Three days have passed, and Mingxi finds that their flying ship seems to have problems.

"We are supreme." Ming Xi stood on the deck, eyes watching the surrounding clouds and mountains, they were always in place, and did not fly far.

"What is being played? What is going on?" asked Fire Phoenix.

Mingxi pointed to the clouds in the sky like a lotus. "I saw this cloud yesterday. It has appeared again today. We have been in the same place and have never gone out."

"What?" The fire phoenix jumped up and carefully observed the surrounding environment. "It seems... it looks familiar. When is the supreme trap? This person is too sinister! Be sure to tell you, can't Deceived by his false illusion."

"Oh, I still hope that you will say it, will my father be close to my mother?" Ming Xi sneered and asked.

Huo Huang thought for a moment, "It is also said that the city owner is a big vinegar altar, certainly will not allow any man to approach the embarrassing."

Mingxi looked at him with a smile. "Small fire, you are not afraid. I still can't see you dare to say that my father is a big vinegar. Before that, he said that he is coming, no conscience?"

"I...go!" The fire rushed away. "If you have a surname, don't hurt me."

"Hey, I also gave me the name of my own, and I was not the father's own flesh." Ming Xi shook his head and sighed, and one could not save your expression.

Fire Phoenix wants a blood spurting Mingxi, "What do you want me to do?"

" Burn it here." Ming Xi pointed at the mountain below. "All burned."

"That... what if you burned you?" Fire Phoenix asked with a smile, and his face seemed to be moving, as if he wanted to burn Mingxi.

Ming Xi looked at him and looked at him. "Nothing, burn me to death, let my father and mother regenerate one."

"..." The fire phoenix is ​​speechless, and in the face of the reduced version of the city owner, he has no ability to win.

Sure enough, the son of the big belly is black, and everything is black.

"Are you sure you can burn a road?" Fire Phoenix asked suspiciously.

"Not necessarily, however, you are the descendant of Suzaku, the beast of the beast, the fire is naturally not normal, anyway, try it anyway."

"There is no other way anyway, then give it a try." The fire phoenix flew out and screamed, and a bunch of flames fell on the mountain.

Soon the surrounding mountains were raging, and the ship was flying under the spirit of the ship.

The fire phoenix flew back proudly. "How? This fire is big enough."

"Well, big enough." Mingxi nodded. "Come back and wait."

"Do you think you can really escape?" asked Fire Phoenix.

Mingxi smiled. "This is the illusion that we set up for us. We will burn everything here and always go out."

"Then continue to burn."

At the top of the priest's house, I suddenly felt the jade burning at the waist. He took the black jade at the waist. It should have been pure black jade. At this time, it became hot and red. He gave a slight glimpse. What happened?

"I want to go out for a trip." I looked up and looked at the big demon and the four great devils sitting below. "The children are sick, you are all clear. Now, except Ye Hao, no one can help us." ""

"The high priest, if Ye Hao refuses to help us?" asked the Great Devil, "Would we not put hope on her alone?"

Supremely gave her a look. "The big demon tells me who else can practice the regenerative exercises."

The first and foremost condition for practicing the regenerative method is to obtain the inheritance of the magic Dan.

There is no one other than Ye Hao, unless anyone has cultivated a new magic Dan.

"If Ye Jingzhen cultivates the magic Dan?" asked Mo Jun Xuan Le.

The supreme look is slightly sinking. "If she can cultivate the magic Dan, the Yan domain... will die."

The big demon and Xuan Le face changed greatly. "The high priest, you are alarmist."

"Is it an alarmist, it will come from the answer, I have to leave the Magic Palace for a few days, you are good at it." The whispered, stood up and went outside.

The four great devils will get up and follow.



Mingxi and Huohuang overlooked the whole land. They seemed to be in the sea of ​​fire, and everything they saw was not swallowed up by the fire.

"It seems... no use." Fire Phoenix whispered, if they can't get out, he doesn't care, Mingxi must not be scorched.

"How do you know that it is useless?" Ming Xi said, looking up at the sky lit by the flames.

Fire Phoenix said with a smile, "If you are cooked, I will not eat it."

Ming Xi white gave him a look. "Add another fire, it is estimated to be almost."

"Are you sure?" Fire Phoenix asked suspiciously. "Although our Lingquan has enchantment protection, it does not mean that we can withstand these fires. You must know that this is a holy fire."

"OK." Mingxi definitely nodded. "Add fire."

Seeing that Ming Xi was so determined, Huo Huang had to listen to him and added a fire to the sea of ​​fire.

The fire is getting stronger.

The sweat of Mingxi’s forehead kept coming out.

"Where is the last place to trap us?" Fire Phoenix saw the way Hexi was, and could not help but worry.

"When I was in the Magic Palace, I heard that the high priest would have a treasure, and it was called to steal the sky. The sky we are now in is actually the ground of this space. Our heavens and the earth have been changed and trapped in the formation." Looking down at the sea of ​​fire, "wait a little longer."

Huo Huang said, "The supremacy does not take you back, but it is to trap us. It seems to be tabooing the city."

Ming Xi laughed. "He is because of my mother, it has nothing to do with my father."

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the ground.

"Look!" The fire screamed, "cracked."

"You can go." Mingxi eyes brightened, watching the cracks in the ground burned more and more by the flame, and the entire ground collapsed. "Go!"

At this time, there was heavy rain in the sky.

"The supremacy found that we have to escape." Ming Xi said, "Come on."

The Fei Ling boat swooped down to the fire phoenix and quickly darted out before the ground was re-closed.

The dark outside, the big moon seems to be close at hand.

"Sure enough, the sky and the ground have been reversed." Huo Huang said, "Let's go, so as not to be caught up."

Mingxi nodded. "It seems that the stealth of the Flying Ship is not useful for the supremacy."

"Go to Tianzhu City first to find the city owner." Fire Phoenix said.

Just as they are far away, there will be four great devils appearing, but unfortunately, Mingxi’s figure is no longer visible.

"High priest?" The evil will look to the top.

"It seems that I have to go to Xuantian mainland." The sigh sighed.

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