Lei Yingchun ordered the opening of the four gates of Meicheng City, posting notices in the city, lifting the ban on the city of Meicheng, no longer restricting the entry and exit of the people in the city, and also exempting the tax for three years. The court will also help to rebuild the plum. The home of the city and the people.

This news is definitely good news for the people in the city of Meicheng. Their fearful massacre will not happen, and they are tax-free for three years. The court re-emphasized them as their people. Then everyone is not so grateful for the water. They think that this is what Scorpio brings to them.

If Scorpio does not cure their illness, they cannot live to the present.

"Where is it?" Those who wanted to go to the generals to tell Ye Hao the good news found that they had not seen Ye Hao's figure.

"Is it in the square, go find it." Someone called.

Lei Yingchun strode over, he was coming to find the Scorpio, but he saw many people gathered in front of the General's office.

"What happened?" he asked, frowning.

"Adults, we are looking for Scorpio, and Scorpio is gone." The people still recognized Lei Yingchun. Although they did not like this adult who almost killed them, they still dared not let him go.

Lei Yingchun's face changed, striding into the generals, "Scorpio! Scorpio!"

He will go all the way up and down the military, and really did not see the figure of the sky, "Go to the sky, go to the gate of the city and wait, don't let Tianzhu leave."

Unfortunately, people in the entire city of Meicheng want to find Ye Hao and Murong Cham, but no one can find them.

They had quietly left the city of Meicheng without knowing when.

"How did they leave?" Lei Yingchun angered and asked a drug boy who lived in the general's house.

The drug boy was shocked. "Scorpio said that the epidemic in the city is almost the same. I dropped the medicine yesterday. I didn't see them this morning..."

"Do you know where they are going?" Lei Yingchun asked, he really didn't understand what Scorpio thought. She saved so many people. Is it really just that I can't see the past so I can heal them? There is not a little bit. Other purposes?

They actually left, is it a return to the country?

Lei Yingchun let people go out to find them, and they will tell the water about it.

When I heard about Ye Hao, they left the city of Meicheng. They were not surprised at all, as if they had expected it.

"It really is her practice." Water smirked. "You don't have to look for it, you can't find her."

"The emperor, Scorpio seems to just want to save people, there is no other idea." Lei Yingchun said.

"Oh, naturally, do you think she wants to do something?" Water asked faintly, and he preferred that Lu Hao had a purpose to come to Meicheng.

Lei Yingchun bowed his head and felt embarrassed that he had doubted the heart of Tianzhu.

"What about Lu Ting?" asked the water.

"Oh, he hasn't been out in the house all the time, the emperor, how do you feel after drinking his medicine?" asked Lei Yingchun.

The water licked his chest. "I don't feel chest tightness. His prescription... seems to be right."

"Is there someone in this world who is more skilled than Scorpio?" Lei Yingchun cried in surprise.

"Hey, who do you think this prescription is?" The water snorted, mostly because she stayed in Anping Town.

"Is it a Scorpio? Isn't Lu Ting's sent by Tianzhu?" Lei Yingchun said with amazement, "Scorpio is concerned about His Majesty."

The water snorted coldly. "How did she get out of town to tell Lu Tingzhi? It was only these days that she fell ill. Lu Tingzhi couldn’t get away from Anping Town for three days. What do you think?"

"That is not the person of the heavens..." Lei Yingchun grabbed his head. He hoped that Tianzhu would never be an enemy with the water, otherwise he would not know who to help.

"Going back to Wangdu City tomorrow." Shui Yiyi said, "Bring Lu Tingzhi also."

Lei Yingchun stunned. "Yes, the emperor."



Ye Hao, they left the city of Meicheng in the middle of the night. Knowing the arrival of Lu Tingzhi, she knew that the disease of the water could be completely cured. However, if the water would leave Lu Tingzhi, she wouldn’t really I am sure.

"Do you say that water will believe in Lu Tingzhi?" Ye Hao asked Mo Chen Zhan, who was sitting in the rut.

"I won't believe it." Murong Chong faintly replied, which of the emperors could not believe a strange person.

Ye Hao frowned. "I will probably reuse Lu Ting in the future."

“Is there a problem with Feng Chunsong’s prescription?” Murong’s mouth floated with a smile.

"There is no problem, but the dose is wrong. It is the late prescription. The prescription of Lu Tingzhi is to cure the disease." Ye Hao said, "If you become a tyrant after a trip, I will be the chief culprit to save him today." ""

Murong Cum said softly, "Then kill him by hand."

"Forget it, just look at Miao Miao's share." Ye Hao comforted himself. "Don't talk about him, and see if there is any skill in Lu Ting."

"Do you believe him?" Murong Zhan looked back at her. He knew that the reason why she placed Lu Tingzhi in the Yuan Dynasty was definitely for her daughter.

Ye Hao smiled. "I believe that he helped me when he was in Kyoto. He is not the same as Lu Hao."

Murong Chan will no longer ask.

"Do we go to the wasteland now?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Don't go, there is Mingxi in it." Murong Zhan said, "Where do you want to go back to Kyoto, or where?"

Ye Hao thought for a while, "Just all the way back to Kyoto, the road through the disaster-stricken areas, you can do something you can."

"Hey." Murong Zhan reached out to her and took her to sit next to her, whispering, "This disaster is not caused by you, you don't have to always want to compensate for anything."

He knew that she was an easy-hearted person. The damage caused by this natural disaster made her feel guilty. It was because their arrival caused the collapse of the heavens. In fact, the relationship with them was not great.

"I don't have it." Ye Hao laughed and tried to hide her mind.

When Murong Chong knows her well, how can it be unclear? "Even without us, the heavens will still collapse. Maybe it will be more serious. The existence of the three continents is sometimes not so calm."

"Do you say that God has come back?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Oh, I am on the mainland." Murong Chan said helplessly, how could he know the traces of God.

Ye Hao leaned against his shoulder. "Let's go back to Kyoto. It didn't take much time. We went to stay with Mingyu."

"Yeah." Murong Zhan glared at her waist. "You have done a lot and done very well."

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