Zhao Xiang took a bowl of medicine into the room and looked at Zhao Wei, who was standing by the window. "How to open the window, the wind is big, you are careful."

"The moon in the desert is so round." Zhao Yu looked at the moon in the sky. "Cheng Wei told me about the scenery of the desert. He said that he will bring me in the future. Now I am here, but he is gone."

"I heard that people don't really leave after they die. As long as there are people in his world who care about him, he will definitely guard another way." Zhao Xiang walked over and took the medicine bowl in his hand to Zhao Wei. "I don't know if the adult is watching you and this child in the sky."

Zhao Wei smiled slightly and took it from Zhao Xiang’s hand. He gave the baby a drink. “You don’t have to follow, your child is still so small.”

"With the old lady, I can rest assured." Zhao Xiang smiled.

"Tomorrow will go to Shajiu City." Zhao Yu color condensation, "Lu Hao is already on the road."

Zhao Xiang said, "Water alone only gives her 10,000 troops, it is not our opponent."

"After catching Lu Hao, don't kill her, I have to be hands-on." Zhao said coldly.

"Zhen Guohou will know." Zhao Xiang said, "It is not early, you should rest first."

"Yeah." Zhao Wei gently beheaded, she must take a good rest, take care of her body, she wants to safely give birth to her children.

Zhao Xiang helped Zhao Wei’s hand to go to the bed and saw a few letters on the table that were not opened. “Ning Er wrote another letter?”

"Take it to burn." Zhao Wei’s voice suddenly became cold.

"Don't look at what she said?" Zhao Xiang whispered, after all, is a younger sister, really want to be an enemy.

"I don't want to hate her." Zhao Wei sat down on the bed. "But Cheng Hao's death always starts with her, so she will never return to Qi, and she will not appear in front of me. I only have no her. younger sister."

Zhao Xiang rubbed her shoulders for her. She knew that Zhao Xin was filled with hatred at this time. Even if she knew that this matter had nothing to do with Zhao Ning, she would still hate Zhao Ning, but could Zhao Ning not be innocent?

If it wasn’t for Song Hongjun’s rescue of Zhao Ning, Zhao Ning might have died.

"I know that he caught Zhao Ning wrong. He shouldn't put her under house arrest. He won't hurt Zhao Ning. It's my sister. I believe he will be measured." Zhao looked at the account and whispered, " Lu Hao killed him because he wanted to weaken the power of Qi."

In Cheng Hao's mind, he is only Zhao Wei is the most important, and Zhao Ning will never be measured.

This point Zhao Xiang is more clear than Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei is now a blind, and does not want to believe that Cheng Hao will hurt Zhao Ning.

"Since you want to break your sisterhood, look at what Zhao Ning said." Zhao Xiang whispered, "I will read it to you."

"No, I know what she wants to say." Zhao said faintly, "I don't want to hear."

Zhao Xiang gently beheaded. "Okay, I took the letter and burned it. You have a good rest."

"Yeah." Zhao Wei closed his eyes and soon saw an enemy. She had to rest better.

Picking up the letter on the table, Zhao Xiang left only an oil lamp, and left the room with a light hand, and returned to his house, she opened the letter and looked at it again.

Zhao Ning said in the letter the pain of being under house arrest in the dungeon, and the danger of her abortion. Cheng Hao was not soft because she was Zhao's sister. He was a sultry person.

"Big sister, Cheng Hao’s death hurts you. If I am dead, Auntie will certainly suffer the same pain. Please don’t hate Lu Yan, you hate me, this is because of me, don’t implicate others. ......"

Zhao Xiang saw the last sentence, just sighed and felt that Zhao Ning thought too simple. Zhao Wei does not kill Lu Hao now. It is impossible to solve the hatred in happiness.


When he heard the knock on the door, Zhao Xiang closed the letter.

"Who?" Zhao Xiang asked, and went forward to open the door.

The person who came to Zhao Xiang was Song Hongwei.

"Dr., can you have something?" Zhao Xiang asked.

"Lu Hao has already arrived in Bailizhou. We will go to Shajiu City tomorrow." Song Hongyu said, "You advised me to advise you to go down and let me see Lu Hao first."

Zhao Xiang’s eyes flashed a bit of a surprise. “Would you like to see Lu Hao? Why?”

"If you can not fight, no matter who is good." Song Hongyu whispered.

"That is impossible!" Zhao Xiang shook his head. "If you don't kill Lu, you won't stop."

Song Hongyu took a deep breath, "Is there any way to unlock the resentment in my heart?"

"Let Cheng Hao resurrect." Zhao Xiang said, "There is no other way."

"In any case, first advise you to kneel down." Song Hongyu said.

"I will try my best, uncle, do you have the confidence to win?" Zhao Xiang asked.

Song Hongyi laughed at himself. "The opponents are Murong Zhan and Lu Hao. Even the emperors have nothing to do with Lu Hao. How much do we think we have a chance?"

"Where does Lu Lu have any skills, actually let the father to her..." Zhao Xiang covered his mouth and knew how big the remarks were.

"You will know when you see you in the future." Song Hongyu whispered.

Zhao Xiang looked at Song Hongyu and said, "I understand."



While Ye Hao arrived at Bailizhou, Zhao Wei also went to Shajiu City and looked at the desert outside the city wall. She imagined that Cheng Hao was there. "Cheng Wei, you look, I will be able to avenge you soon." It is."

"Your Majesty." Ling Jian walked behind Zhao Wei.

“Is Lu Hao in Bailizhou?” Zhao Yu asked.

Ling Jian nodded gently. "This morning has arrived. Your Majesty, I heard that you will let Zhen Guohou go to see Lu Hao."

"Song Hongjun does not give up, let him go to meet Lu Hao, break the thoughts, will be good to fight." She loves Cheng Hao deeply, knows what it is like to be a person, Song Hongyi and Zhao Wei, They all like Lu Yan, but he hides better. If it wasn't for Lu Yi's disappearance in four years, Song Hongyi probably didn't notice his thoughts.

"Then we stayed in Bailizhou..." Ling Jian looked up at Zhao's back.

Zhao Wei said, "Looking for opportunities, killing Murong Zhan." After a pause, "There is also Lu's son."

Ling Jian bowed his head, "Yes."

Although Cheng Hao died, he left many people to her, just like the shadow killer hidden in various places.

She must have lost her love and feel her feelings.

"Do not let Zhen Guo Hou and the second princess know about this matter." Zhao Yu whispered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ling Jian should.

Zhao Yan took another look at the desert, turned and walked down the wall, and met Zhao Xiang who was looking for her in the corner.

"Big sister..." Zhao Xiang looked at her helplessly.

"I will go back to drink the fetus immediately." Zhao said with a smile.

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