Ye Hao does not know that the original source of fire depends on the fate, what fate? She looked at the top with some confusion. Xiao Huo Huang did not tell her about this. It seems that in the eyes of the little guy, they will be able to get the fire.

At this time, Shen Ying has already been able to affirm that this boy is the wife of the city. Although the city owner does not intend to pick up his wife now, from the attitude of the city owner to treat his wife, this day should not be far away.

He did not want to offend the mistress of the future Mocheng Building.

"An ancient fire source is not for everyone to own. When seeking a fire source, if it is not for a good person, the ancient fire source will burn the person's cultivation. Over the years, many people have been destroyed by the fire source." Shen Ying walked in front and explained like a routine.

Will it be destroyed and repaired? Ye Hao was surprised to see the supremacy, the original source of fire is so dangerous? No wonder Modi did not refuse to let them in.

Supremely smiled at Ye Hao, "Don't worry."

How could you not worry! Ye Hao is in her heart, her cultivation is low, it doesn't matter, the supremacy has already been above the ancestry. If it is destroyed, what a pity?

Shen Ying has already reminded the boy that he will not say more and continue to lead the way.

The bigness of the Mocheng Building is beyond Ye Xie’s imagination. They are still experiencing the speed of spiritual advancement. However, they have already gone so long, but they have not seen the fire source yet.

Ye Hao looked around, they had no idea how many passages they passed through, and now they are surrounded by a gray and black walled alley, carved with unknown beasts on the walls, each looks vivid, and the sullen eyes seem to be watching. They saw that the leaves of the leaves were cold.

"These are famous beasts on the mainland." The whisper explained to Ye Hao.

"It looks really fierce." Ye Hao whispered, as if there were still beasts in it, thinking of the beasts seen in the flame desert, she could imagine how terrible the beasts on the wall.

Supremely said, "Most of these beasts have been sealed and rarely seen on the mainland."

"The beast does not seem to be sealed." Ye Hao still had a lingering fear, and she almost died under the teeth of the beast.

"The beast is sealed by the city owner in the flame desert, and will not go anywhere else." Shen Ying whispered.

Ye Hao was planning to speak, and suddenly, a heavy pressure passed over at the end of the passage.

"It's already here." Shen Ying whispered.

At the end of the passage is a gate engraved with two phoenix birds, and the pressure is transmitted from the inside.

Ye Yi saw that the phoenix bird on the door was similar to the small fire phoenix.

Shen Ying put his token in the recessed position on the door, and the door finally slowly opened.

A heat wave came to the surface.

Ye Hao hurriedly protected his body with spiritual power and did not burn himself with this heat wave.

"This is the hall of the Holy Fire, because the ancient fire source is too powerful, so there are seals everywhere, please be careful." Shen Ying said.

He looked at the face of the lady of the city and was so polite to the supremacy.

With a spiritual bodyguard, Ye Hao followed up and walked into the hall.

Just walked in, she was shocked by the Suzaku, who was a few taller in the center.

"This is... Suzaku?" Ye Hao looked at the Suzaku in front of him. Isn't this a small fire phoenix after growing up?

Suzaku is in a soaring position, looks lifelike, as if it will vacate in the next moment, the flame in its mouth is blazing, as if all the darkness is cut off, the fire trembles, and the halo layer covers the entire hall.

Ye Hao now understands why ancient fire sources will destroy people's cultivation. They are not close to the flames. They have already felt the unprecedented pressure. If they go forward to get the fire source, isn't it more dangerous?

"You are waiting here." The supremacy said to Ye Hao.

"Too respect!" Ye Hao called to live up, "I am the source of fire I asked, I will take it myself."

Shen Ying suddenly looked back at Ye Hao. "You are not enough to get close to the fire source."

Supreme said, "I can protect myself."

"Isn't it necessary to look at the fate? It is the source of fire I asked. It is naturally to look at my fate." Ye Hao smiled slightly, she knew that supreme cultivation was inscrutable, but the ancient source of fire was her request, if it was supreme What happened, she will be upset.

Always bet once.

Slightly shake your head, "You can't take risks."

“Is there not too respected here?” Ye Hao smiled. “If I have anything, you can save me.”

"Ye Ye..." I want to persuade her again.

Ye Hao has already driven the spiritual power to fly up. The pressure of the Suzaku released is indeed very heavy, but somehow, she has a sense of intimacy.

Probably because this is the ancestor of Xiaohuohuang?

Yes, small fire phoenix! Ye Hao summoned the small fire phoenix from the space.


The small fire phoenix wings vacated, the Suzaku's spiritual pressure and the heat of the flame have no pressure on it. This is its ancestor. It finally returns here and can really grow up.

"Fire phoenix?" Shen Ying squinted his eyes. The original lord's fire phoenix was to the lady. No wonder the lady had no fear of the ancient fire source.

Supremely, I looked at the small fire phoenix. It flew in front of the leafhopper. As it gets closer to the fire of the Suzaku, the change in it is greater.

Ye Hao was blocked by a resistance. She stopped at a few meters away from the ancient fire source, and her eyes looked at the small fire phoenix that had already flown to the fire.

The feathers of the small fire phoenix gradually burned, like a small fire source into the blazing flame.


The body of the small fire phoenix swelled up, and the flame on the body became more and more vigorous. Gradually, it seemed to merge with the fire source.

"Little bird..." Although I knew that Suzaku was the ancestor of Xiaohuohuang, but seeing this scene, Ye Hao’s heart was raised.

Shen Ying and Supreme did not speak, and they have never seen what it is like to be born again.

Ye Hao wanted to go forward to find a small fire phoenix, but was bounced off by a strong flame.

"Be careful!" She hurried up to support Ye Hao and took her back to the ground. "Don't get close to the fire."

"But, small fire phoenix..." Ye Hao looked anxiously at Suzaku. Isn’t the small fire phoenix able to become stronger here? Where is it going?

Supreme pointing to Suzaku, eyes flashed surprised, "Look!"

The bronze-colored Suzaku is turning red little by little, the feathers look more real, and the eyes seem to be flashing.

It looks like it’s like flying wings.

Supremely, Ye Hao stepped back a few steps, and I don’t know what the Suzaku will change next.

When the Suzaku was red, the flame became more vigorous, the surrounding pressure was heavier, and the shadow of the shadow changed slightly.

"Are you okay?" The low-lying look at Ye Hao, even he felt pressure, Ye Hao's repair is too low, it should be more uncomfortable.

Ye Hao shook his head. "I'm fine."

It seems that... this pressure has no effect on her.


The crisp sound resounded throughout the hall.

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