Li Xianrong saw this scene, stepped back a few steps, fell into the chair of the Taishi, full of shocks, his mouth licking his mouth, finally controlled himself did not spit out, other people's faces are not much better.

Even Li Moqun, he has already bowed his head and sat down in sorrow.

"This... is this true?" asked the elder Su Da, in horror, those who ate the devil, wearing sectarian clothes, and he even recognized that they were too many robes before.

Is that a person? Recalling the scene of blood spurting out from the sorcerer, the original man was inferior to the beast when he was crazy.

Ye Hao collected the light curtains. These are all she has seen. Now, once again, she still shakes her heart. She wants to go back to find the Emperor, and she has a long arm to hold her in her arms. It is.

Modi did not speak, just gently patted her back and comforted her silently.

"That... Is this still the case in the Yan domain?" Li Xianrong only found his voice for a long time.

Feng Zicun looked at Ye Hao. "What do you mean by showing us this?"

Ye Hao listened to the steady and powerful heartbeat of the Emperor, and she looked up from his arms and had recovered her calmness.

"There is no meaning." Ye Hao said faintly. "It is just to let you know why the sorcerer later occupied the mainland. They are not for anything else. They are for the anger and conscience that cannot rest in peace. These girls are eaten by human beings. Are they not pitiful? Are they not innocent? The human cockroaches are practicing faster, fearing that they will be replaced one day in the future, so they will be killed by the evil spirits. They have been forced by humans to the broken place in Yan domain. You These people actually refused to let them go."

"People don't kill themselves." An Jing whispered.

"That's right, people don't kill themselves, but what qualifications do you have to eliminate the evil?" Ye Hao sneered, "The place where they live today does not see the sun all the time, even flowers and plants can not survive, because the girls of the evil are They have been eaten by human beings. In order to breed their offspring, they have to marry their own sisters. The close relatives are married, and the children born are mostly aborted. Even if they can survive, they are also because of albinism..."

Ye Hao paused and said, "You must have never heard of that disease. It is a disease that causes people to whitish. Even the eyebrows are white, just like our human plague. If you have to go In the inflammatory field, remember to take the medicine first, so as not to infect the albinism."

"Mr. Mo, you are alarmist!" Feng Ziceng called.

"If you think that I am alarmist, then you should have said nothing about me!" Ye Hao snorted. "You are asking for something to come here today, don't think about it, please come back!"

Feng Zicun looked at Modi, "Mrs. Mo, we are coming to the Mocheng Lord."

"Feng Guozhu, you also know to call me Mrs. Mo, I mean the meaning of the city owner. I want the heavens and the mainland to live in peace with each other. My husband, the Lord of Mexico, must be in peace with the Yan." He hooked the arm of Modi and looked at Feng Zicun with a cold eye.


There was silence in the hall.

For many years, Modi has always been like a **** in the Xuantian continent. No one has been able to influence his opinions, let alone some people dare to swear like this. Even if she is Mrs. Mo, it is too much to put Modi. In the eyes.

Not only Feng Zicun, they were shocked, and even the four big guards were stunned.

For the first time, they dared to be strong in front of the city.

Yin Siyue eyes looked straight at Ye Hao, this woman! I dare to be so bold!

"Speak!" Ye Hao pushed the Emperor, and pouted to see him.

"Mrs.'s meaning is what I mean, I dare not violate it." Modi's voice is not heavy, but enough to make everyone audible.

Do not dare to violate...

Is there something that Modi does not dare in this world?

Ye Hao scratched his palm and turned to look at the crowd. "Have you heard it? Don't come back to marry me again. If you don't give up, who will come to him, I will let Tianzhu City take you." The sects or the state are gone, letting you know what it’s like to be killed."

This is a naked threat, and the Emperor, who was robbed, seems to be not angry at all.

"White thirteen, drop off!" Ye Hao said coldly.

"Yes, ma'am." White thirteen lowered his head and his mouth tilted slightly.

Li Moqun turned and went out.

The other people looked at Ye Hao with a gloomy look. They still thought about the horrible scene in their minds. In the end, they still said nothing, and they retired.

"You said, will they still attack the Yan domain?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Mrs. so scared them, they are greedy and fearful of death, how dare?" Modi put her in her arms and looked at her with a low smile.

Ye Hao said seriously, "I am really telling the truth."

"Well, let's be honest." Modi nodded with a smile, and did not mind if there were others present. He bowed his head and kissed her lips. "Mrs.

"No, no, in general, the city owner is more powerful." Ye took his neck and smiled very sweetly. "However, even if they were scared away by me, this courage would dare to go to the Yan domain."

Modi nodded with a smile. "They don't dare."

Ye Hao suddenly remembered that their wedding was held in a few days. "Well, I scared them away. Then they come to our wedding?"

"The purpose is almost the same, they will not come the same." Modi hugged Ye Hao, "don't care about them."

"You mean..." Ye Hao’s eyes are bright. "You send invitations to go out, to clarify the whole world. You will have peace with the Yan domain in the future?"

"Almost." Modi whispered, his current identity is simply not suitable for anything in Xuantian mainland, and, for Ye Hao, he does not allow these people to attack the Yan domain.

Ye Hao forcedly kissed him on his cheek. "Azhan, you are so good!"

“Well? Is that true?” Modi said faintly. “In the future, the whole continent will know that Modi is a feared person...”

"What do you want?" Ye Hao whispered his lips. "There is blessing in fear."

Modi laughed. "What is this?"

"What is the reason! This is the famous saying." Ye Hao slammed, sticking to his chest, "Ye Ye said."

"Well, the famous saying." Modi nodded with a smile.

Ye Hao looked at the blue sky in his arms. "When the things in the inflammatory field have passed, let's go back, okay, Azhan."

"Good." Modi said, "What does the lady say?"

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