When I saw the warning, I didn’t think of him as smelling the sky. I thought it was just a little similar. Later, after getting along for a while, he discovered that the pass is the smell, and it is the most after the skin. In the weak period, Wen Tian turned himself into a mortal. He may have lived in the human world for decades, and he did not want to wake up to restore his identity.

Although he does not know what he is doing, he has to protect the Lord since he has unlocked the seal.

As the Gorefiend gradually wakes up, Wentian seems to be changing a little.

They are very patient and are waiting for the true return of the Lord.

White is to understand the smell of the sky, what he has to do, never tell others why.

"Do you know him?" Bai asked.

"I don't know, I don't have any memories of Xiao Yan now." The faint voice said, "White, you better not to say anything."

Bai Yi sneered in her heart, she certainly wouldn’t say it, and she still had no memory when she was squatting. She certainly wouldn’t let Wentian have a chance to like Xiaoxiao.

"When will he wake up?" Bai asked.

"I don't know." said, "This is not what we can expect."

Bai Yi slightly frowned, looked at the ring, looked at the lying and beamed away, if she forced to leave the ring is impossible, not that she can not sleep and beam, the key is that they have eight people, and in the future If you wake up, you will be angry.

She is most afraid of his anger.

"I am going with you." Bai said, "Where are you going?"

"White, if he is not a lord?" Shu said faintly, "We are not sure, how do you know that he must be."

"I don't care, if you don't let me follow, I will tell Xiaoxiao." Bai said, "Do you think Xiaoxiao knows, will you still be with you?"

Look at the lying and the beam, "Do you want to give up here?"

"Oh, this is my site, even if I am not here, it will not affect." Bai said.

Shu Li said, "What if we don't agree?"

"Then you don't want to take away the smell of the sky." Bai Yi looked at the Guan Yin, she did not care whether this person is smelling the sky, she must follow.

"Even if you follow the Lord, he still won't like you." Shu Li said.

Bai Yi chuckled, "What about that?"

She likes him for so many years, just like being with him.

"Then follow you," said the layman.

With the consent of lying, Bai Yi looked at the ring with joy, although the face was cold and indifferent, but she smiled brightly, like what kind of baby.

"Let's go." Bai Yi took hold of the arm of the ring.

Turning off her hand and walking to the side of her life, "Go and find it."

"Okay." Lying in a dagger, leaving the white house with a ring.

White is looking at the back of the ring, so he is really the same as the one who is angry to kill him.

If he wakes up, will he... hate her?



After Ye Hao left them and left, they found the inn with the Vatican. This finally found a normal place to sharpen.

"Vatican, you tell me, what are the grudges in Wen Tian and Jiu Tian?" In the room, Ye Hao couldn't help but ask again.

"That was the **** who framed the Lord in nine days." Vatican said angrily. "Oh, don't believe the illusion that Baiyi shows you. It's not true. When you think of it, you will know everything." ""

Ye Hao looked at Vatican seriously. "You all said that I am a small sister. I feel that I will remember the old things, but if I am not a small sister? If I can't remember?"

"Do you still doubt that you are a small servant?" Vatican whispered.

"Even if I don't doubt..." Ye Hao was silent. When she saw Xiaoyan, she already believed their words. However, she really couldn't remember it. "But I can't think of it, one person." How can you remember the past when you are reincarnation?"

Vatican said, "Then you don't know anything, isn't that good?"

"You remind me every day that it is a small sister. Then how can I not know what Xiaoyan is doing?" She didn't want to know before, but she thought she would not be a small sister, but after seeing the fantasy of Baiyi, she felt that Some things really need to be known.

"If you really want to know, wait for the Lord to come back." Vatican said, "You and the Lord have happened before, and the Lord will tell you that it will be complete, and we don't know all."

"Then you respect the Lord?" Ye Hao asked.

Vatican lowered his head. "If he returns, we will all know."

Ye Hao sighed, "Okay."

"Little sly." The voice of the white tiger came in outside.

Van Gogh looked at Ye Hao and said, "I went to see if they came back."

White Tiger walked in with his head down and passed by with Van Gogh.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao looked at the white tiger and asked.

"Oh, have you seen the Emperor in the illusion of Bai Yi?" White Tiger whispered.

Ye stunned, "No."

It seems that... there is really no Shaodi, even the smell of the sky can not see clearly, she only saw the Gorefiend them, there are others.

"What do you see?" White Tiger hurriedly asked.

"Smell the sky..." Ye Hao frowned and thought. "But I can't see what he looks like. Only the blood demon around him saw it. There are several other people who don't know who it is."

White Tiger said, "It may be other big monsters. There are several big monsters around you before you smell."

"Who is there?" Ye Hao asked casually, although she did not know what the big monsters were like.

"Now tell you, you don't know, wait until you talk to you in detail later," Baihu said.

Ye Hao asked, "Xiaobai, have you seen Baiyi before?"

"..." The face of the white tiger has changed. "Small, I have lived for 10,000 years, so don't call me a little white again."

"That is called the tiger." Ye Hao smiled.

White Tiger’s expression is even more embarrassing, “Little!”

Ye Hao was amused by his expression. "I used to call you a tiger?"

"Oh, I want to come and talk to you, I am going to find the Emperor." White Tiger said.

"Where do you want to go to find him?" Ye Hao asked seriously, she heard the white tiger mentioned, they did go to the undead domain, is he going to the undead domain to find it?

White Tiger lowered his head, "the undead domain."

"No!" Ye Hao immediately objected. "You only came out of the fire. Only after repairing, the wounds were not completely good. How can I go to the undead domain? I don't agree. You are my beast. You must listen to what I said."

"But the Emperor is the Emperor..." The White Tiger worried that their Shaodi would still suffer in the undead domain.

Ye Hao said, "Don't you say that he is a nine-day Shaodi? It is certainly not so easy to die, rest assured."

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