Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1666: Where is Mingxi?

From the position of the supremacy, Ye Hao recognized the faces of the elders who should be saints, but still did not find the figure of resentment.

Her eyebrows are tight and she always feels a little confused.

"The game begins!" Li Xianrong has already ordered.

"Auntie, let's run!" Ye Muxin cried, and the hand that took Ye Hao had already ran up quickly.

However, the speed of others is faster, especially the disciple of Shengzongmen, who has disappeared into the entrance of the ladder.

Ye Hao took a look at the Shengzong disciple running up the ladder, and she saw a familiar face.


The person who is in front of Yu Jianfei is clearly a hate!

"Really it is him?" Ye Hao was shocked. How could the hatred be in the ranks of the new disciple, she still wants to see it again, but the figure of the other party has disappeared.

When Ye Muxin heard Ye Hao’s words, he asked in confusion, “Who are you talking about?”

I haven't waited for Ye Hao to answer, and they have already been dispersed by the people behind.

She is going to find an evil! Ye Xie thought in her heart, the spiritual power suddenly broke out and flew up at an accelerated speed. She saw very clearly that the man was a hate.

There are already dozens of people on the ladder. Ye Hao didn’t go very fast at first, so she has fallen behind a lot. Now, in order to find the revenge, she finally ran up all the way on the ladder. At the beginning, everyone flew very fast. The back is getting slower and slower.

Ye Hao only wants to find the moon!

She also felt the pressure and felt like something was blocking her footsteps.

"Who are you?" A young man appeared beside Ye Hao. The clothes on his body were the same as those of Ye Hao. At first glance, he was a disciple of Da Shengzong.

Ye took a look at him and only thought that he was unfamiliar. He had never seen it before and he didn’t pay much attention to it.

"I have never seen you before, but I have never heard of the supreme apprentice. How do you know too respectable?" The young man asked, the disciples of the entire Great Saints know how the supreme being is. But I also know that the supreme predecessor never accepts apprentices. Who is this young man? How can he make the supreme master change his mind?

"I am not an apprentice who is too supreme." Ye Hao said faintly, feeling that there were a lot of sly eyes around, she found that she did not know when she had caught up with the Dasheng sect who had flown on the ladder before her. .

She looked back and Ye Muxin was behind her.

Everyone's speed has obviously slowed down, because the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that some people have fallen down.

Ye Xie’s look dignified.

"Sister Xiao, don't care about this kind of person, he certainly can't climb to the top." A young woman said to the man.

"It’s all the same disciple, why should you count higher and lower here?" Ye Muxin frowned at the woman. "Our Dashengzong was originally in a weak position. If it is not united, it has already been eliminated by other sects before it is interrupted."

The man suddenly trembled, such as squatting, "Ye Shimei said, I am too narrow."

He glanced at Ye Hao deeply. "This little brother, we will meet again."

After that, he is trying to motivate the spirit, and he wants to rush up. The more he goes up, the more the pressure is getting heavier, and he starts to have a virtual shadow to block them. These virtual shadows seem to be illusory and attacked by them. If you are, your body will still be hurt.

In the hands of Ye Hao, the whip of the next day appeared, and all the ghosts that were in front of her were all broken up. Soon, she left behind the other great saints.

"His speed is so fast?" Xiao Lin was surprised to see Ye Hao's back, clearly seemingly vulnerable, how can there be such a speed.

"Sister Xiao, don't let others influence you." Ye Muxin said to Xiao Lin, flying over him.

All of Ye Hao’s thoughts were on finding the enemy, and did not care how many people were staring at her.

She didn't know that her speed became a terrible thing in everyone's eyes.

Not only in the eyes of the Great Saints, the disciples of other denominations have begun to notice her.


See him! Ye Hao’s heart was happy, and he finally tried his best to catch up. The front of the ladder is the regret.

He is the first person to open a long distance behind him. No one can catch up with him. In the eyes of others, this disciple of Shengzongmen is an unparalleled genius.

The hate that is almost close to the summit reveals a satisfied smile. He has not known how many times he has gone through the ladder. What obstacles are the best he knows, know how to avoid it. When he used to practice, he was just an ordinary disciple. It took a dozen times of efforts by others to the position of the sovereign.

This time, he was in the status of genius in Shengzongmen, receiving the expectations of the head and elders. This feeling is very good, and his achievements will be better than before.

Of course, he will not let anyone know that he is a hate, this is his decision after returning to Xuantian.

Originally intended to return to St. Zongmen to take back his position, but his cultivation is ... so he chose to start from scratch, when a new disciple who has attracted attention from all sides, became the pillar of the future of Shengzongmen.

"Evil!" Suddenly, a rage behind him.

what? Who is calling him?

The hate looked back and he then suddenly remembered one thing. No one in the Xuantian mainland knew that he was a hate.

Someone actually caught up with him! The heroic heart was shocked. He was very familiar with the ascending ladder, and he suppressed the strength to have such a speed. Why can this teenager catch up with him?

"Hello, stand still!" Ye Hao speeded up, seeing to catch up with the ghost, suddenly ushered in a front of Jianshan, she hurriedly use the spiritual force as a barrier, the speed was pulled down again.

The empathy had already heard that the other person was calling his name. He stopped and looked at the boy with a gloomy look. He saw him avoiding Jianshan. It seemed that he was not weak, and he suddenly made a kill.

He is sure that he has never seen this boy. How can he know who he is?

Ye Hao finally blocked Feijian. Her arm was injured, but she couldn’t care for her. She flew to the front of the enemy, "Imperial!"

"Who are you?" The eyes of the enemy are cold and cold, watching other disciples have a distance from here, and should not hear this boy calling him.

The man in the clothes of the disciples of the saints was indeed the hatred that Ye Hao had seen on the mainland. Although he did not understand why he became a disciple, he finally found him.

“Where is Mingxi?” Ye Hao asked coldly.

"How do you know..." At this time, the face finally changed completely. "Who are you?"

Ye Hao looked at him with anger, because she was separated from her family because of this person. If it weren't for him, she is still happily together on the mainland.

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