The Fengyi Palace included the outside of the dark guard, and even the Royal Forest Army in the palace. No one found that Princess Mingyu was taken away.

Murong knows that this is not a problem with the Guardian and the Guardian Army. Mingxi must have used any method, otherwise it will not be able to do so.

Ming Xi... What happened to him and the years when Murong Chan disappeared?

How can a young boy be so inscrutable?

Soon, Xu Jinbei was brought into the palace. He was still confused. How could the emperor ask him to enter the palace? Is it something that Mingxi has done?

"Students have seen the emperor." Xu Jinbei is already a scholar, and he respectfully gave Murong a tribute.

"Flat." Murong said faintly.

In the hall, Murong Yu left only one person in Xu Jinbei.

Xu Jinbei was nervous. Although he was not the first to see Murong, he was the first time to get along with the emperor, and he always felt that the emperor looked at his eyes full of trials.

"You have been with Ming Xi in the past six months?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"Return to the emperor, yes." Xu Jinbei replied, it really is related to Mingxi, but how suddenly the emperor wants to inquire about Mingxi?

Murong Yu looked at Xu Jinbei. He knew that Xu Jinbei used to be accompanied by Ming Xi. After Ming Xi came back, he followed him for half a year. He should be a person who knows more about Ming Xi. "You have seen Ming Xi's martial arts. Do you think?"

Xu Jinbei was very surprised, and looked up at Murong Yu. "Ming Xi's martial arts... is very powerful, and the tricks are strange, never seen before. However, students are not good at this, perhaps students are ignorant, so it is strange. ”

"Compared with General Ye, how is Mingxi's skill?" Murong asked softly.

"This..." Xu Jinbei’s heart was already shocked. I don’t know what Murong’s intentions were. “Students can’t evaluate.”

Can not be evaluated, that is, Mingxi's martial arts and Ye Xiaonan are already comparable, no, perhaps more powerful than Ye Yinan.

"Yesterday, did you inform Mingxi of the news that Yan Xiaoliu was injured?" Murong’s voice was a little cold. "Do you know this is a secret in the army?"

Xu Jinbei’s face changed slightly and he hurried down. “Students just heard about it, I don’t know the details, just worried about Yan Xiaoliu...”

Murong swayed his hand. "I don't blame you, does Mingxi have told you to go to the wilderness?"

"No, he is worried about Xiaoliu, but there is General Ye. He thinks that Xiaoliu will not have anything." Xu Jinbei did not lie. Mingxi did not think before he went to Yejia. He did not intend to go to the wasteland. .

Mingxi will go to the wasteland. In addition to the reasons for Mingyu, more is to confirm whether the corpse beasts have won the North Hall.

To put it this way, they will go to the wilderness. It is the idea of ​​Ming Yu. She let Ming Xi into the palace yesterday, not to ask about the injury of Yan Xiaoliu, but to force Mingxi to take her to the Wasteland City.

"Go on." Murong waved and knew that he couldn't ask any more in the mouth of Xu Jinbei.

Not long after Xu Jinbei left, Song Yu asked to see.

"The emperor, Mingxi went to the Ye Family after going to the dark guard house yesterday. It seems that General Ye had sent him a letter." Song Yu whispered to Murong Yu, "Ye Jia found Mingxi in a particularly urgent way yesterday. ”

What will Ye Lannan have to find Mingxi?

Murong frowned and ordered, "Looking for the trace of the princess along the way, be sure to bring her back before the princess goes to the Wasteland City."



Ye Hao and Murong Zhan are trapped in a deep mountain. They know that the ridiculous **** has become a self-contained kingdom, and there is a ruler named Hao Tian. They are more concerned about the existence of the monsters along the way, as long as they find any clues, they will Kill the other party at no cost to take Jindan.

They have returned to Kyoto City all the way, and they have already caught four monsters, and they are all trained to the level of Jindan. If they don’t find it early, they have already won the battle. When they want to find them, they are not so It's easy.

Ye Hao found that as more and more battles with the monsters, her sea movement seems to be faster than before, and the spiritual power has increased a lot. This is a good thing for her, but for the human continent, it is not Good thing.

"Azhan, what should we do? We can't get out." Ye Hao looked at the black pressed sky. They were trapped in the deep mountains by the rhinoceros beast. They couldn't see the sky. There was darkness everywhere. I didn't know that it was a few days and nights outside. .

"Here is the belly of the rhinoceros beast. If you find the exit, we can go out." Murong Zhan whispered, "The golden dan of this rhinoceros beast has begun to turn red. If it is not happening today, we will encounter it." When he arrives, he will be able to win."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "It seems that they can also cultivate in the human world."

Murong Chan looked up at a black spot in the sky. He had a long sword in his hand, and he slammed into the black spot.

A scream came from the outside, and the whole mountain was shaken.

"Dead!" Ye Hao saw the rhinoceros shrinking into a normal size, and she was relieved. She and Murong Chong chased this monster for almost half a month. It was trapped for a few more days here. Only let him get tired and kill him.

Murong Chan has not recovered the spiritual power, and the sound of the passage has come over.

"Ming Xi seems to be looking very urgent." Ye Hao looked at the ink to take out the golden dragon of the monster, and she also received several letters from Mingxi.

"He went back to Kyoto City and caught the North Hall." Murong Zhan's mouth was slightly picky, and he was proud of his son. However, when he saw that Mingyu was almost hurt, he still couldn't find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Whose face is completely gloomy.

Ye Hao asked in confusion, "What's wrong, is it that Mingxi has an accident?"

"No..." Mo Rongzhan saw the last letter and stunned his eyebrows. "Ming Xi took the Mingyu to the wasteland and said that Yan Xiaoliu was injured."

"Yan Xiaoliu is all right?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked, she did not mind that Mingyu went out and walked, better than a lifetime in the palace.

Murong Zhan looked at Ye Hao, "Beitang Xuanzhen injured him, Mingxi suspected... Beitang Xuanzhen was taken over by the corpse."

"..." Ye Hao stunned, thinking that ink-filled Zhan is not saying anything wrong, "What do you say?"

"The army bats appeared in the corpse, and they were seen by Ye Xiaonan and Yan Xiaoliu." Murong Cham's voice was low. "He suspected that the corpse had already won, so he went in person."

Ye Hao screamed, "He went in person, how to bring the Mingyu."

"The corpse is gone, Mingxi is more than enough to deal with it, don't forget that there are still children and fire phoenix around him." Murong Zhan knows that Ye Hao has to start worrying about the children.

"I am worried about Ming Yu." Ye Hao cried.

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