The natural disaster that occurred two months ago was like a nightmare, and soon it was restored to calm. The imperial courts were all reinforcing the disaster areas and rebuilding their homes.

Ye Hao did not know how Qi and the Yuan Dynasty recovered. But when she returned to Kyoto City all the way, she felt that Murong was doing very well. The victims were comforted and they were recovering their lives with confidence.

She and Murong Chong did not use any spiritual power to return to Kyoto. They just bought a carriage and went all the way to the north. When they encountered a disaster-stricken place, they left for two days to give them medicine for treatment, so they went back to Beijing. Not happy.

However, Ye Hao already knows that Ye Nannan sent a difference to the wasteland to protect Mingxi.

"I don't know how Mingxi is doing in the Wasteland City." Although she knows that Mingxi's current martial arts is that no one can hurt him, she still worried about him.

"He is not too small, there will be a sense of proportion." Murong Zhan is more assured than Ye Hao, Ming Xi can be a person in Xuantian mainland for so long, let alone in the world, how to be his ink The son of the emperor.

Ye glanced at him. "Are you too reassured with your son?"

"When I was as big as him, I was already living alone." Murong Zhan said faintly, whether he was in Xuantian or the mainland, he did not rely on his parents, and he himself tried to survive.

"I just don't understand, the confidence of Fujimori comes to him that he will succeed in rebellion." Ye Hao frowned, she knew that Fujisawa was very annoying to her, and would rebel because probably Murong will hand over the country to Ming. Jade.

Murong Chan smiled. "Everyone thinks they are smart."

"Ming Xi said that there are still people behind the vines who are manipulating. Who do you think will be?" Ye Hao asked Mo Rongzhan's sleeves.

"Hey, we haven't come back in four years." Four years can change a lot of things, like Jin Guo has adapted to the new emperor Murong, in the past four years, perhaps someone is secretly developing power, It didn't take long for them to come back. Even if they were a cultivator, some aspects were more powerful than mortals, but they were not gods.

Ye said, "I just ask."

The most worrying thing in her heart is Ming Yu. She is still so small, and some people have to look at Jin Guo. If she takes over Jin Guo in the future, it is not even more dangerous.

"Then we will do nothing, give it to Mingxi himself to solve it?" Ye Hao asked.

"For him, this is a good exercise opportunity." Murong Zhan said.

Well, she and Murong Chong are still not the same way to educate their children. Although she knows that Ming Xi is already growing up, she does not need her protection under the wings. It is inevitable that she still has to worry about it. Daughter, he will not interfere with what they want to do.

"What about the daughter?" Ye Hao asked.

Murong Zhan looked back at Ye Hao. "Hey, you should try to let go. Mingyu is not as weak as you think. She is our daughter."

Their daughters can't be dull and ignorant. She seems innocent, but she still knows what she knows.

"I just feel that I have missed too much." Ye Hao screamed angrily. She understood that she couldn't let go.

"Then we regenerate a child." Murong Zhan suddenly said that before he did not want her to regenerate, she was worried that her body could not stand it. Now, with her cultivation, giving birth to a child will certainly not be the same as before.

Ye Hao looked at him. "You... are you really?"

"Not really true." Murong Cham frowns, in fact, he does not want to have children at all, but she is a person who likes children very much.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao.

Murong Chong said with no sighs, "It will make us less time to get along, or not."

"Is there something like you?" Ye Hao was so angry that he shouldered his shoulder. "Everyone else feels more blessed, you don't like children."

"I only like you." said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao’s cheeks were red with disappointment and whispered. “The old wives are old wives, and they still say this.”

“Not old.” Murong’s mouth curled up with a smile.

"We have been on the road for a long time, hurry back to Kyoto." Ye Hao said.



Kyoto City.

With the passing of the year, Xiu Niu began to enter the palace for screening. Murong has been busy with some feet in the past. Jin Guo has not chosen for a long time. Many rules have been almost forgotten. Fortunately, the House of Representatives has registration procedures. Otherwise he is too busy to come.

After the show girl entered the palace, he was not very convenient to directly manage, and he picked two palace ladies from the harem and brought them up to Shang Palace to help him observe the showgirl's behavior in the palace.

The two palace ladies are not others, it is the scorpion and the glaze. In the past, the shackles around Ye Hao, Lian Lu and he were all transferred to help.

"Wang Ye, the emperor just made people talk, and called Shen Xiu to go to the Qing Palace." Lu and saw the ink into the palace, he lowered his head and said.

"The emperor summoned Shen Xiu?" Murong stunned, "Which Shen Xiu?"

"Shen Fantasy." Lu and whispered back, "is from Bohai City."

Murong knows which one is right. "I heard that her father donated a lot of people in Bohai City this time and donated his own granary. The emperor saw her, probably to reward her father, no need to be suspicious. ”

Lu and his face calmly responded.

"The Lei girl you said, the slaves observed for a few days. Among the girls, they are top-notch. However, she seems to be quiet. After entering the palace, she is always in the house if she is not necessary." Said, he looked at the change of the face of the ink.

"It’s not a good thing to like to be in the palace." Murong said faintly,

Lu and bowed down, when the showgirl just entered the palace, someone sent him to take care of Lei Bingfu, as if this Lei Bingfu and Mingxi are old masters.

If she is sent to the palace by Master Mingxi, it should be that she will help the princess in the future.

"As soon as the disaster happened today, the emperor said that the draft should be simplified, but after all, it is the first draft of the emperor, so be careful." Murong told him.

"Yes." Lu and Ying Dao.

Murong said, "Since the emperor is seeing Shen Xiu, the king will go to see him later."

In the dry palace, Murong was frowning and looking at the young woman who was kneeling in front of him. It seemed to be a bit familiar.

"You are a fantasy?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"Yes..." Shen Huan raised his head and looked at Murong Yu with his eyes brightly.

Murong Yan looked at her with a slight blink of an eye. "He remembers that Shen Yuexuan’s daughter is not called Shen Yuaner."

Shen Yuan's shoulders are stiff, but the eyes are brighter. The emperor still remembers her. "Return to the emperor. After I arrived in Bohai City, my father changed my name. I am now called Fantasy."

She is a fantasy child, no longer a sinking child.

Murong also remembered her. At that time, he was very close to Shen Yuexuan, and he also saved the girl’s life.

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