Mingxi looked indifferently at the black man who came to them and surrounded him and Xu Jinbei, scared the other guests on the first floor to panic and ran out, and the shopkeeper who had just seen it did not. I know where to hide.

"Kill!" One of the black men spoke quietly.

Xu Jinbei’s face changed slightly, “The people of the North Ming Kingdom!”

What the black man said is not the language of the Jin State, but a strong North Ming country accent.

Those black people who did not give Xu Jinbei another chance to question have already raised their swords to Mingxi.

Fang Yanzhen is not martial.

Mingxi stepped back a few steps, and Xu Jinbei blocked him for the black man.

He looked at the black man's tricks with cold eyes, and he was obviously a killer.

Xu Jinbei is not an opponent. If he shoots, he will immediately be found that he is not Fang Yan.

"Be careful." Mingxi saw that Xu Jinbei lost so many black people. When he was about to take the shot, Huo Huang and his nephew finally came back.

"Xu Jinbei, are you okay?" Although Xu Jinbei practiced martial arts from an early age, his martial arts was to keep fit, and it was not the opponent of these black people.

The black people did not see the fire phoenix and the nephew in their eyes. In their view, these four teenagers are still children. Even if there is any good martial arts, they will fight through a few battles. Children are easy.

"Who sent you? Rattan?" Ming Xi asked Xu Jinbei to ask coldly.

"Hey, die to the end, know what?" The black man sneered, ignoring the fire phoenix and the nephew, and shot the sword in his hand to Mingxi.

The black man’s internal strength is so deep that such a sword is shot fast and accurate. He feels that no one can stop the sword.


A sword echoed, and two little fingers gently gripped his sword.


The black man stunned and stared at the scene in disbelief.

The little girl who looks like a petite drop actually stopped his sword, and it was pinched with two fingers...

"A very fragile sword." The child said softly, the fingers were slightly intentional, and the sword between the **** had been broken in half.

"..." Is this little girl still a person?

Mingxi looked at the black man with a faint look. "Go back and tell your master. If you want to kill me, it's better to send a decent person. You can't move me with a few third-rate killers." hair."

Fire Phoenix asked, "Would you like to let them go?"

"Then you will play with them, don't start too much, so as not to say that we bully people." Mingxi said faintly.

"Okay, don't play, they don't know how to go back and explain." Fire Phoenix grinned.

The black men were furious with their ridiculous sarcasm, and they wanted to smash the fire.

Huo Huang teased them with a smile, so that they could not start against Mingxi, but there was no way for him. He could only chase after him and gave up most of the thousand floors.

"Are you okay?" Ming Xi whispered to Xu Jinbei.

"Nothing, just a little flesh wound, what about you?" Xu Jinbei shook his head, and the fire rushed in time, so he was not seriously injured.

Ming Xi said, "I will bandage the wound for you."

“Why would anyone come to kill you?” Xu Jinbei whispered. “This is a thousand floors, is it...”

"It may not be him." Ming Xi gently shook his head. If it was a rattan, he would not choose to work on him on the first floor. It should be a person from the North Hall.

Xu Jinbei said coldly, "The words they said are the accent of the North Ming Kingdom. They should come from the North Ming Kingdom. Is it Fang Fangsheng? He has no enmity with us, why should he do this?"

"It's very simple, don't want Fujisawa and Fangjia League." Mingxi said faintly.

"The two days of Fujisaka are not normal." Xu Jinbei said.

Mingxi smiled. "He is still hesitating."

"Fire is back." Xu Jinbei said, after all, it is a thousand floors, he did not mention Fujisaka.

"Throw them to the gate of the city." Fire Phoenix said to Mingxi.

Ming Xi gently beheaded, "Let's go."

When they just walked downstairs, they saw the disappearing shopkeeper reappear. "Ji Shaoye, are you all right?"

"Fortunately, it doesn't matter." Ming Xi whispered, "We will compensate for the damage to the inn, and we will say it to the inn."

The shopkeeper smiled happily. "How dare you remember it, those black people are damaged."

Mingxi smiled and smiled at him. Although the black man was not sent by Fujisawa, but Fujisaki did not intend to help him. It seems that he is hesitant about whether he can cooperate with Fangjia.

"You appear really timely." Xu Jinbei said sarcastically to the treasurer.

"There was really scared to death." The treasurer looked like a lingering man. "I didn't expect Ji Shaoye to be a dragon and a tiger."

Ming Xi smiled a little, "Let's go."



Ming Xi’s encounter with the killer on the first floor was quickly passed to the ears of Fujisawa.

"Is the little cockroach around Fang Yan's playing all the black people?" Rattan asked the subordinates, and was shocked to ask.

"Yes, we are seeing it with our own eyes."

Fujisawa and Tang Deren looked at each other and sent the original inn to the inn.

"What do you think?" Fujisawa asked Tang Deren.

"Fang Yunsong has let Fang Yanzhen come to the Wasteland City alone. It is not surprising how he can protect him without one or two." Tang Deren said that he is firmly convinced that Mingxi is Fang Yan.

Fujisaki closed his eyes. "If you don't agree with the North Hall, you may be killed by Fang Yanyi. He wants to always hate me."

"At the beginning, Beitang refused to lend us a loan and did not say that they would interfere with our decision." Tang Deren said angrily. "If you really let him lead the troops into Jinguo, it is not easy to ask him to leave."

"I don't know this truth, but if they don't do this, they will also break the city." Fujita frowned. "Is there any news in Kyoto?"

"The news came, the emperor left all the girls, Shen Xiaoer is already paralyzed." Tang Deren said.

Fujita frowned and shook his head. "The position is still too low. Let her find a way to get close to Murong."

"I know what to do!" said Tang Deren. He looked at Fujisaki. "The rudder, there is a saying that I don't know when I don't want to say it."

"What?" Fujita asked.

Tang Deren whispered, "We have all come to this step, behind us is a cliff, in addition to killing a **** road, there is no other choice."

"You want me... promised the North Hall?" Rattan's eyebrows are tighter. "Do you know the consequences?"

"First use him to get what we want, and then find a way to get rid of him." Tang Deren lowered his voice.

Fujisawa is silent, "I think again."

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