Ming Xi and Huo Huang left the Magic Palace and went to the direction of the Flying Ship. He knew that it was impossible to open him behind him. They did not want to open it. They did not deliberately avoid it. Anyway, the spirit should have known for a long time. Where the boat is, maybe it has already been found.

Anyway, the father should leave the mother early, and now he just wants to return to Tianzhu City.

Supreme should not let them leave easily.

"Ming Xi, there is no one on the ship of Fei Ling." The fire phoenix emerged from the wing, they have already searched the flying ship up and down, and even a shadow has not been found.

"Unexpectedly." Mingxi stood on the deck and looked into the distance. "Would you fly a spirit ship?"

"..." Fire Phoenix blinked, "No."

Ming Xi thought for a while, "That's only me to open."

Fire Phoenix coughed, "What? When did you learn to fly the ship?"

"I haven't studied." Ming Xi said of course, "But watching the white thirteen, I can not forget."

"It doesn't matter if you never forget it!" cried Fire Phoenix. "Ming Xi, let's not take risks."

Ming Xi did not hear the opposition of the fire phoenix, and has already strode into the cabin.

Huo Huang hurriedly followed up and saw that Ming Xi had already started the Fei Ling boat. He controlled the helm at the same time. He hurriedly helped to hold the helm. "You are not a little bit, people are not at the helm, you still want to control the flying ship."

He said while he was squatting, the flying ship had already swayed and flew up.

"Be careful, don't bump into the mountains." Fire Phoenix yelled. "How do you fly the boat down? You should fly up."

"It’s not that I want to hit the mountain." Mingxi cried. "You don't affect me."

"Mountain! Ah, ah..." Fire Phoenix saw the flying ship crashing toward the peak, yelling out and hurriedly closing his eyes.

Mingxi pulled the rudder forcefully, and the Feiling ship safely avoided the mountain peak and flew up to the right angle.

The fire slammed into the ship's board.

"Grandpa, will you use the Flying Spirit boat in the end, or will I take you back to Tianzhu City?" Fire Phoenix felt awkward. I used to think that the flying ship was all kinds of fun, and now I feel that it is a variety of dangers.

Mingxi is not moved.

"Ming Xi, can you be smooth... What is the difference between you and the snake? I am vomiting."

Supremely, I followed the flying spirit ship, watching the flying ship swinging around. When I walked high and low, I looked very thrilling. I almost crashed into the cliff next to me.

If there is no guess, Mingxi should know where Ye Hao was taken.

In fact, he has a better way to let Ye Hao come back. As long as he will stay in Ming Xiqiang and threaten Mingxi, Ye Hao will definitely return.

He also knows very well that if he does this, then Ye Hao’s trust in him will collapse again.


When I close my eyes, I have already gone to the mainland of God. Why did he come back?

Could it be that he did not break his seven passions?



In the end, Mo Di has broken the seven emotions and six desires. This question, Ye Hao also wants to know.

She remembered everything, even if she had already taken the affair, but Modi left his blood on her before going to Godland. He carved his own efforts into her soul, she even If you forget him, you will remember him when you meet.

"Oh, I know that you are awake and open your eyes." Modi kept guarding Ye Hao's side and noticed the change in her breathing, and he knew she was awake.

Ye Hao slammed open a pair of clear eyes and looked at Modi straight, his eyes a little cold.

Modi laughed softly, and the mellow sound rang in her ear.

"Go away!" Ye Hao wanted to kick him off.

He easily grabbed her ankle, and her rough fingertips rubbed on her instep. "It didn't take long to see, it was awkward."

"Yes, advise you to stay away from me." Ye Hao snorted.

"Don't be angry, I don't want to go to God's mainland." Modi forced her waist, forced her tightly in her arms, and said that she kissed her mouth, "Guanghua forced me to have Improve the repair, otherwise I can't hurt him."

Ye Hao thought of the sinister danger at that time, she did not struggle again. "Are you not going to the godland as a saint?"

"The Holy Emperor." Modi said with a smile, "I gave up."

"What do you mean by giving up?" Ye Hao took a moment.

Modi chuckled, "that is... self-decrease 50%, and give up staying on the mainland."

"You are crazy!" Ye Hao slammed up. "Are you crazy?"

"I would be crazy if I stayed on the mainland." Modi held her in her thigh. "I am able to re-cultivate. If I lose you, where can I find a cockroach?"

Ye Hao felt that his heart seemed to be blocked by something, and he was grabbed and released by a big hand. "You... do you know what you are doing?"

"Yeah." Modi evoked her chin and bowed her lips to kiss her lips. The voice was dumb. "It has never been so clear."

"Why didn't you break your feelings?" Ye Hao felt his body change, his cheeks floating red and shy, not saying that the saints are sitting still?

Modi smiled and said, "How could it be broken!"

Ye grabbed his neck, buried his face in his arms, and sighed softly. From the time he came to Xuantian, they were not together. Although they were close to each other several times, she thought he was then. It is someone else, and my heart has always resisted.

"If I can break the seven passions, I must forget you." Ye Hao swallowed slightly.

Modi clenched her, pinched her chin and kissed her hard.

Until she couldn't breathe, he let go of her, and the deep, dark voice stared at her. "If you forget me, I will let you come back to me, no matter what the world goes to," You are mine, born and born."

"I used to want to spend a lifetime with you and my children. I never thought that there are so many twists and turns. Is it that you first provoke me, or do I provoke you?" Ye Hao grievously glanced at him, she both I don’t understand how I was fascinated at the beginning, and I brought this man into love.

"Of course, you provoked me." Modi said with a smile, his fingers gently touched her lips, he never understood, she sent herself to his heart, so that he could not let go.

Ye Hao snorted, "Ming Xi is still in the magic palace!"

"They know that when you leave, you will find a way to go." Modi pressed her back into her arms. "Don't worry about your son."

"Why don't you worry, there is a magic palace!" Ye Hao cried. "I am gone. What about those children? I will always look for me everywhere."

When she heard the tone of her supremacy, the ink robes were dull.

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