Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1802: Big haunting palace

Mingxi’s face has an abnormal white color. The skin of the whole body is completely unhealthy. Even the fire phoenix behind him is such a skin color. The wearing of the two is no different from that of the children in the Yan domain. If not carefully observed, I can't see who they are.

"What are we doing here?" Fire Phoenix asked in a low voice.

The enchantment outside the Magic Palace is reinforced by layers of the Demon Lords. In addition to the freedom of the city owners, if they want to go in, they will certainly cause vibration, and they will surely be alarmed.

"Seeing those little children? Didn't be selected into the priest's house. The time is up. The enchantment will open the door and let them in. We will go in together." Mingxi said with a low voice, a pair of smart eyes kept on Glance around.

Huo Huang said, "We are going to the palace?"

"As long as we mix in, we can find the mother." Ming Xi said, "Go, the enchantment has begun to open."

Ming Xi took the hand of the fire phoenix and ran to the children behind the flaming children. Other children found them. Although they looked at their faces, they saw their skin color and no one doubted them.

Two armored guards checked their identity at the door. Each child had a black sign in his hand. Next to the palace, they took their sign and placed them in the depression of a box. They were able to find out their immediately. Identity.

"Ming Xi?" Fire Phoenix whispered.

"Give you." Ming Xie gave him a black sign from his arms.

Fire Phoenix glanced at him in surprise. "How did you do it?"

"I just stole when I was on the road." Ming Xi smiled, and these check brands didn't know what the black card master looked like.

"Really!" Fire sighed.

It was the turn of Mingxi, and he handed the sign in his hand and shook his head down.

He and the other children did not look any different. The guards didn't care. The identity certification passed. When Mingxi was planning to go to the palace, two men in dark red clothes came over.

"Stand up." The evil will drink Mingxi and Huohuang, and come over and stand in front of them.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang stopped and shrunk together to pretend to be very scared. They approached a few steps toward the approach of the evil.

"To find out where these children came from." The evil will not target Ming Xi and Huo Huang, but will stop all the children.

"Evil will be an adult, what happened?" The palaceman asked for a trip.

Evil will look at the faces of all the children, and whispered, "The enchantment fluctuates and these children can't enter the palace."

"The evil will be an adult, the high priest said that the children will be sent to the palace today." The palace man said in a distress.

"Check your identity." The evil will say coldly, take a black jade to the palace, "check one by one!"

"Yes." The palace man answered, took the jade from the evil hand, went to the front of a dozen children, and placed the jade on their forehead.

The jade that looks a little inconspicuous is shining in an instant.

There are several pictures of the light, which is the scene where the child lives in the inflammatory field.

Mingxi slightly frowned, he and Huo Huang did not grow up in the Yan area, they can steal the brand can be fake, this is afraid that can not hide the past.

"Go." The fire phoenix silently gestured.

Mingxi looked at him and saw that he couldn’t get in. Today, the two men who suddenly appeared were the four great devils who appeared with them on the same day. He and Huo Huang did not beat them, but they did so. It will alarm other people in the magic palace.

They left their feet behind without leaving a trace, and wanted God to leave without knowing it.

"Where are you two going? It’s not here." The guards found their movements and shouted.

The evil will look to Mingxi and walk towards him.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang did not want to reveal their identity, showing a look of fear, and the back of the fire phoenix arrived on the wall.

Suddenly, the enchantment waved a wave.

"Who are you?" Evil will immediately ask and discover their identity.

"Nobody is." Mingxi cried, pulling the hand of the fire phoenix suddenly smashed into the gap of the enchantment and ran into the magic palace.

The fire phoenix unfolded its wings and left with Mingxi.

"The beast is phoenix? The child is Mo Mingxi, stop him!" The evil will be ordered to catch up.

The guards of dozens of magic palaces chased the past toward Mingxi. The evil lords and the lonely lords were chasing the behemoths behind Mingxi. If the child appeared in front of Ye Hao, the high priest must be angry.

"Don't let them go to the priest's house!" said the evil.

"Be careful!" Ming Xi loudly reminded the fire phoenix that in front of them, several monsters roared and rushed.

The fire phoenix fanned its wings and flew up into the sky, almost hitting the enchantment.

"My mother should be in the priest's house, let's go to the priest's house." Mingxi said, just want the direction of the east, "on there."

"Good." The fire phoenix turned in the direction, and the two demons would have caught up.

Mingxi sighed. "It seems that I can't go, I have to play with them."

Fire Phoenix said, "You seem to be very excited."

"It is indeed a little bit." Ming Xi said faintly.

"Stand up!" The evil will shout loudly. "If you are good at the magic palace, we will be rude."

In addition to evil and will, the other two demons will also appear.

"I think..." Ming Xi looked at them thoughtfully. "Perhaps I need an extraordinary weapon. It seems to be awesome."

"You are already very prestige." Huo Huang said, turned into a juvenile and stood side by side.

Evil will frown and look at Mingxi. He knows the identity of this child, but he can't say it here. "Who are you, if you dare to go to the magic palace, don't leave!"

"Who am I, are you not very clear?" Ming Xi chuckled, the four great devils will chase him for so long without any move, it seems that he does not intend to hurt him, just want to drive him out of here, is Does that mean the most?

Ming Xi became a small golden man. He did not fight with the four great devils, but rushed toward the direction of the priestly palace.

"Block him." Evil will cried.

Fire Phoenix stopped other people for Mingxi.

These two guys who are afraid of chaos in the world will fight the magic palace. The four great devils will not be their opponents. They should also consider the words of the high priests and cannot hurt Mo Mingxi.

They also know that Mo Mingxi is the son of the demon king, and maybe there is a bloodline of the demon.


"Let's get out!" Mingxi punched the roof of the palace and directly collapsed half of the palace.

Evil will see several palaces that have been destroyed, and their faces are green.

"Come and tell the high priest!" The evil would say with almost gnashing his teeth.

Don't say that they can't fight with Mo Mingxi at all times. Even if they do their best, they won't be able to win him and the beast.

Those monsters were scared to get close to the fire phoenix.

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