your cousin. We can't easily find your whereabouts. Over the years, your wife has concealed her identity. We can't find you. Now that we have found it, nature. Will not let you fall outside, you go to clean up, come back to me with me."

Sure enough, she admit her wrong.

"But, I really don't know what Ye's family is, it can't be your cousin." Ye Hao said, she really wants to leave here, but she doesn't know what the so-called Ye Family is, just wait. The owner of the cottage returned?

Ye Wei frowned slightly, "Cang Mei, do you want to live in this mountain for a lifetime, don't you want to practice the exercises? Here, you will only become a waste."

Practice? Leaving the forest? Ye Hao’s heart moved.

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