Ye Yiqing felt a burning pain in his hands. He gritted his teeth and pulled it hard with his hand.

"Mother, father!" Mingxi yelled out, and saw that Ye Yiqing pulled out Ye and his eyes changed. His face changed and he hurried away.

Modi and Ye Hao have been fainted, and Modi’s face is pale and dead, as if there is no sign of life.

"Hey, hey!" Ye Yiqing held Ye Hao in her arms and called her in fear.

Ange feeds the medicinal herbs to Ye Hao and Mo Di's mouth. "Oh is the exhaustion of the spirit, and the injury of Mo Di is heavier."

"The father's injury looks even heavier than before. How could this happen? What happened to them in the gap?" Mingxi asked worriedly.

Ange whispered, "He did this to seal the gap."

Ye Yiqing does not understand the gap, he only cares when his daughter can wake up.

As for the Modi in this man's mouth, it is Murong Cham. Did he change his name on another continent?

"First send them down the mountain, and then ask the doctor to treat." Ye Yiqing said quietly.

"The doctors on the mainland can't cure them." Ange frowned. "There is still a little aura here. Don't leave now, I will heal them."

Although he is not a cure, it is definitely more useful than the doctor here.

Ye Yiqing glanced at him and gently decapitated. "I immediately made people prepare for bed."

Xue Lin and Wu Chong have completely fallen in place. If they don't see it, he really can't believe it. The emperor and the empress are actually coming out of the rock. This kind of thing, even if it is a dream, is not necessarily true.

"Xue Lin, Wu Chong!" Ye Yiqing whispered two people who had been completely stunned. "Get ready, the emperor and the sissy will be injured."

"Yes!" The two men returned to God and rushed out to prepare.

Ange wants to use the spiritual power to heal the Emperor, but here is the human continent. His spiritual power is limited and he can't drive it. He can only feed the Emperor to eat it.

Fortunately, the entrance to the medicinal drug is dissolved. Otherwise, in the case of the Emperor of the present, nothing can be eaten.


Ye Hao in Ye Yiqing's arms had opened her eyes slightly. When she saw Ye Yiqing, she snorted again. After half a moment, she remembered that they had returned to the human world.

After three years, I thought I would never have a chance to meet again.

"Mother, you wake up, how do you feel?" Ming Xi asked nervously.

Ye Hao endured the pain in his body. "I am fine, A Zhan?"

"The father has not yet woken up." Mingxi said, "Mother, what happened?"

"After we entered the gap, the Deliang wanted to catch up and was beaten back by Azhan. Azhan suffered a heavier injury." Ye Hao said, he was beaten by Deliang, the first in the sea, if not Her Xiuyuan Jindan, she and Modi can not support back.

Ye Qiangqiang stood up and stood up, "Azhan?"

"Master gave him the remedy, but he hasn't woken up yet," Ming Xi said.

"Don't move, I will help you in the past." Ye Yiqing supported Ye Hao's arm and looked at her worriedly. "Hey, what happened?"

Ye Hao shook his head and said, "Hey, it’s impossible to explain in a few words. Now it’s important to save Azhan first."

"He is here." Ye Yiqing helped Ye Hao to go to the other side, and Modi lay quietly there, his handsome face was not a little bloody.

She has never seen the weakness of the Emperor.

"How is he?" Ye Hao sat next to Modi and held his hand tightly.

"The spirit is exhausted, and the injury on the body is too heavy." Ange whispered, "If it is on the mainland of God, it is better."

Ye Hao took the pulse of the Emperor, "That would be the method of the human continent."

She is about to forget that she is a doctor.

Fortunately, the meridians did not break, the ribs broke two, and there were internal injuries... These are not cured in two days.

Ye Hao took a lot of medicine out of the space.

"Give things to me." Ye Yiqing did not let Xue Lin come in, but took the bed and went to the cave.

"The broken ribs have been connected, and now I can only rest well." Ye Hao said to An Ge, "I can't move him, I can only stay here for a few days."

Ye Yiqing walked over and said, "There are soldiers outside, you will rest here first."

Ange put Modi on the bed and helped the decoction to drink.

The medicinal herbs that Modi had eaten played a role, and there were the lingering springs and elixir of the leaves, and the temperament did not seem so pale and terrible.

"Hey!" Dealing with the injury of Modi, Ye Hao, while relaxing, saw the sorrow of long-lost relatives coming up.

"It's okay, come back," Ye Yiqing said softly.

Ye whimpers, "I thought I would never see you again."

"Isn't it coming back?" Ye Yiqing gently patted her shoulder.

"Well..." Ye Hao endured tears and finally returned.

"Mother!" Mingxi called out.

Ye Hao fainted in the arms of Ye Yiqing.

"Hey, hey!" Ye Yiqing cried in anxiously.

Ange rushed over to check and sighed and said, "Hey, it’s too tired, let her sleep well."

Ye Yiqing put Ye Hao in the side of the Emperor, so that they can rest well.

"What happened to Ming grandfather, Ming Yu?" Ming Xi asked in a low voice.

"Let's go out and talk." Ye Yiqing whispered, don't want to wake up.

Ange and Huohuang look at each other. They are not here. They just go out, will they scare others?

"There are all soldiers outside, not afraid to talk." Ye Yiqing carefully discovered their concerns.

"Isn't it going to Yunshan? How can it be soldiers?" Ming Xi asked in confusion.

Ye Yiqing said, "Since you have disappeared, Murong Yu will be surrounded by Yunshan. He almost didn't turn over the whole mountain. What happened to you?"

"I and my mother went to Xuantian mainland and lost contact. It took a long time to see her." Ming Xi whispered, simply talking about what happened to them in Xuantian.

"...Nan became a demon king later. In order to find a gap in the mainland of God, we were arrested by the emperor. I was almost eaten by the dragon. Fortunately, there is a nephew." Ming Xi said, he was actually nervous, afraid Ye Yiqing will feel incredible and will resist the Ange and the fire phoenix. When the child enters the gap, he will return to his original body. Therefore, he is still in the space and should come out soon. I hope that I will not scare my grandfather.

Ye Yiqing stared silently at Ming Xi's words. Their experiences were similar to those he had guessed before. It really turned into a fantasy world.

Jin Wuxi’s fall, the sky of Yunshan Mountain is the news of Hongxia, and Murong Cham and Ye Hao’s return have been sent to Kyoto at the fastest speed.

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