Ming Yu squinted at the small head, the face of the delicate jade with a cute and cute smile, she looked at Shen Fantaer and asked, "How do you know that I am a princess?"

Shen Xiaoer said with a smile. "A few years ago, I had seen Qin Wangxi. My life was saved by her. When I saw the princess, I felt that you and Qin Wangxi were very similar, and they were equally bright and moving."

"Have you seen my mother?" Ming Yu snorted. "Where have you seen her?"

"In Bohai City, when Wang Hao was going to Dongqing, we were on the same road. I was sick on the road, or Wang Hao saved me." Shen Xiaoer said softly, the first time I saw Qin Wangxi, I only thought she was really The gentle and kind-hearted person later saw the true face of Qin Wangxi, she was really amazing at the time.

Then the woman who pours the country...

Ming Yu looked at Shen Yuner, but she did not doubt what she said. Her mother used to go to Dongqing, and she was a doctor.

"Okay." Ming Yu nodded and looked up at other people. "What are you talking about? It’s really lively."

When the other showgirls knew that Mingyu was a princess, they were already nervous, especially when they saw Shen Fanta and the princess, and they became more aware of Shen’s sorrow.

Some people are born with good life. They were summoned by the emperor when they first entered the palace. Now they can still make good friends with the princess.

No one in the whole Jinguo does not know that the most distinguished person in the palace, except the emperor, is the princess of Mingyu. In the future, this princess is still a treasurer...

However, who can guarantee that in the future, when the emperor has his own children and has his own beloved woman, everything will be different.

The smile on Shen Xiaoer’s face is more sincere. “Some of our sisters are chatting, they are all entering the palace, always taking care of each other.”

"Is it?" Just listening to them, it is not like looking at each other, Ming Yu looked at the last face of Lei Bingfu, the girl just smiled at her, did not come forward.

"How come the princess will come here?" Shen Xiaoer asked.

Ming Yu looked around boringly, "Curious, come and see."

"We have nothing to do except to follow the aunt's rules, and the princess can often come to play." There is a show girl who pleases Ming Yu.

"It’s okay to come over and play, but my father will definitely not let me come." Ming Yu muttered his mouth. "Forget it, I am leaving, I will have time to come back tomorrow."

Lei Bingfu looked at the innocent and lovely little princess in a secluded manner. She had dealt with Ming Xi and was surprised at the child’s maturity and stability. She almost thought that he was also born again, but finally found that it was not, Mo Mingxi It’s just a clever genius.

She thought that Ming Yu and Ming Xi are dragons and phoenixes. In addition to the appearance, the personality should be similar, but it does not seem very similar.

Ming Yu walked to the door and felt someone looking at her. She frowned and looked at Lei Bingfu at a glance. "Are you looking at me?"

"The princess looks so beautiful." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

"Well, you are not the first to say this." Ming Xi smiled and nodded, leaving the Chuxiu Palace with a frost.

Lei Bingfu looked thoughtfully at the back of Ming Yu, and looked at the Shen Yun children who were being envied by other showgirls.

Shen Huaner will have seen Qin Wangxi before, this incident made her a bit surprised, a little disrupted her plan, to think about what to do.



Wasteland city.

After being separated from Tang Deren, Mingxi returned to the inn. They can let Tang Deren believe that Mingxi is Fang Yanzhen today. It is not easy to see the vines tomorrow. There will definitely be more temptations. Therefore, they need to know more about Fang Yanyu. this person.

It is night, and the portrait of Fang Yanzhao is sent in person.

Although I don't know how to do it, but this has left Mingxi a lot of effort.

"...you found that there is no, after Ming Xi Yi Rong, it is really similar to Fang Yanyi." Huo Huang stared at the portrait hanging on the screen, and the more he saw it, the more he felt after Ming Xi.

"There are some similarities, but there are always differences between portraits and real people. Some painters will beautify characters." Shen said.

My nephew said, "I think Ming Xi looks better than him."

"In any case, at least it is similar." Mingxi said faintly, "I just don't know that Fang Yan's hobby is good. If I have a better understanding, we will wear it immediately."

"Everything is found." Shen Xiao whispered, took a letter from his arms, "Ming Xiu's young master, Fang Yan's daily life hobbies are here."

Ming Xi looked deeply at the sinking. "The scope of the dark guard is really wide. It seems that there is not much secret in Fangjia."

"You can only understand the situation of Fang Yanzhen, other ... it is difficult to infiltrate." Shen Xiao whispered.

"What about Fang Yan?" Ming Xi whispered.

Shen said, "I heard that I didn't see him at the beginning of last month. There is no news from Fangjia. I don't know if I am going out, or..."

"Is it missing?" Ming Xi asked in confusion.

"I haven't checked it out yet, I will tell you immediately." Shen said, "Ming Ming Xi, I will leave first, so as not to be discovered."

When Shen Shen left, Ming Xi would know everything about Fang Yanzhen and know who Fang Yanzhen was, and really understand how Fang Jia value this grandson.

"Fang Yanzhen is not in Fangjia, where is he going?" Xu Jinbei is still skeptical about Fang Yanzhen's whereabouts. "Will he really come to the Wasteland City."

"No." Mingxi said decisively, "If Fang Yanzhen really came to the Wasteland City, it proves that Fangjia really wants to form an alliance with Fujisawa, and it will not appear until now."

Fire Phoenix said, "No matter where he goes, it is good for us now."

Ming Xi gently beheaded, "solve the problem first."

The next day, Mingxi, they just came out of the inn, and there are already people from Tang Deren waiting for them.

"Ji Shaoye, our grandfather let the little ones pick you up the city." The little hacker politely bowed and pointed to a good carriage next to him.

"I am not used to other people's carriages." Mingxi said faintly, he gave a hint to the fire phoenix.

Huo Huang respectfully took a ceremony and went to the backyard of the inn to drive their prepared carriage. Fang Yanyi never took the carriage of others. This is known to everyone familiar with Fang Yanzhen.

The little sister was not angry, and the guests were kind enough to ask Mingxi to get on the bus and lead the way ahead.

"There is no good person." Xu Jinbei was cold and cold, and he was tempted from the beginning.

"The more cautious, the more the mystery of the man behind the rattan." Ming Xi said coldly.

Huo Huang said, "Then we will find this person."

Ming Xi was wearing a koi, and his eyes calmly looked out the window. He thought that he could leave early. It seems that there is still some time to consume it.

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