Fire Phoenix is ​​wronged, is it wrong? It is Modi who is supremely skeptical. It can't help but guess why it is so good to Ye Hao. In fact, in addition to the body of Tianling and Tongfeng, it can't think of what she still has to use. ?

What is Modi angry about?

It’s really inexplicable!

The phoenix's gods returned to the space, and when they opened their eyes, Ye Hao was still practicing.

The aura in the space is richer than the outside, so the cultivation effect is better. However, since Ye Hao broke through the Qing Dynasty, her cultivation has fallen into a bottleneck, as if there has been no breakthrough.

"Still not!" Ye Hao spit out a breath, her spiritual strength is very abundant, in order to break through the second floor?

"It is so easy to break through the environment without clearing the environment. You have to cooperate with some exercises to improve your efficiency. No matter which sect is the choice of Tianjiao, you don't have to worry about breaking through. The second floor, first practice the exercises." Fire Phoenix said.

Ye Hao squinted and glanced at it. "I know, I am too anxious."

"Your day's whip is only trained on the first floor, you can continue to practice." Fire Phoenix said, "If you can reach the second floor, you will not have to worry about encountering opponents in the future."

"But I have seen YuJian only the first layer." Ye Hao said that if there is a second layer, she has already begun to cultivate.

Fire Phoenix took Ye Hao to the second floor space and explained to her. "These jade and exercises in the space are all related to your cultivation. You can only practice the first step of the whip of the next day." So I only got the jade slip on the first floor. Now that you are in Cingjing, the exercises you can get are different."

"What you mean is that although there are so many jade and exercises in the space, but my cultivation is not enough, I can't see it at all?" Ye said in a strange way, she did not tell her before the fire phoenix. In fact, she thought that all the jade and exercises in the space could be learned.

"It's almost like this." Fire Phoenix nodded.

Ye Hao recalled before looking at Yu Jian, it seems that every time she knows what she is doing, there are jade slips that can make her practice. She sees that space can pick out the exercises that suit her according to her cultivation.

"You will release the knowledge of God again." When he came to the collection space, the fire phoenix let Ye Hao try again.

Ye Hao had to release the gods to select the exercises. She was the root of Tianling. She could learn according to the principles of the exercises, but she chose the fire because she felt that the whip of the next day was more suitable for her.

When she was on the mainland, she was good at whip and archery. Her current cultivation is still unable to transform the outflowing rocket. The power of the rocket is not inferior to the whip of the next day.

With the release of Ye Hao's spiritual power and knowledge of the sea, she is surrounded by several jade slips and books, just like the last time, but this time the exercises are different.

Ye Hao chose to continue to practice the whip of the next day, unconsciously, to the next day.

Their work in Tianzhu City has already been completed, and they should leave for the holy Zongmen. There is only a few days left before the test of the major denominations.

Although the fire phoenix shows that Hee is not in the holy gate, he still does not know where he is. Ye Hao feels that he still wants to go to the holy gate, not for anything else. She wants to know more about the evil.

Maybe the hatred has returned to the holy gate.

If you can find the words of hatred, you should know where Mingxi is.

The horses that had been eaten by the beasts have already been filled, and even the carriages have been replaced with new ones, which seem to be bigger than before.

This time, there is also Dongfang, who seems to be much better than yesterday.

"The big prince, your look looks good today." Ye Hao smiled and greeted the East, and returned Jade to him.

"Lu brothers." Dongfang has heard about the embarrassment of the East. He knows that this matter must be related to the boy, but they have not mentioned each other.

I looked at them and said in a low voice, "There are only three days from the test. We must speed up the road."

"Yes." Ye Hao is not interested in the comparison of the various sects. However, for Dongfang, whether it can appear in Shengzongmen before the test, the meaning is different.

She is very curious about what kind of look the face looks like when she sees the oriental dragonfly.

"Let's go." The whispered, a silvery gas appeared in the palm of his hand, and their carriage was surrounded by a layer of silver.

The horse screamed and ran quickly, and gradually ran to the air.

How do you fly in the eye of the leaf in the carriage?

"This is the supreme power to use the flying boat. This carriage is actually a flying boat." The East smiled and explained with Ye Hao.

"The speed is fast!" I thought that the speed of the cold iron horse was fast enough. I didn't expect the speed of the flying boat to be several times faster.

It is no problem to rush to St. Zongmen within three days.

Since it is far from the crowd, it should be no problem to let the fire phoenix come out to play.

Ye Hao will let the fire phoenix come out of the space.


The fire phoenix spreads its wings, like a flame, it has already closed up the pressure, otherwise people on the ground will definitely notice it.

However, some people are still pointing at them, and they are so amazing that they are like Suzaku's spirit beasts, and they are speculating about what kind of spirit beasts.

"This is..." Dongfang looked at the fire phoenix at a close distance and was already stunned. Is this the legendary beast? "Is it an ancient animal?"

"I was caught in the mountain forest. I started out like a crow. I didn't expect it to be a phoenix bird." Ye Hao explained, fortunately everyone thought she lived in the mountains, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the origin of the fire phoenix.

"Is it a contract with the land brothers?" The East is still shocked, and you can easily pick up a beast. Is this a lot of luck?

"Contract?" Ye Hao stunned, she did not seem to have a contract with the fire phoenix.

The Eastern Dragonfly was even more surprised. "Without a contract, is this beast willing to listen to you?"

"It seems to be OK." Ye Hao smiled, she also wanted to take the fire to come back and ask what is a contract.

"..." The East was silent for a while. "Lu brothers, you are not ordinary."

Unusual luck in the sky.

Ye Hao smiled happily, "General, general."

The sound of the fire phoenix passed into her mind. "You and I don't need a contract at all. When my **** is deposited on Mingxi, our relationship can no longer be changed."

In a sense, it is also a child of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao picked up her eyebrows and seemed to be like this. She also treated the fire phoenix as a child.

"This time I went to Shengzongmen, the beast of the land brothers, I am afraid I will be alarmed by many people." Dongfang said.

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