Xiao Yan was stunned by the smell of Tian Tian, ​​she certainly knows what she is saying, her blood can improve her skills, in addition, her body of phoenix and chalcedony can also let others improve, she knows Wen Tian understands her meaning, but he does not want to ask her.

"I know." Xiao Yan whispered, "You will soon be robbed. I hope that you can achieve your wish. I have not helped you for so many years. You have been protecting me..."

Wen Tian calmly put her on the chair and waved her hand. "Don't think about it, I don't need your blood, even if I want to rob, I have my own way, I don't need you."

Xiao Yan’s heart sighed. “I will get the blood Dan back.”

"Going out today?" Wen Tianping regained his heart's longing for blood. He just sucked a lot of blood. At this time his demon power is rising. He needs to do something to vent, otherwise he will not be able to control himself again and want more blood. .

"Everyone is very happy today, but it is New Year's Eve, we want to go out for a walk." Xiao Yan whispered, "I didn't expect it to come, I am separated from everyone..."

Wen Tian’s narrow eyes narrowed up. He knows the Gorefiends very well. If they dare to go out with a small donkey, they will definitely find ways to protect her. It is impossible for her to leave with them. “Who is it? ”

Xiao Yan stunned and immediately understood the meaning of smelling the sky. He immediately understood that someone would deliberately take it away, otherwise she would not follow them.

"I met the nine-tailed fox...she said Baiyi." Xiaoxuan said.

The smell of the sky flashed a touch of cold. "I know, you are resting here, I will go out and see."

Xiao Yan took his hand. "Atian, did I harm you today, so that you can't retreat?"

"No." Wen Tian said faintly, "I am going out soon."

"Then you have to robbed?" Xiao Yan's face was very pale, and when he heard this, it looked even more pitiful.

Looking at the small and pitiful little face, I can't say anything when I smell the words of the sky. He doesn't understand Xiao Yan's mind, but for him, there is nothing more important than the ascension.

"Yeah." Wentian nodded.

"That..." Xiao Yan's lips were pale, and he shivered softly when he spoke. "If you become a real dragon, will you come back to Tianbao?"

By the time he is in nine days, how come he will come to Tianbao?

Wen Tian looked at Xiao Yan and said, "It will."

"That's good." Xiao Yan finally laughed.

"Have a good rest." Wen Tian whispered and turned away from the secret room.



Xiao Yan didn't know how to sleep, and when she woke up, it was already the next day.

She didn't know when she was brought back to her room. When she opened her eyes, she saw the Vatican sitting by the bed.

"Vatican Brahman." Xiaoyan hurriedly sat up. "Ah?"

"You are awake." Van Gogh screamed with joy. "The Supreme Lord severely injured him, and now he went back to the Chamber of Secrets to practice retreat. We must take care of you."

Xiao Yan’s look was dark, and he couldn’t tell the loss. “He went back to practice.”

"Yeah, yesterday's arrival came to alarm him, he was a little bit worse." Vatican looked at the face of Xiaoyan, the scar on her neck, "Small, the wound on your neck... Is it? Is it related to the Lord?"

"No." Little licking his neck, don't want anyone to know that she had sucked her blood yesterday. "Yes, are you all right?"

In fact, Xiaoyan’s wounds only appeared. They all knew it well. They just didn’t want to ask more questions. They were afraid to ask more questions to make Xiaoxiao sad. “Nothing, although it’s a lot of monsters, it’s not our opponent. And then the Lord also appeared, and if you don’t escape quickly, you must be killed by the Lord."

Xiao Yan said, "That's good, I hope I won't come later."

Van Gogh took a picture of Oz's forehead. "Do she dare? Not afraid of being torn by our Lord."

"Yeah." Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Well, if you wake up, I will go out and look for the nine-tailed fox. Hey, what do we want to do in Tianbao? If you want to come, you want to leave. If you don't know her identity, take it with her. Then it is troublesome," said Vatican.

Xiaoyan remembers that there is a protoss in addition to the nine-tailed fox near Tianbao. "I will go out with you to find out."

"You don't have to, you are still weak now, just take a rest, we will get back the white, and blood Dan." Vatican said.

"I'm fine." Xiaoxuan said that she was a little scared that they would meet Murong Cham, and that Murong Chan seemed to be very powerful.

Vatican said seriously, "If you go out at this time, are you not afraid that the Lord is angry?"

Xiao Yan was most afraid of smelling angry, and immediately squatted and sat back.

When Vatican left, Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still. In fact, she slept for one night and was fed a lot of medicinal herbs. She had already recovered her spirits.

She must go to find Murong Zhan to get back the blood Dan, and he must leave here, can not let him be discovered, or it will affect Wen Tian cultivation, but also affect his ascension.

Everyone was busy, everyone thought she would stay in the room to heal, so no one stared at her, Xiaoyan easily went out from Tianbao.

However, where should she go to find Murong Cham?

He said yesterday that she would teach her to swear, and she forgot to learn because of her anger.

There is no blood dan on the body, the little cockroach can't hide the smell of blood, and the monsters that want to come forward are solved by her. Those who are more powerful are afraid of lying and smelling behind her, so they can only restrain the temptation. Did not come out.

Xiao Yan came to the place where he met Murong Chong yesterday. He regretted that he should ask him exactly how to find him.

"Your courage is not small, no blood Dan dare to come out." Suddenly, a deep voice came behind him.

It's him!

"You give me the blood Dan!" Xiao Yan jerked back and saw a long, tall figure, and a handsome face that was unclear last night.

Murong Zhan gave blood to Dan Xiao, "Even if you carry blood Dan, you can only escape some of the monsters, and the high-level monsters can still find you."

He frowned at the neck of Xiaoyan, his voice was cold. "Is there a monster that drank your blood yesterday?"

"It doesn't matter to you!" Xiao Yan said with a sigh of relief. "If you didn't take my blood Dan, I wouldn't be bitten."

"Do you know why your blood can attract monsters?" Murong Cham whispered.

"Do you know?" asked Xiao Xiao.

Murong Zhan pointed to the shoulder of her birthmark. "This is the mark of the Protoss. Only the Protoss talents have such birthmarks. Similarly, the blood of the Protoss is an uncontrollable temptation for any monster. ”

"You are nonsense! How can I... how could it be a Protoss!" Xiaoxiao shouted.

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