"Come on, and attract more jellyfish in a while." After repairing back to the boat, he repaired the boat and flew to the prisoner's sea in the center of the Dead Sea.

They are still far away from the prisoner's sea. After leaving the field of jellyfish, their boats return to the sea, which saves the consumption of the stone.

"You... how did you do it?" The two-headed eagle looked at the eyes of Yan Xiu, and it was going to take the light. Here is the Dead Sea. The jellyfish are not small. He can’t even beat one. The emperor actually The child killed so much.

Look at him with a faint look. "You are too weak."

The double-headed eagle had a boring chest. Of course he knew that he was too weak, but he was said to be public in public. He still felt poked.

"How fast is your boat?" asked Murong Cham.

"Soon," said Xiu Xiu.

Murong Zhan pointed to the small island in front of the prison. "There was no discovery. We have never been close to the island, as if it were in the same place."

When I fixed my eyes and looked at it, it was exactly the same as what Murong Chan said. They obviously moved forward, but then they didn .

"What is going on here?" It’s unreasonable to frown, and they are clearly moving forward.

"I heard that there is a kind of Kraken in the Dead Sea. It is able to completely lose consciousness and demon power. Just like I don't have any demon power now, it must be stared at by the sea monster." The two-headed eagle squats weakly in the boat. Said up.

He suddenly felt so tired, as if his strength had been taken away.

Murong Zhan and Yan Xiu police picked up and looked around carefully. They had never encountered the Kraken before, and they didn’t know what the Kraken looked like.

"You listen carefully." Yan Xiu whispered to Murong Zhan.

In the waves of waves and the sea breeze, there was a faint humming sound.

Murong Chan listened carefully, as if someone was singing low in the distance, and the song was beautiful and beautiful. Although they were very quiet, they could still hear the song.

He felt awkward in front of him, his heart seemed to be attracted by the song, and the small island of the sea in the distance was getting farther and farther.

Something is wrong!

Ink Murray suddenly stunned, immediately with the spirit to protect the mind, grabbed the arm of the repair, and "return to God!"

The repair was also attracted by the song, and was smacked by the ink, and it was only after the return.

He looked at Murong Chan in surprise. "What is that sound?"

The emperor who can become the **** of the mainland, the repair is a self-control force that is very comparable to others. It is actually lost by a few songs, and the song is so powerful.

"Someone is singing." Murong Zhan whispered that his strength has always been excellent. If the song is heard again, it will surely capture the soul. If the double-headed eagle has been completely unconscious, it will be known.

He repaired the mind and no longer deliberately listened to the singer. "I have heard that a mermaid that grows in the sea will sing and seduce others, but the mermaid has already annihilated the family. There can be no mermaid here."

Murong Chai also guessed that it was a mermaid. "There is a mermaid in the human world today."

"How could it be..." Yan Xiu marveled, if there is a mermaid in the ridiculous hell, it is impossible to know God on the mainland.

"Where is the sound coming from?" Murong Zhan whispered, no longer arguing with Yu Xiu whether the mermaid exists. He said that Ah is not a mermaid. He believes that no one knows the mermaid better than Bai Long.

Xiu Xiu no longer listens to the song, just remembers the direction of the song he just heard. He points to the east position. "It seems to be from there."

well! It is in the same direction as the voice he just heard.

"In the past." Murong Zhan said that he and Yan Xiu looked at each other and left the boat in the same place. The figures of the two disappeared into the boat.

The sea of ​​the Dead Sea is different from what they have seen before. Even if the sky is bright, there is still a mist in the sea. The dark water seems to be getting people into it at any time. I don't know when it will pop up.

Murong Chan found out according to the sound, the song has not stopped, the other party certainly can not think why some people have not been tempted, so the song is getting louder and louder, even if they do not deliberately listen to the ink, they can hear the song.

This song can't hear women or men, but they have never heard such a good voice.

The face of Xiu Xiu is very heavy. He is almost certain that this is the song of the mermaid, but... the mermaid has been annihilated many years ago.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the mermaid was the spiritual pet of the Protoss, because the mermaid seduce the generals of the Protoss, and later gave birth to the mermaid of the demon and the demigod, and the goddess succumbed to the mermaid in the face of anger, although there were fish missing, but for so many years. Come, even if there is a leak, it has already been cleared.

"Be careful!" Murong Chan shouted, splashing, a long strange fish on the sea, the fish at least a dozen meters, a face, like a snake like a fish, and countless feet, look It is very strange and disgusting.

"This will not be a mermaid?" 钰修瞪 round eyes, if this is a mermaid, the previous protoss generals are more blinking to give birth to children with such mermaid.

"..." Ink Murray’s mouth twitched. "It just has a face that looks like a human face, not a mermaid."

Yan Xiu said, "Scared me, I also think that the mermaid is not so ugly."

"Hey!" The face fish screamed at the repair, as if to hear that the repair is saying it.

"Singing not only affects us, but other pirates in the sea are also bewildered." Murong Zhan said that in addition to the face fish that are attacking them, there are many creatures floating on the sea. It doesn't look like dead, but with a double-headed eagle. The symptoms are similar.

Yan Xiu said, "I am going to deal with this monster, you go to the mermaid."

"Good." They can hide the existence, the singing mermaid must be nearby, and when Murong Chong is smashing the face fish, the figure goes into the mist and continues to find the mermaid.

He always felt that Ah did not have a relationship with him. As long as he found this singing mermaid, he might know.

The fog is getting heavier and heavier, the song is brighter, and the ink is tightly sealed by the ink, so you don't have to be confused by the song.

Murong Chan took out the night pearl and walked in the fog. The waves on the sea had calmed down. Through the light of the night pearl, he saw the shadow of the front.

A beautiful and beautiful boy sits on a rock with a fishtail covered with scaly scales. The fishtail is very beautiful and big. He sways and sweeps the sea. He doesn't seem to feel the proximity of Murong Cham. Still sing songs hard.


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