
On the mountain of Xingyun, there was another loud noise. Ye Hao’s face was covered with black fog. He was coughed by the smoke in the house, and even the tears came out.

It has failed again!

How could this be? She clearly has done it according to Dan, how can it not be a Dan, in which step is the problem?

Ye Hao waved a hand and scattered the smoke in the room. Looking at the dregs inside Dan Ding, she carefully recalled the steps of each step. "Is it difficult to control the fire?"

No, her ability to control the fire is much better now than before, and she has been able to use it flexibly.

That is the problem of...the grass?

Ye Hao will take out the Lingcao that needs to be used. The most important one is the purple condensate grass. This is one of the most important spirit grasses for refining condensate dan, perhaps the problem of putting the grass is problematic.

Come back again!

Ye Hao took a deep breath and re-integrated the steps of alchemy in his mind. He repeated and repeated thoughts, and this began to practice alchemy.

She controls the size of the multicolored flames, and as the process of dosing increases the heat, the spiritual power surrounding the Ding Ding is also very rich.

A clear fragrance came out inside Dan Ding, and Ye Hao’s look was even heavier. She knew that this did not mean that she had succeeded. She had been like this several times before, and it soon exploded.

She also worried that Dan Ding was too wasteful to be bombed, and changed several other stoves, and the results were all fried into slag.

All right! There is no explosion this time!

Ye Hao’s face is happy, this time there should be no problem.

She carefully opened Dan Ding, which has five crystal-clear medicinal herbs, and the quiet fragrance scented, making people feel refreshed instantly.

"Successful!" Ye Hao cried happily, his eyes were smiling.

After so many days, she finally succeeded.

Ye Hao’s mood is pleasant and happy, and she has not been so happy for a long time.

"Little bird, I made a condensate Dan." Ye Hao summoned the fire phoenix from the space and wanted to share it with it.

"Good smell, good smell, stinky!" Fire Phoenix did not hear what Ye Hao was saying. It screamed with wings and a pair of crashing.

Ye Hao saw that this reaction was stunned. "What stinks? The condensate has become a fragrant smell."

The fire phoenix did not hear the words of Ye Hao. It was smashing in the room, and the mouth was always screaming and stinking.

"Shut up!" Ye Hao fell on the head of the fire phoenix. "What is it, what stinks, how can I not smell it."

"Of course you can't smell it. You haven't entered the space for a few days. I'm going to be stinky." The fire phoenix wings his head and looked at Ye Hao with tears, a very aggrieved look.

Ye stunned, "What? How stinking in the space?"

"The stinky grass you planted is going to stink out of the sky." Fire Phoenix yelled.

"..." Ye Hao knows that stinky grass is an important spiritual grass for refining a self-protecting medicinal herb, and the stinky grass is more stinky, but the cultivation of stinky grass is not easy, and it needs to be poured every hour. Water once, but also have to use the feces of the spirit beast to make the stinky grass survive, so no one is willing to plant the stinky grass, so it becomes a very scarce grass.

"The **** old man must have deliberately given you the seeds of the stinky grass." Fire Phoenix yelled.

Ye Hao coughed a little, and if she knew that it was the seed of the stinky grass, she would not be planted in the space.

Fire Phoenix sniffed a few times. "Good fragrance, what is it?"

"Condensed Dan!" Ye Hao cried happily. "Look, I finally succeeded!"

"This is..." The fire phoenix eyes are bright. "This is the top grade condensate Dan. Do you actually produce the top condensate dan?"

Ye Hao said, "How did I get it out at once? I have failed many times."

Fire Phoenix called. "Do you think that others can succeed at one time? Which one started alchemy is not a success after one hundred and eighty failures. It is embarrassing to go out like this."

"There are five condensate dan, plus jade gourd, I should be able to break through the four layers." Ye Yan said with a smile.

The fire phoenix swallowed the swallow, and the scorpion leaf did not care, and swallowed two condensate dan directly.

"Well, it tastes good!" Ye Xiaoyan's smile froze, "Smelly! Bird! What are you doing?"

"I taste the taste for you." Fire screamed. "In fact, your spiritual power is enough. You don't need to rely on eating condensate. You keep the condensate, and you will come outside." Use it again, in case you encounter a king... you can quickly restore your spiritual strength, ah, you will not meet that guy again, the city owner will kill him."

Ye Hao knows that she hasn't broken the four layers yet. It doesn't matter if she has no spiritual strength. She hasn't cultivated to that level yet. These days she only cares about alchemy. She doesn't practice the exercises at all. Her whip is only trained to the third floor. She should continue to cultivate, and she took a look at the fire phoenix. "This is the top grade condensate Dan. You eat two at once, and you are not afraid to hold it."

Huo Huang is trying to say that it is a beast, and he is not afraid of anything. Suddenly his eyes are stunned and his flames are blazing.

"It hurts!" It rolled on the ground and stood up a little bit.

"What happened to you?" Ye Hao was shocked and hurried to see the screaming fire phoenix.

The fire yelled, "I have a stomachache, is there a problem with your condensate Dan?"

"I... I haven't eaten yet." Ye Hao was at a loss. "I will take you to find someone."

"Ah..." The fire phoenix turned into a blazing flame that swirled in the air, and even Ye Hao couldn't get close to it.

Ye Hao looked anxious and didn't know how it would become like this.

"Little bird, how are you?" Ye Hao was so anxious to cry, she did not know what was wrong with the condensate Dan, what if her mistakes in the refining process turned into poison?

The fire phoenix has not screamed again, but the flame is getting more and more flaming, hanging like a sun in the middle of the nebula.

How to do? There is only her in Xingyun Mountain, she can't find anyone to help.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin saw Ye Hao far away. Seeing her look is not right, thinking that something happened.

"Fire Phoenix eats my condensate Dan and it becomes like this. I don't know what happened." Ye Hao said anxiously. "Three sly, look at these condensate Dans."

Tang Hanyan glanced at the flame, and he was shocked. He hurried to see Ye Xie’s condensate Dan. "This is... the top grade condensate dan, eat one can have an aura burst, the fire phoenix eat?"

"Look, you see." Ye Muxin yelled. "The feathers of the fire phoenix are falling..."

Ye Hao’s face changed and she hurriedly looked at it. She saw that the flame feathers of the fire phoenix peeled off piece by piece, and her heart sank to the bottom.

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