"What is the use of people, even if you are in the palace, we are still looking for people." Fan Fan looked at Zhao Wei and said that they saw this woman’s enemies yesterday, and their family saved them. Her son, actually, is so ignorant.

Ye Xie gestured to Vatican not to say that the person Zhao Zhao targeted was her.

"Zhao Wei, the person we are looking for is not an ordinary person. If you don't find him, it will not be good for your Qi." Ye Hao said calmly, if she can, she does not want to use too strong means to let Zhao Yi agree. So as not to deepen the hatred between them.

She doesn't care that Zhao Wei hates her, but she doesn't want to be tired of others because of Zhao's hatred.

"Hugh to be alarmist!" Zhao said, "What are you talking about, do you think you will believe you? Who will be able to harm the world in the palace, why don't you know?"

Fire Phoenix interrupted. "You are so stupid, how can you know that even your son can't protect it? What else can you know?"

"You..." Zhao Wei was furious, and the words of the fire phoenix poked her pain. "Give them all to me."

"Don't let anyone come in." Ye Hao said to Huo Huang.

Fire Phoenix had long wanted Ye Hao to order, and he smiled and gave the Yulin Army who wanted to come over.

The white tiger frowned, but he couldn’t stand it. In the past, he took the fire phoenix back a few steps and set up an enchantment around him. “So they can’t get in.”

"I want you to do nothing, don't I understand enchantment?" Fire Phoenix didn't scream at the white tiger. He looked down and looked at it. Who didn't know that enchantment could block them. He deliberately wanted to swear. Ok?

"Childish." How can the white tiger not see the idea of ​​the fire phoenix, where those mortals are his opponents.

"Okay, let's go in." Ye Hao said, so it would be better to keep people out of the palace.

Zhao Yu rushed to the Royal Forest to order, "Go and drive them out."

"The emperor, we can't get in." The guard called out, obviously there was nothing in front, but there seemed to be a wall, and they couldn't get in.

How can I not get in! Zhao Wei walked a few steps forward and was blocked in the gate of the palace. She was awkward, what happened?

"Lu Yan, what are you going to do?" Zhao Yu pulled out the voice, she was terrified and scared, fearing that her things preserved in the palace would be destroyed.

"Let me go in!" Zhao said.

Ye Hao, who had already walked into the main hall, was stunned when she saw something inside. As she had guessed, this palace without a plaque was really related to Cheng Hao. There was a silver-gray armor in the palace. With a bright luster, it can be seen that it is carefully protected.

This should be Cheng Hao’s armor and weapons. Although there is no portrait of Cheng Hao, there is his shadow everywhere.

If Cheng Hao is still alive, he should live here with Zhao Wei.

"Does the opening of the underground palace destroy the things here?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, there is Zhao Xi’s thoughts on Cheng Hao. If this thought is destroyed, it is really cruel.

Lying low, "The entrance is not here, it will not destroy the things here."

“Where?” Ye Hao asked, it would not be destroyed.

"After, we found it." Taboo, with Ye Hao walking toward the back of the palace.

It turned out that there is a small garden behind the palace.

The small garden is very delicate, it can be seen with great thoughts, and there are still many swing Trojans, which should be played for children.

There was also a faint voice from Zhao Wei.

“How do you open the seal?” Ye Hao asked.

I said, "I can open it. In fact, the seal is very weak. If you find the right place, you can open it easily."

"Then let's go in and see." Ye Hao said.

"Good." Nodded.

He stood in the middle of the garden, a red cloud spread out under his feet, blended with the clouds in the sky, and soon surrounded the entire palace.

A red light appeared on the empty ground, and in the criss-crossing light, a repeating pattern in the middle became more and more obvious.

This is the entrance to the underground palace.


"Well." Taboo, the empty hand pressed on the pattern, and slammed it, pushing the door away.

A bottomless ladder appeared in their sight.

Zhao Wei, who was outside, had already seen the red cloud. She looked at the air in a hurry and some of the reactions did not come.

How is this going?

Why... will this happen?

"The emperor, what happened?" Zhao Xiangfei came quickly, she had already seen the strange red clouds.

"Lu Yan...she is inside." Zhao Wei pointed at the palace. "We can't get in."

Zhao Xiang stunned, how come? Is the door open?

"She is doing it inside, how can she enter the palace." Zhao Xiang said while walking inside, he was bounced back without a few steps.

"Look, Lu Yan is not a human being at all." Zhao Wei's face is pale, she has been thinking about revenge, and now the more she finds Lu Yan's strange, she even feels revenge is hopeless.

This made her desperate.

Zhao Xiang reached out and touched it, only touching an invisible wall.

"Where is Lu Hao?" Zhao Xiang whispered, "Who are they looking for?"

"I don't know." Zhao said with a smile. "They are quietly silent, and no one has found out who can stop them from doing anything here."

Zhao Xiang angered, "No matter how powerful she is, she can't be unscrupulous in our palace..."

She can't say it anymore. Although Lu Hao was a legend in the past, the impression of her in the world is only the most favored queen of Jin Guo and the first beauty in the world. When did she become so mysterious?

"Xianger, how can you take revenge?" Zhao Wei whispered.

Whether she can hold Qi in the present, it seems that it is not necessarily.

"The emperor, you go back to rest first, I am guarding here, waiting for Lu Hao to come out..." Zhao Xiang thought for a moment, "I will talk to her."

"Is there any news in Ganzhou?" Zhao Wei asked. Is there any way for Lu Hao to take her, can she only threaten her if she catches her son?

Zhao Xiang whispered, "General Song and Tang Yan played against each other. It is a tie, and Mo Mingxi has already arrived in Jingzhou. There is no news yet."

"The order allowed the nine-door admiral to lead the soldiers to surround the palace, and to find a way...take Lu Hao." Zhao Wei thought about it and decided to use everything to catch Ye Hao.

"Emperor?" Zhao Xiang looked back at her. If he did this, he would have to cause unnecessary speculation and would alarm too many people.

Zhao Yan took a deep breath, "I want to know who they are!"

She did not believe that the entire Qi State really could not catch those few people.

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