Ye Shizhong wants to bring Ye Hao back to Ye Jia, to the body of the phoenix and phoenix of Ye Hao, even if she really killed the dumb mother, it is just a man, Ye Jia will not give up because of a man. Such a good seedling, so he has been here with his son to sing a black face and sing a white face.

"Ye Ye, quiet, maybe there is a misunderstanding between you. We will check it out later." Ye Shizhong said softly, he said that he is also saying that he wants Ye Hao to understand the attitude of Ye Family. Because the emergence of Ye Jingqi has an impact on her, but also warning Ye Jingwei, do not ignore the interests of Ye family, otherwise her true prostitute will not have good fruit to eat.

"It is time to check clearly." Ye Hao said softly.

"There is one more thing." Ye Shizhong said, "What is going on between you and Modi... Marriage is a big deal. Why didn't you discuss it with your family?"

Ye Wei looked at Ye Shizhong with horror. He didn't understand how his father suddenly changed his attitude. When he was in Ye Family, his father was very angry with Ye Hao because of Laner's affairs. Now he listens like how to please her. What?

"This thing... nothing to say." Ye Hao whispered, to explain her relationship with the Emperor, then to say Mingxi.

Ye Shizhong’s eyes flashed a bit of annoyance, and he had already put his posture so low, and he was still so ignorant.

"Without the permission of Ye Family, do you think you can marry Mo Di?" Ye Wei coldly shouted.

“Allow?” Ye Hao smiled. “I don’t care, I don’t marry the best.”

Ye Wei cold looked at Ye Hao, he felt that he was like a punch on the cotton, and he could not understand the leafhopper more and more.

"If there is nothing else, I will go first." Ye Hao turned and wanted to leave.

"Stand up!" Ye Wei wants to stop Ye Hao, he has not touched Ye Hao, has been bounced off by a flame.

The fire phoenix looked down at him. "It seems that you think that Ye Family can travel across the continent."

"Wei, don't be rude to the beast." Ye Shizhong warned that he also knew that this place is the city of Tianzhu, the place of the Emperor, and the Emperor of the United States did not even look at the whole country, let alone their Ye family.

"Hey, is this so let her leave?" Ye Weixin was unwilling, he felt that Ye Hao should be caught back to Ye Family and let her suffer punishment!

Ye Shizhong shouted, "It's all family, what's wrong."

She has been silent for a moment, and she knows that Ye Jia’s attitude towards Ye Hao will be such an attitude. However, it does not matter. The higher the Ye Hao is, the bigger the attack she will be in the future.

Ye Hao looked back at Ye Jingyan, and her heart was getting more and more serious about this woman. She always felt that Ye Jingyi would do something.

"Little bird, let's go." Ye Hao whispered, no matter what Ye Jingyi wanted to do, she quickly left Xuantian mainland anyway, and then everything had nothing to do with her.

Fire Phoenix flew out of the inn with Ye Hao, he whispered, "Hey, who is Ye Jingzhen?"

"Ye's real prostitute." Ye Hao smiled. "When I came to Xuantian mainland, she should bring me back to the coma, but I didn't have any impression of her. Not her, I probably won’t be treated as a Ye Family girl. What do you want her to do?”

"I don't know, it's better to go back and ask the city owner to ask." Fire Phoenix said.

When I mentioned Mo Di, Ye Hao was a little less happy. "Let's talk about it."



In the inn, Ye Shizhong finally showed his anger. "It seems that there is a Modi support, and Ye Hao has not put Ye Jia in his eyes."

"Hey, why are you so tolerant of her?" asked Ye Wei.

"I am not forbearing her, Weier, Ye Hao is not the orphan girl who came back with you." Ye Shizhong said heavily, she opened her to receive the blessing of the Emperor, not to mention the fire phoenix around her, let alone Her position in the Great Holy Sepulchre, just one identity is enough for Ye Jia to jealous of her.

Ye Jingwei gently decapitated, "The big uncle said yes, you have to deal with Ye Hao, you can't act ruthlessly."

"She killed your milkmaid, can you bear her?" Ye Wei frowned and looked at Ye Jingyi, this cousin was a little calmer.

"I can't stand it." Ye Jingxi said, "But even if I want to kill her, I won't start in Tianzhu City. Also, Ye Hao does not put Ye Jia in her eyes because she already has more people. She supported her, if she was beaten back to the original shape? In fact, I have always been suspicious of her identity, perhaps we should first check her origins."

Ye Wei frowned. "Did we let her go like this?"

"First wait and see what happens, wait until she is not a true niece of Ye Family." Ye Shizhong said that it seems that she will return to Ye Family only if she loses her dependence.

However, Mo Di will care if she is the identity of Ye Jia girl?

Ye Jingyan looked at them and said, "I will go back to the room first."

Back to the next room, Ye Jingyan slowly sat down in the long squat, and Du Li's beautiful face floated with a smile, she was... too underestimated.

"Girl, Ye Hao is very smart." A shadow appeared behind Ye Jingwei, she looked like an old man, but no body, only the soul.

"It was very clever, even I didn't even think that she was able to get close to Modi so quickly." Ye Jingyan said with a smile, "Mom, your ghost repair is going to succeed?"

It turns out that this ghost is a dumb mother.

"Only a little bit will be perfect." The dumb mother said, "Would you like to release the hatred and let him deal with Ye Hao?"

"Give him more food to make him a ghost king, so that even if the city tower is close to being killed, he will be killed." Ye Jingxi said.

The dumb girl should be, "Well, what should the Ye family do?"

"Ye Boshu wants to use the body of the phoenix and chalcedony of Ye Hao, Ye Shizhong also has a small idea, do not have to pay attention to them." Ye Jingyan said faintly.

"They drove the girl out. Now that she knows that Ye Hao is fake, she doesn't even defend you. It's **** it!"

Ye Jingyan smiled slightly. "Fortunately they drove me away."

Otherwise, how can she have today?

"Don't let the hatred kill Ye Hao, her body, and the big use." Ye Jingyan said faintly, she was very satisfied with Ye Hao's body.

"Good." The dumb girl promised.

Ye Jingyu closed her eyes and raised her spirits. The ghost of the dumb girl disappeared into the room.

What did Modi look at? Her appearance, or the body of Tongfeng chalcedony? Ye Jing's lips are lightly smiling, and her heart is as calm as water. Only curiosity, no embarrassment.

She is coming back to get her own things, nothing more.

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