Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1761: Don't mind enchanting

Ye Hao volleyed, holding a long snake rib in his hand, **** dripping blood, the flying snake fell straight to the ground, the crowd below hurriedly let go, flying snakes to make a big hole in the ground.

Many people have never seen Ye Hao, but at this time Ye Hao’s magical scent is too obvious, and she almost immediately knows that she is the reincarnation of the demon king who is going to crusade this time.

The demon king has grown so depraved!

"Mother, how come you?" Mingxi cried, coming to Ye Hao's side, feeling shocked, only one day did not see, how the mother... even the breath is different.

"If you don't come, you will be hurt." Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief. "And, what happened?"

The fire phoenix secretly screamed in his heart. He had to restore his original appearance in order to release the repair completely. This was seen by Ye Hao. "Oh, I... this is how I grew up." ”

Ye Hao sneered. "If you grow up in a day, the vitality of your beasts is really different."

"Otherwise, how do you call a beast?" Huo Huang said with a smile, the face of a handsome jade is not a bit childish.

I saw Ye Hao want to beat him.

"Ye, you dare to appear!" Lu Wushuang shouted. "You see where this is, not your parents here are short!"

"Why don't I dare to appear?" Ye Hao looked calmly and quietly around, saying, "I didn't kill people and set fire, and I didn't kill innocent people. I didn't invade you one inch of land. Why don't I dare to appear?" Why are you killing me?"

"You have the smell of magical Dan, you are the demon king, you should die!" Fangcai summoned the flying snake to bite Mingxi's Dawu who said coldly.

"The demon king?" Ye Hao chuckled. "You said that I am the demon king. Is it that I must be the demon king? Sorry, I don't know what the demon king should look like. You said to me, let me I am studying."

The big warrior wearing a blue-gray robe said, "You have to be sophissy, the magical scent of your body is so obvious, the magic is so heavy, how can it be not the demon king?"

"I am more devil than you are shameless? I can't do a few people besieging a child. Your decent words and deeds are good." Ye Hao said with a smile.

This said that the big warrior looked like a blue.

"Ye Ye, if you dare to appear here, then you are ready to die." Lu Wushuang put the sword in his hand against Ye Hao.

"Supreme?" Ye Hao glanced at her faintly. I heard that although the great saints of Wu Shengzong came to Tianzhu City, they only asked to see her. They did not call and kill like other people. Only Lu Wushou could not wait. Let her be removed soon.

Lu Wushuang said, "Tai Zun is very disappointed with you, knowing that you are the demon king, he has already cut off any relationship with you and will not see you again."

"I am from another continent, not the flaming demon of the inflammatory domain, nor the people of your Xuantian continent. What magical dandy, I don't know or know, but if you continue to push, I don't mind enchanting, with You are taller and lower." Ye Hao said coldly.

"No matter where you come from, as long as you have the smell of magical Dan, you are the demon king. Two hundred years ago, the Xuantian continent was coated with charcoal, and the reincarnation of each generation of the demon king would invade the mainland. It’s easy to be peaceful, we don’t want to fight with the inflammatory domain anymore, so the sorcerer must not reincarnate,” said the ancestor of Taiyimen.

Ye Hao chuckled. "Because you are afraid, I want to die first? You are not even sure that I am the Demon King."

"How do you prove that you are not an evil king?" asked another big warrior.

"The four great devils will already wake up. If I am the demon king, what about the four great devils? What about the king? The high priest?" Ye looked at them with sorrow. "If I am really an evil king, I will wake up." Go back to the inflammatory field, and then come to you with the sorcerer and the monster, and stay here to talk nonsense with you?"


"Yes, you have the smell of magical Dan, you are the demon king, but you have not yet awakened."

"Be sure to kill her before awakening!"

Bai XIII did not know when to come to Ye Hao’s side. "Mrs. The enchantment has been fixed."

Ye Hao looked up at the wall, and a tall, tall figure stood silently, not knowing how long he had watched.

"Ming Xi, let's go." Ye Hao said to Ming Xi.

"Can't let them leave!" Lu Wushuang cried, this time must be removed from Ye Hao.

"Who wants to stop us, even if they come." Mingxi flashed a touch of golden light in his eyes, and looked coldly at Lu Wushuang.

The spiritual pressure of the Emperor Modi seems to be covered with nowhere.

Ye Hao took the hand of Ming Xi and walked back to the city wall step by step.

"We joined her and killed her. If I miss this opportunity, there will be no chance!" Li Moqun shouted loudly below.

The four great warriors glanced at each other and flashed a murderous look in their eyes. Although Ye Hao’s words made sense, they could not take risks, especially the Yandewang became the wife of Modi. This time, Modi would not necessarily be like two. Like a hundred years ago, the Xuantian continent was protected from the demon king.

When they joined forces to attack Ye Hao, Ye Hao’s sea of ​​air broke out with a stronger force than before. The power did not know where it came from. It was different from the fire of her gas, and that power made her The fire has become more abundant... and there is magic.

This is the first time that Ye Hao feels that his power is destructive.

In the hands of Ye Hao, there was a whip of the next day, and ten bows of the next day appeared at the same time.

A big warrior closest to Ye Hao was shot in the middle of the arrow, spit out blood in his mouth, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

With Ye Wei as the center, a powerful magic is spreading.

"Yes." Modi appeared at Ye Hao's side and gently held her hand.

"Hey, you..." Fire Phoenix looked at Ye Hao with surprise and wanted to ask if she was awakened, but when she got to her lips, she couldn’t ask.

If Ye Hao’s magic Dan is awakened, will she still be her?

"How come you?" Ye Hao took the whip of the next day and looked at Modi from the side. For her strangeness, she felt that she would go back and ask again.

"Come to pick you up." Modi said faintly, "Go, there is still something tomorrow, don't be too tired today."

Ye Hao looked down at Ming Xi, "You go back together."

"Oh." Ming Xi was nodding his head. Today, he sneaked out after carrying his mother, and he must go to the training again.

Because of the appearance of Mo Di, and the powerful blow that Ye Hao has just shown, this time no one dares to stop them.

This family is simply a metamorphosis!

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