Modi took the order, and Ouyang’s elders did not even have a position to stay. This time, several of their sects came to see Modi, in order to persuade him to attack the Yan domain. He actually wanted to marry the king. Life, is it that the Demon King and the Four Devils will be in front of him, will he not kill?

"Ye Ye is the disciple of my great saint, the Lord of Mexico, this seat must take her away." Lu Zhangzuo looked at Ye Hao, she did not believe that Ye Hao would be the wife of Mo Di, never mentioned before.

"Do you want to go with her?" Modi asked lowly and looked at Ye Wei.

Despicable and shameless! Ye Hao was groaning in his heart. He knew that she would not leave at this time. She did not even see Mingxi.

"I don't want to!" Ye Hao's voice seemed to be mixed with ice scum.

Modi smiled and smiled. "Land, you heard it?"

"Ye, you have left the Flying Ship privately. Isn't this going to go back to Dashengzong and explain to the head?" Lu said with a cold voice, blaming Ye Hao as an ordinary disciple.

"Lu Zhangzuo, the person who should explain to the head is you, I am not on the flying ship, you have never found it?" Ye Hao faintly asked.

"There are so many people on the ship, how can I stare at each? You leave the Flying Ship without going back to the Great Sacred, what do you want to do?" Lu took a look at the Emperor, and thought of Ye Hao in the big The Holy Family not only has the supreme protection, but now it has become the wife of Mo Di, and it feels irritating.

"I can't go back to the Great Sacred, and I won't be able to ask you." Ye Hao frowned. "Land Palm, you still don't take it for yourself."

Lu's palm is so angry that his face is changed, "Ye Ye!"

"Don't bother me." Ye Hao looked at her. She didn't want to talk too much with Lu Shangzuo. She had other accounts to be liquidated.

"You are good at it!" Lu Zhangzuo also felt that it would be her own to continue to say that she would lose her face. She snorted and turned away.

Finally, the people of several major denominations were sent away. However, some people refused to leave, and they looked at Modi with a sad and affectionate look.

"Send the county owner to leave." Modi faintly opened.

Li Xinxin asked in a whimper, "What do I have to compare with her?"

"Do you have anything better than me?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry. "You like him to be your business. Don't belittle me in front of me."

Modi’s eyes flashed a smile, “No one really compares with you.”

Li Xinxin’s face was white and red. She liked Mo Di for so many years. He never smiled at her, but he looked at Ye Hao’s eyes... it was so gentle.

"You!" Ye Hao pointed to Modi, and asked with a grin, "Bastard!"

"Our things shut down and say." Modi grabbed her hand, "Go."

"Mucheng Lord..." Li Xinxin looked at the back of Modi heartlessly, not convinced that he really had no interest in her.

Yin Siyue saw Li Xinxin's appearance for the first time. He had always been proud of it. He thought that one day he would marry into the posture of Tianzhu City. "Li Jun, please leave."

"What do you like in front of me, the lady of the city is not you!" Li Xinxin shouted at Yin Siyue.

"What about that?" Yin Siyue did not like Ye Hao, but it did not mean that she would show weakness in front of Li Xinxin. "At least I am still beside the city owner, what about you?"

Li Xinxin glanced at Yin Siyue angrily, she would not stop like this. For many years, she was waiting for Mo Di to marry her, how can she let other women sit in the position of her wife.

When she becomes the wife of the city owner in the future, the first thing is to let this silver moon roll far!



"What do you mean in the end? When did I become your wife?" Ye Hao was caught by Modi and walked back to the backyard. She struggled hard and had forgotten the matter of Bai XIII.

"When are you not my wife?" Modi whispered, "I told you that the ink on the mainland is also me."

"Fart!" Ye Hao was so angry that she couldn't help but feel that she was mad at the cultivation. She hurriedly took a deep breath. "You are you, Murong Cham is Murong Cham, I have something to do with you." nothing."

Modi said calmly, "In the continent, the ink is also me."

"Do you understand people?" Ye Hao asked in a desperate manner.

"I need a lady," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao sneered, "Why do you want the county owner not to want to be with you? You don't want a lady, ten or one hundred are fine."

"You can temporarily save this name, which can save me a lot of trouble." Modi whispered, "Ye, this is an exchange, you can only promise, can not refuse."

"Are you a robber?" Ye said, how can someone be so rogue?

Modi said faintly, "I don't have a lady in a day, and those people will continue to want to marry the city of Tianzhu, and they will be bothered."

"I am your shield?" Ye Hao's palms are itchy. If she beats Modi, she really wants to hit him to find his teeth.

"No one is more suitable than you." Modi smiled faintly, waiting for the whole continent to know that he has a wife. In the future, he will not always be a woman to his city, and Ye Hao will return to the mainland, his days. It will be a lot quieter.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "When your wife, I am afraid of life!"

Modi approached her a few steps. "You don't want to let others know that Mingxi is my son."

"You..." Ye Hao tried to scratch him, "Bastard!"

"I am a bastard?" Modi's eyes fell on her lips. "The overlord seems to be not me."

"You said who is overlord..." Ye Hao took a moment, remembering that she once kissed him as a strong kiss, and she explained it to me. "That time, that was an accident."

In the eyes of Modi, the smile is more prosperous. "You have so many accidents."

"Can't you find someone to be your wife?" Ye Hao asked, although she would not have a husband and wife, but she felt uncomfortable with such a name.

"No," said Modi firmly.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and didn't want to argue with him any more. Anyway, she found Mingxi and went back. She didn't need to see him here. "When did you take me to see Mingxi?"

"Let's go." Modi said, after a few steps, he looked back at her again. "I don't plan to go back to the Great Holy Family?"

Ye Hao did not answer, in fact, she wants to see the supreme, to the Xuantian mainland for so long, she is the longest to get along with the supremacy, the court is the king of the king ... she did not doubt the supremacy, but still want to listen to him Explanation.

However, forget it, probably won't see you again, no matter what the truth, it doesn't matter.

She is just a passer-by in Xuantian.

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