Chi Yan Hui and Mo Rong Zhan imagined differently. He thought that it should be similar to the Flame Mountain. I didn’t expect that the color was different. It was actually the Hanbing Market. They came in for so long, except for a few ice gooses and white bears. Other monsters.

This place is only cold, but there is no ice and water. The monsters that cultivate ice properties are not suitable for survival here.

The fire attribute will not come here anymore.

In addition to the fire coral, this strange beast is adapted.

"Weird, we have all come in for so long, why haven't we seen the fire coral?" He repaired his frown and asked Mo Rongzhan.

"Looking at him, he hasn't found us yet, let's hurry." The double-headed eagle whispered.

Murong Chong turned a blind eye to the words of the double-headed eagle and continued to go ahead. The Chiyan Market was ridiculous. Except for the red sandstone and the mountain peaks, almost nothing was seen.

"There are no big monsters here." Yan Xiu whispered that they did not hide their breath. If the fire corals were there, they must have appeared.

"Unless the fire coral is going somewhere else, otherwise..." Murong Cham's voice went down.

The repair interface said, "It’s not going to the mainland, but going to the Xuantian continent."

The double-headed eagle emerged from the golden-haired suede. "It’s also said that it has not been heard for a long time that the fire coral kills the monster."

Murong Zhan looked at him with cold eyes. "Have you seen fire coral?"

"If I have seen it, I can still live..." the two-headed eagle shouted.

"Who are you? Actually dare to break into the Chiyan market!" Suddenly, a giant python came and the surrounding mountains swayed.

The two-headed eagle was scared and shouted. "Come on, the fire coral is coming, we are going to be eaten."

"Come out!" Murong Zhan shouted, and swept a palm to the side of a mountain. He slammed, and in the middle of the mountain, a red bear was shaken out.

"Hey, hey." The red bear spit out the soil in his mouth and pointed to the ink and curry. "A big courage, I dare to let go in the Chiyan market!"

"Hey, it’s not a fire coral!" The two-headed eagle came out and pointed at the red bear and shouted, "Where the stinky bear, dare not be big or small in front of the emperor."

The red bear jumped up from the mountainside and fell in front of Murong Cham. "What emperor? Is the emperor my family great?"

The double-headed eagle wants to say that your family is a fart, and when you say it to your mouth, he thinks that the adult of their family seems to be a fire coral. He can't say that the fire coral is a fart.

"What about your family?" asked Xiu Xiu.

" are looking for us to be an adult?" the red bear asked, his eyes fiercely squatting.

"Where is the fire coral going?" Murong Zhanhan asked, he has been able to affirm that the fire coral is definitely not in the Chiyan market, but I do not know whether it is going to the mainland or the Xuantian continent.

The red bear said, "When... of course, it is in the red market!"

"If he is in Chiyan Market, what are you afraid of in your heart?" Murong Chong asked, if the fire coral is in it, the red bear will not have any suffocation, and with the temper of the fire coral, it must have appeared with them. They won’t be so swayed by them.

"Who said that I was afraid of guilty!" The red bear angered, and the situation was to fight with Murong.

Murong Chan does not need to do it at all. He releases the pressure, and the red bear can't move at all, let alone other monsters in the corner.

"He went to the mainland, or Xuantian mainland?" Murong Zhan asked coldly.

"You..." The red bear looked at Murong Zhan in shock. He knew what he was still asking. "Are you really an emperor?"

How can the emperor go to ridiculous hell?

He repaired his frown and took a look at him. "Come on, where did the fire coral go?"

"Xuantian Continent..." The red bear was shocked by the spirit, and he thought that even if he said where the fire coral went, these two people could not find him.

Besides, their family is so powerful that they will not be afraid of any emperor.

Murong Zhan and Yan Xiu looked at each other. It seems that the situation on the side of Xuantian mainland will not be too good. Since the fire coral is there, it will definitely be chaotic.

"What is he going to do?" asked Murong Zhan.

"How can I know that we don't need to tell us what we do," cried the red bear.

"Is it a day to find a fire coral?" If Murong Zhan thinks of a fiery beast, the fire coral will go to Xuantian mainland, will it be the meaning of Haotian.

The red bear cub rounded his eyes. "Do you even know this?"

It seems that his guess is not wrong.

Murong Chan said to Xiu Xiu, "Go."

If you ask again, you can't ask anything. Since even the fire corals are awakened, you should wake up to other big monsters.

"I have never heard of anything in Xuantian mainland before, but I am afraid that it happened recently." Xi Xiu said, if Xuantian mainland really has a monster, the gods will definitely know it.

"What about the nine-day Protoss?" Murong Zhan asked, the nine-day Protoss ignores the human continent, and it will not ignore the Xuantian mainland.

Yan Xiu said helplessly, "We are not good at guessing here now, or we can quickly find the sky, and then we will find a way to leave."

The two-headed eagle screamed. "You still want to find the sky?"

"Have you seen the sky?" Murong Zhan looked down at him.

"No, but the whole monster of the ridiculous **** is not afraid of him." The double-headed eagle shouted.

Ink Murray asked faintly, "Is he in prison?"

The double-headed eagle whispered, "I heard that Haotian lives in the prison, like a small monster like me, where I dare to approach the prison, I don't know the truth."

"That will take us to the prison!" said Xiu Xiu.

"Two gods, can I not go..." The two-headed eagle almost cried. "Like me, I have never done a prisoner."

"You don't need to cross the sea, you can take the road," said Xiu Xiu.

The double-headed eagle wants to die, but his Jin Dan is still in the hands of Murong Zhan. If he does not lead them, his Jin Dan will be gone.

Going to die, not going to die.

He has no choice at all!

"Prisoner is not good, it is a Dead Sea. Except for the sky, I have never heard of a monster that can live away from there." The double-headed eagle said, "Whether you can go in is another matter."

"This doesn't need you to worry," said Xiu Xiu.

After repairing and looking back, seeing Murong Zhan’s eyes and thinking, he whispered, “What are you thinking?”

Murong Cham faintly said, "I am thinking, why do they want to go to the Xuantian continent instead of the human continent?"

"Is there something in Xuantian mainland that he is looking for?" asked Xiu Xiu.

What are the most likely to do these big monsters?

Smell the sky...

Murong Zhan intuitively feels that the sky is not smelling the sky, so the big monster goes to Xuantian mainland or is related to Wentian.

Who is it?

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