After Shen Luoyang came out of the inn, he walked awkwardly on the street. Because the North Hall collapsed, now the entire city of Dingdu seems to be shrouded in haze, which is full of sorrows.

She was surprised, why didn't she hear what water had done?

Does the death of the North Hall have nothing to do with the water?

Really do not understand, what is the water to do?

"Shen General, how are you here?" Suddenly, someone called Shen Luoyang behind his back.

When Shen Luoyang looked back, it was the confidant around the water, and it was also from the Chinese nation. Her eyes lit up, "Chu Daren!"

Chu Lei frowned at her, walked into her side, and lowered her voice and asked, "Is the emperor not letting you stay in Qingyuan? How come you are here."

"Where is the emperor, I have something to tell him." Shen Luoyang asked, looking around and looking for a figure of water.

"He is not here." Chu Lei's face is heavy. If you let the water know that Shen Luoyang is leaving the job, he will blame her. "If you don't find the emperor, you can go back."

Shen Luoyang smiled and shook his head. "Chu Daren, it is meaningless to go back. Please take me to the emperor. I personally pleaded guilty to the emperor."

Chu Lei looked at her strangely. "What happened?"

"See the emperor and say it again." Shen Luoyang said, "What are you doing in the capital city, the death of the North Hall..."

"It has nothing to do with us." Chu Lei immediately said, "The emperor is not in the city today, you come with me, are you alone?"

Shen Luoyang did not say that Ye Hao is also here, "Well."

"Follow me, think of ways to get out of town." Chu Lei whispered.

Finally, I was able to see the water, and the mood of Shen Luoyang became even heavier.

She was thinking about what to say after seeing the emperor. If she had a stomach, she would think of it now, but she did not know how to speak.

Is it a resignation? For what reason can we make her relationship with the water and the monarchs unaffected?

"What happened to the military camp?" Chu Lei whispered.

"Everything is as usual." Shen Luoyang said.

"Shen General, if everything is as usual, you will not be here." Chu Lei said sharply that he is too clear about the temper of Shen Luoyang, unless she can't stand it, or she will not leave the military camp without authorization.

Shen Luoyang was silent. "Chu Lei, I am no longer young, not suitable for taking troops to fight."

Chu Lei suddenly stopped. "What did the two stinky boys Jiang Rong and Liao Xinhai do?"

"How do you know what they did?" Shen Luoyang asked with a smile.

"Hey, besides who they can be, you can afford to be a great hero when you are in the emperor. When you march, you are still yelling cows, and they dare to bully you." He said that he knows that the military camp is now divided into factions. The faction is a soldier from overseas. He has played countless wars with the water. One group is the local soldiers left by the original Dongqing country. The two sides have been incompatible.

The overseas elites are naturally based on the fact that the local soldiers are now under the command of Jiang Rong and Liao Xinghai. They don’t know what the emperor thinks. After they ascended the throne, they will be scattered to the various military camps. Invisibly weakened the power of Shen Luoyang.

"The emperor trusts them, they naturally do what they are right." Shen Luoyang whispered.

"To the fart!" Chu Lei yelled, "The emperor now completely listens to Ye Guifei's words, I don't know if it is..."

He couldn’t say it later, but his tone was extremely helpless and angry.

Shen Luoyang shook his head and smiled. What he said now is useless.

"Forget it, I will take you to the emperor first." Chu Lei said.



When Ye Hao wanted to find Shen Luoyang, she found out that she was not in the inn.

"Ming Yu, have you seen Luoyang?" Ye Hao found her daughter in the lobby of the hotel. When she saw her and Yan Xiaoliu went out, she called her back.

"Luoyang sister went out, let me tell you." Ming Yu said, "Mother, I and Xiaoliu also want to go out."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "The outside is martial law, don't run around."

She clearly does not want to go out of Luoyang. She is the general of the Yuan Dynasty after all, in case she is recognized.

"I am going to find Luoyang, you don't go out at the inn." Ye Hao.

One hundred Mingyu is not willing, she has been in the inn for two days, "Mother, why not go to find a brother?"

"Small six, you look at her." Ye Hao told Yan Xiaoliu, and said to Ming Yu, "obedient, you have already gone to find Mingxi."

Mingxi was injured two days ago. He couldn't receive her letter. He was able to receive it this morning and should come to them soon.

Although Mingyu wanted to go out, but heard Ye Hao say so, he could only nod his head and promised.

Ye Hao worried about Shen Luoyang and went out to find her.

The city of Dingduo was deserted for two days because of the national mourning. The city gate has not been opened yet. The people outside can't get in. The people inside can't get out. The streets are full of guards. Even the money is surrounded by soldiers.

I don't have to think about it. I know that the North Hall has put the money in the defense.

In such a situation, it is even more unfavorable for Shen Luoyang to go out.

She should be looking for water.

At the beginning, Ye Hao thought that the water was only to recapture the old land of the Yuan Dynasty before he came to the north of the country. After discovering Ye Wei in the palace, she didn’t think so. The water was called by Ye Wei, for What, only they know.

Murong Chan told her last night that the palace in the North Ming Kingdom may also have a palace.

In other words, there is also a Gorefiend sealed under the Royal Palace...

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Hao felt that the fingertips were a bit cold.

Why is the underground palace that seals the Gorefiend in the palace? Mo Rongzhan said that because the palace has purple gas suppression, so for many years, no one has found the existence of the underground palace.

However, did the Protoss above nine days not find out?

"Shen..." Ye Hao finally saw Shen Luoyang in front, when she was about to call her, she found that someone was approaching her, as if she knew it.

Ye Hao stopped and saw Shen Luoyang say a few words to the person, then he followed the person and looked very familiar. In fact, she felt that the person was also familiar, as if he had seen it.

At the water house? Ye Hao remembered, she used to see this man at the water house, it seems to be called Chu Lei.

He wants to take Shen Luoyang to see the water!

Ye Hao also wanted to find a glimpse of water, she quietly followed up, want to see where they are going.

Chu Lei and Shen Luoyang said as they walked. They didn't know what to say. Chu Lei's look looked a little excited. They went in the direction of the city gate.

What surprised Ye Hao was that he did not know what to show to the soldiers who guarded the door, but he was released.

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