When the Emperor Modi saw that the black man was close to Ye Hao, he already knew that it was a ghost. He set up an enchantment on Ye Hao. The ghosts would not be close to Ye Hao, and she would hold her in her arms.

Because of this, let the supremacy discover his existence.

"Is Modi here?" Ye Hao looked at the supreme sight, but did not see anything.

"Yeah." He looked up and looked at somewhere in the air. "He is here, you have the enchantment he left behind."

Ye Hao frowned and saw that Modi appeared in the air. She asked some unpleasantly, "How are you here?"

"Come here." Modi looked at the glance at the cold, especially as he was still licking Ye Hao's waist. He had the urge to lick his hands.

"When did you come?" Ye Hao did not go over, but still stood a step, not so close to the supremacy.

"Just arrived." Modi said with a blank expression.

Ye Hao looked at the black ashes on the ground. "These little ghosts are all burned to death. How do you find the evil?"

"Ghost control to control the devil to kill you, his people must not be in the city of Tianzhu, it seems that his ghost repair has been cultivated to the fifth floor, otherwise there is no way to control the devil to kill you." Supreme said.

"I haven't found him yet. He dared to send a little devil to kill me. Just a few things, can you kill me?" Ye Hao snorted. "Supreme, can you know where the hate is?"

Supremely, I looked at the ashes. "He uses ghosts. If you don't kill them, you might find clues."

"Looking for the things of hatred, not bothering to be too respectful." Modi is very upset now, quite uncomfortable, he does not know that Ye Hao has directly called the name.

“The Lord of Mexico knows where he is?” Looking up to the Emperor.

When Modi did not return to him, he looked at Ye Hao faintly. "Come here, it's time to go back."

"Do you really know where the hatred is?" Ye Hao approached him a few steps. "I am going to find him."

"Ink City Lord, this seat wants to pick up Ye Hao and return to the Great Sacred." The supremacy to the Emperor, said with a smile.

"She won't go to the Great Saints." Modi said faintly, reaching out and pulling Ye Hao to his side, "Supreme is too respectable, so I can't leave."

Supreme frowning, "She is a disciple of the Great Holy Family."

"It seems that the supreme is too respectable, Ye Hao, she is my wife. Since then, it has nothing to do with your great saints." Modi’s voice is cold and declares that Ye Hao belongs to him. Anyone can rest. Come take her away.

Ye Hao looked at Modi like a monster. What happened to him? It’s been taken away these days, and I started to care so much about her.

Supremely said, "Mucheng Lord, you and Ye Hao have never been in the same family, but it is your mouth, do you have Ye Hao, no relatives can be the master?"

Yes, no one in the whole continent has ever heard of Mo Di’s marriage. How can Ye Hao become his person like this?

"I can make the decision for her." Modi said coldly.

"..." Even the fire phoenix did not want to help him, and he was so overbearing, how could Ye Hao like him.

"The Mocheng master is really laughing." The supreme voice also cooled down.

Ye Hao looked at them both back and forth, reluctantly said, "Is things important to you? Isn't it time to find an evil?"



The two men replied in unison, and looked at each other coldly. They had their own plans. He could not leave Ye Hao in Tianzhu City, otherwise his waiting for so many years would be wasted, and he could see that Ye I don't like Modi, this is a good thing.

He does not want her to have feelings for Modi.

Modi had an urge to kill the supremacy. From the first time he saw it, he had always reserved this person, and now he is even more disgusted.

"But it doesn't matter to me. Supreme, I won't go back to the Great Saints. At least I won't go back now. I have more important things to do." Ye Hao said to the supremacy.

"Yes." Modi faintly beheaded, and he felt that Ye Hao finally said something he said.

"I will not be here with you!" Ye Hao glanced at him and thought that he was really inexplicable today.

Modi’s face sank.

"Even if you are not married, you are my wife." Modi said faintly, their name has already been fixed.

"I am too lazy to tell you, I am going to find a hate." Ye Hao gave him a sigh of relief, "Little bird..."

Huo Huang immediately came to Ye Hao's side, and was planning to go to find the time of revenge, but he saw that he was coming quickly.

"The city owner, my wife, the young master broke the door." When he just landed, he had already said it in the future.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Hao lived, surprised and surprised to look at you.

He said it again, "Mrs., the young master broke the door and was resting in the palace. I will tell you first."

Ye Hao looked back at Mo Di, her mood was nervous and excited, I thought I didn't know how long I had to wait. I didn't expect Ming Xi to break through.

"Go back to see my son." Modi swept a glimpse of the top, and Ye Hao was in his arms, and instantly disappeared in the same place.

"Oh, wait for me." Fire Phoenix hurriedly followed.

The supremacy is in place, young master? son? !

Ye Hao has given birth to the children of Mo Di?

"Supreme is too respectable." A shaved and beautiful figure appeared behind the supremacy, looking at him with a faint look.

"You..." She saw her, and it was shocked for a moment.

"Ye Jingyan." Ye Jingyan smiled slightly. "Anything else, I don't know if I still remember the old man?"

Looking up at Ye Jingwei, I felt a crack in the iceberg deep in my heart.

"It's you!" Speaks low.

Ye Jingqi walked close to the top. "I thought I admit the wrong person. It seems that there is no."

"It shouldn't be you." Slightly shake his head.

"Yes..." Ye Jingwei laid an enchantment between them and prevented others from hearing their dialogue. "I don't even have a root, how can it be the one you are waiting for? The first nine, the liter, the ji, Do you remember these six words?"

How can I not remember! He was just confused, and frowning at Ye Jingwei, he still needs to understand.

"You have given up your own **** to enter the cycle." Supremely asked.

"Nine times of reincarnation, I switched back to my memory, but..." Ye Jingying sighed and laughed. "I can no longer practice the immortal practice."

I looked at her supremely. "You come with me."

“Where to go?” Ye Jingyu asked. “I still have something to do.”

"Will those little devils be yours?" Frow up, "Don't hurt her."

Ye Jingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at it. "Is it hurt?"

"No." Slightly shook his head. "The things here are given to others. Xingyunshan has more important things."

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