Modi stood on the ship's board for a while, determined that the damage of the Fei Ling boat was not great, and after it had been repaired, it was returned to the wing. He wanted to look at Ye Hao, even if she was just watching her. It’s good to fall asleep, and he can’t spend much time with her.

White thirteen was to be blocked by the fire phoenix as he left the ship's board.

"The beast and the beast, is there something?" Bai XIII is very respectful to the fire phoenix.

The position of Huohuang in Tianzhu City is far above their protection.

"Do you know what the city owner is doing now?" Fire Phoenix whispered.

"What is above the emperor?" Bai Thirteen asked.

Huo Huang knew that the repair of Mo Di had already passed the royal world, but to what extent, he was not very clear. "After the emperor is holy, the city owner has been able to enter the holy, we all know, but not to God. The mainland is so jealous and protects the law. If the city owner arrives on the mainland, what will he find?"

White Thirteen looked at the direction of the room, "The city owner refused to say."

"The city owner just told you not to tell my wife!" cried Fire Phoenix. "You must know what the city owner is now!"

"Fifty years ago, the Ange saint came to the city owner and wanted the city owner to go to the gods on the mainland. The city owner refused." The white thirteen voices down, and the Ange saint came to the city owner. .

This time, I sent my wife to the mainland of God. In fact, the city owner is in great danger, and... the city owner has violated the rules of God’s mainland. If he is discovered, he does not know what kind of punishment he should bear. The lady has been misunderstanding him.

"What?" The face of Huohuang changed slightly. "The city owner had been Huang Jingfeng fifty years ago, and now..."

How terrible the cultivation talent of Modi is, he knows that if he had been sanctified fifty years ago, then the speed of cultivation of the city master is now at least respected.

There are not a few sanctified ones on the mainland.

"The reason why the city owner does not go to the mainland of God... is it for the sake of it?" Fire Phoenix thought, "This time the city owner was discovered... he had already broken out and wanted to press it again." It is impossible."

"The beasts of the beasts, if the city owner is found to deliberately conceal the cultivation of the unconventional sanctification, what kind of punishment will be received?" Bai XIII asked.

The face of the fire phoenix is ​​ugly. "If you are in a hundred years in the Tongtian River, you will be repaired in half. What do you say?"

"The city owner must know this consequence." Bai Thir's face changed. "But he can't bear to be separated from his wife. Or, do you want to persuade the city owner?"

"Can I persuade it?" Fire Phoenix looked at the white singer like an idiot. If he could persuade the city owner, he would let the city owner tell the truth about Ye Hao first, and he would be annoyed here. Is the heart scratching your lungs?

"Actually..." Bai XIII whispered, "I heard a few words from Fenyi. Even if I found out that the city owner concealed it, the punishment should be okay. If the city owner is willing to be sacred, it may be in the mainland." Have a very high status, but..."

Just because of this, he was worried.

Huo Huang said with a sigh of relief, "The city owner is unlikely to be superbly sacred. How can he be willing to break his seven passions?"

The break of the seven emotions and six desires means that you have to forget the embarrassment. The feelings of the Emperor Mozambique against Ye Hao are absolutely impossible, so he has been reluctant to go to the mainland of God, preferring to be the city owner of the city on the same day.

Bai XIII sighed in his heart. "I don't understand what the city owner is thinking. If I can't bear the lady, let the lady stay in the Xuantian mainland. Why do you want to send it away? You have to personally send it to the mainland of God, in case it is Find……"

He looked at the room and didn't dare to talk about it. "I am going to speed up the speed of the flying ship."

Waiting for the white 13 to leave the ship's board, Mingxi's figure came out of the corner. "If the father sent us to go to the mainland, would it be forced to stay there?"

"It’s not a bad thing to stay in the mainland of God." Fire Phoenix glanced at him. "What matters is that every person who goes to the gods on the mainland will be forced to forget the past, even if you remember that it happened before, it is half a bit." There are no feelings. There used to be a thing of killing a wife and sanctifying. The city owner experienced so much in the mainland and his wife, how to be willing to not want a lady."

Ming Xi’s face is not very good-looking, and he really understands the suffering of his father’s heart at this time.

Reluctant, but have to let go.

"Ming Xi, if this time I really went back to the mainland, I might not have the chance to meet the city owner again. Even if I meet next time, the city owner may not... I have completely loved her, and that is the real pain.

"Let me think about it." Ming Xi frowned. "You have seen the previous things. It is even more dangerous to stay behind. The high priest will definitely take the mother behind."

The fire phoenix was silent, and it was also said that if Ye Hao chose to stay, if it was influenced by the devil into the sorcerer, wouldn’t it be necessary to become a rival to the Emperor? There is also Mingyu on the mainland, how can I not go to see my daughter?

"How can it be so annoying?" Fire Phoenix screamed. "Can you only listen to your fate?"



Under the dark red sky, it is full of turbid inflammatory fields. Ye Jingxuan returned to the palace of the magic palace, looking back and coldly watching the white figure behind him. It is as noble and elegant as ever, whether it is in Xuantian. The mainland's esteem, or the high priest of the magic palace, makes people feel that he is like a fairy, and this dark place is out of place.

“Why? Why? Why?” Ye Jingyi believes that she has enough patience and restraint. Today, she still cannot calmly face the matter of maintaining Ye Hao.

"You should calm down." The supremacy looked at Ye Jing's anger, "If I don't do that, you are dead."

"If you don't intervene, now I can get her body, I have been able to fully utilize the magic Dan!" Ye Jing said with a grin.

Slightly smiled, "You look down on the Emperor."

"Is it difficult for you to help me, do you want me to be blind? You are very unusual to Ye Hao, you think she is the demon king, right?" Ye Jingyi knows that she likes the last life, but why? Reincarned, he seems to have lost some of her feelings for her.

"She has been integrated with the magic Dan." The whispered to the top, "In the generations of the demon king, she is the first one to be completely integrated with the magic, which means what you know."

"But she doesn't want to be an evil king. Since she doesn't want to, return the body to me and let me complete the wish of the dying devil." Ye Jingqi cried, "You broke my good deed!"

The supreme look is indifferent to Ye Jingzhen. "As a high priest, my mission in this life is to choose the most suitable reincarnation of the demon king to help her complete mission. You and Ye Hao are the reincarnation of the demon king, but who is best for leading The flaming demon out of the inflammatory field is still unknown in the future."

"The high priest, you have pity for her." Ye Jing's voice finally calmed down. "I saw it."

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