When the big ship entered the sea, it seemed as if it had entered the darkness from the light, and the sunset disappeared.

Mingxi and Huohuang, who were playing on the deck, stood up and looked at the front.

“Is it felt?” Ming Xi whispered to the fire phoenix.

"Yeah." Fire Phoenix nodded. "The beast, but it seems to be a little different."

Ming Xi said, "Be careful."

Lying and Vatican walked out of the cabin and came to them, looking at the dark sky and the sea in front.

This breath...

It is completely different from the monsters in the Central Plains before, but for the lying and Vatican, this breath is no stranger.

"This is unlikely!" Vatican said in a whisper, "I am a big brother, I remember... I used to have no human world..."

"Nothing? Do you know what is right in front?" Fire Phoenix asked to ask Van Gogh.

Lying calmly said, "There are sea monsters on the sea floor."

Mingxi and Huohuang screamed in unison, "What is the Kraken?"

"The same existence as the monster, but has always lived in the depths of the sea, never appeared on the human continent." The whisperedly explained, "The aura they need is more pure, the aura of the human world is insufficient, they survive. No, except for the Protoss and the Dead Sea... there are no Krakens in other places."

"If you can't survive, what is the sea bottom now?" Ming Xi asked.

I looked at him with a look, "I don't know."

So he was shocked when he found that he still had a breath.

"In any case, we are all careful." Vatican said, "If it is really the Kraken, we will be wonderful when we go to China."

"It’s one thing to be fine, but it’s another thing to be able to go to China smoothly." Ming Xi said, "I haven't seen the Kraken yet."

Fire Phoenix called, "I don't have it."

"What about my mother?" Ming Xi discovered that Ye Hao was missing.

"Here." Ye Hao came out of the cabin, she had heard their words, but fortunately she let Shen Luoyang sleep, or if she really met the Kraken, she would certainly scare her.

She came to the deck and stood by her side. She knew that there was a Kraken at the bottom of the sea. She didn't feel surprised. When she was preparing to go out to sea, she guessed that this road would certainly not be calm. About the existence of the Kraken, she I have seen it in ancient books in space.

In this world, the Kraken can be ordered, except for the Siren, which is the mermaid.


Is there no one around Huangfu?

However, will it be Aber?

Ye Hao looked at her nephew who had never said anything to her eyes. She was a little white dragon. It should be clear to them that this breath is from the Kraken.

The Kraken is surrendered to the real dragon.

It seems that I noticed Ye Hao’s gaze, and my nephew looked back and smiled at Ye Hao.

"Sleeping, have you seen the Kraken before?" asked Ye Hao.

"It seems... I have seen it." Van Gogh looked at his sleep. "But, in the last battle, the Kraken did not appear... If the Kraken is not shrinking, we will not use the Lord..."

"Nothing?" asked the child, "Why didn't the Kraken finally appear?"

Lying faintly, "The last battle was to fight the Dragons."

The dark eyes of my nephew have been watching.

"Have you seen the dragons?" asked the nephew.

Van Gogh nodded. "I have seen that their white dragon king has harmed the Lord."

White Dragon King? When the nephew’s eyes lit up and I wanted to ask again, the front sea surface rolled up, as if something had to appear from the bottom of the sea.

The hull swayed violently and almost slammed them out of the deck.

"Come." said the layman.

The fire phoenix flew in the air, and the flame on his body illuminated half of the sky, so that they could see what was in front of them.

It is a long cylindrical shape with a long pointed head, and the elliptical eyes are exposed to fierce light. The huge mouth is big teeth. Its body is huge, twice as big as the whales that Ye Hao used to see at sea. It is flying fast. Speed ​​swims to them, and the situation seems to be to swallow their big ship into a big mouth.

"What is that?" Fire Phoenix called out.

"I have never seen it." Ming Xi sat on the back of the fire phoenix. "It looks so disgusting."

Ye Hao looked at the things on the sea by the light of the flames. "It looks like a sea otter, but ... is much bigger than the sea otter."

"The sea scorpion demon." said, "The tail is strong, the teeth are poisonous, don't get bitten by it."

"Madam, I am going to help Mingxi." cried the child.

Ye Hao took her hand. "You help me protect Shen Luoyang. Mingxi can handle this."

If you let your nephew go to help Mingxi, you will not let the person see that she is the identity of Xiaobailong.

The above-mentioned grievances of the ancient Gorefiend and the Dragons are not the time to expose the identity of the deaf children.

"Madam, but..." The nephew looked at Mingxi with concern.

"Don't worry, we can still cope with this sea monster." Ye Hao whispered.

My nephew looked at the sea scorpion demon, "I know."

Van Gogh took a picture of the shoulders of the child. "Small is right, you still have to go to the cabin to protect the sun, here we can cope."

"Then I went advanced." said the child.

She had not yet entered the cabin, and their boat was arched by the waves.

The nephew frowned and hurried to the room to find Shen Luoyang.

"It’s just that there is such a reason, it’s too much to put us in the eye.” Fire Phoenix called.

"Close to it." Mingxi took a round knife in his hand and let the fire phoenix pass through the waves. He stood on the back of the fire phoenix. When he saw the monster, the round knife in his hand flew out.


The sea otter screams sharply, and the scroll on the bottom of the sea is even more powerful.

Their boat rolled over in the waves and fell back to the surface.

Ye Hao, they are still standing on the deck.

"Ming Xi, this sea scorpion demon has not yet cultivated Jin Dan." There is no Jin Dan's Kraken, there is no sorrow.

"Mother, there is still something on the back." Ming Xi called.

Ye Hao blinked slightly, "Catch it!"

Vatican said in a low voice, "There is really a Kraken..."

"Since the monks are resurrected, Ah should not come back," said the layman.

"What do you say?" Ye Hao suddenly looked back at them, she just seemed to hear the name of Abu.

Vatican said, "We are talking about a woman. She used to be the subordinate of the Lord. We don't know who she is, but she can order the Kraken."

Ye Hao took a deep breath. "Her name is Ah?"

"Yes." Vatican said.

"The mermaid..." Ye Hao’s face changed. If Ah did not smell the heavens before, then all her weaknesses and worries were pretending?

Looking frowning at her, "Do you know Ah?"

"Ah is not a mermaid, the mermaid has long been destroyed by the Protoss." Vatican called.

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