Yan Xiaoliu searched along the way with fifty soldiers. He found no strangeness for a long time, let alone the trace of the beast.

"The past is the place of the North Ming Dynasty." Ge Kuan turned back and said to Yan Xiaoliu, they can't go any further.

"It seems that the thing has left the wilderness." Yan Xiaoliu frowned and said, do not know where the beast will go to go, is it to the military camp in the North Ming State?

"Gregory General Ge, look at the front, what is that?" Someone pointed out that the hills in the distance were different.

Yan Xiaoliu stood on the horseback and looked at it. "Grand Brother, it seems to be a human."

"Looking at the past." There is already the junction of the North Ming Kingdom and the Jin State. Those people are not Jin Guo, that is the North Ming Kingdom.

Ge Kuan and Yan Xiaoliu walked over the horse. There were seven people who died. Everyone’s death was the same. The fatal wound was killed by the claws. There were horseshoe footprints on the ground, but the horses were gone. Either being taken away or already escaped.

"Who were they killed by?" Someone exclaimed that it was too bad to die.

Yan Xiaoliu saw their death, and his heart was already shocked. Others didn’t see the monster with their own eyes last night. He was close to him and almost injured him. The wounds of these people were not killed by sharp weapons. Dead, but killed by that monster.

That monster is near here!

"Small six, what do you think?" They came out with fifty soldiers, the surface is to patrol, the real goal is only Ge Kuan and Yan Xiaoliu clear, now the facts are in front of you, the monster is nearby, and the attack is more than they think Still better.

"These people seem to be the guards of the North Hall." Some people recognize the identity of these people. "Look, they still have tokens."

"They are all inseparable from the North Hall."

If they are dead, where is the Beitang announcement?

"Let's get out of here first," Ge Kuan said. If people from the North Ming State find that they are here, they will be in trouble.

"Good." Yan Xiaoliu understands the meaning of Ge Kuan, anyway, the monster should leave here, they want to find it is not easy.

They returned to the military camp and immediately told Ye Lannan about this.

Ye Xiaonan frowned and listened to their description. "What do you mean, Beitang Xuanzhen should also be killed by that monster?"

"I am afraid that it is not just killing..." Yan Xiaoliu's face was heavy. "Will it be eaten like a rattan?"

"Mom, what the **** is that, how can it be so terrible." Ge Kuan thought that there would be a monster that would kill people and eat people nearby, and the whole body shivered.

Ye Yinan meditates. It seems that the monster is still in the grassland. I don’t know how he made the North Hall’s announcement. “This piece of music is not going out beforehand, and there is any news from the North Ming State.”

"I heard that the North Ming Kingdom is divided into two factions. The Qian family always wants to play, but they are suppressed by their princes. Will it be that the money family wants to rebel and deliberately create a monster to assassinate their prince?" Ge Kuan said.

"No, if the money family kills the Beitang Xuanzhen, who are they going to take the throne?" Ye Xiaonan shook his head. Everything that the Qian family did was to let the North Church preach the early ascension. The North Church announced that it was on the surface. With the money home, in fact, what he thinks, only he knows.

Once the two countries fought, Beitang as a prisoner was afraid that it would be difficult to return to the North Ming State. At that time, the Prince was the new emperor of the North Ming Dynasty, and the North Hall was only too embarrassed to go back. What is the use?

"That... what should we do next?" Ge Kuan asked.

Ye Xiaonan looked at Yan Xiaoliuyi’s eyes. "With the constant change, if the Beitang Xuanzhen is really caught by the monster, the money family is afraid to come and talk to us."



Song Yu went to see the tomb of Fujisawa before he left. He still hopes that all the guesses are fake. The vines are not eaten, but are taken away to other places for burial. Only the fingers... ...may not be the vine.

But he could not find any excuse to explain the existence of the broken finger.

"Song Daren, we should leave." The follower whispered Song Song.

"Go," Song said.

Not long after Song Yu left, a young man came out of the forest not far from the tomb. His face was handsome and tall. He pulled his clothes and looked like he was not used to it.

"It’s really troublesome." He groaned, touched his face, looked at his hand again, and everything looked so novel.

The skin of a mortal is too fragile. If you touch it, you will be injured. However, here is the human continent. He cannot show people in the same way.

Yes, this person is the North Hall of the corpse, and he is now not a North Church, but a corpse.

"Next, is it necessary to return to the military camp?" Beitang Xuanzhen revealed a strange smile. He is now a prince. If he can become an emperor, can this world be able to say what he wants?

Beitang Xuanyuan thought carefully and did not immediately return to the military camp, but went to the wasteland city.

On the other side of the wilderness, in the military camp of the North Ming State, Qian Danqing quickly returned to the military camp from Jinguo. The first time he wanted to see the North Church, but he did not find the Prince in the entire military camp.

"Prince?" Qian Danqing's face was gloomy. He understood the scorpion's temper. He was not the kind of person who would leave the military camp without authorization. How could he see him for most of the day.

"The generals, His Royal Highness said that he was going to patrol... I went out in the morning, and I haven't returned yet." The palace man of the North Hall announced that he stood out and whispered.

Qian Danqing's face changed. "How did the Prince go to patrol, what are you going to patrol?"

"Prince brought his guard, there should be nothing wrong with it."

"I will send someone to find the Prince immediately." Qian Danqing angered.

The two deputies immediately rushed away, took dozens of people out of the military camp, and soon found the bodies of the guards at the junction of the two countries. They were all shocked and hurriedly brought these guards back to Qian Danqing. Look.

When Qian Danqing saw the death of these guards, his face became extremely ugly.

"His Royal Highness?" he asked the two deputies.

"No... I didn't see my Highness."

"We found them at the junction of the two countries, but did not find the Prince..." a deputy said.

Qian Danqing clenches his fists. These guards are a slap in the face, and the death is extremely incomparable. The people who start the game must be very hot.

"What kind of weapon is this, it looks like a paw."

"Now is not concerned about this time, is it that people in the Jin State have taken the Prince as a hostage?"

Qian Danqing said coldly, "Let Jin Guo hand over the Prince!"

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